DMMM: Elements (Guide en anglais seulement))
Publié le 10.06.2008 à 16:16 par TecKa
Secret Areas = SA
Relics = R
Collection items are in all caps
-You MUST find all Secret Areas and collect all Relics in one run.
-You can add to your collection through multiple runs.
-There is a total of 105 Relics, if you use the code below you can miss three and still get the achievement.
-I have also listed 57 Secret Areas you need to only find 42.
-It is probably best to be an Assassin or Archer since they can lockpick. I was an Assassin as I wrote this guide. Assassin is the way to go because they can see the secret areas and ways to access them with a blue highlighted tint over the object.
-USE THE "EXCLUSIVE" CODE: 5684219998871395. For a secret room in chapter 8. I describe more in the guide.
I wanna give a big shout out to Tower Bridge who compiled the original Relic guide.
MUCH LOVE Goes to SiegfriedX and VIOLENTxK9. SiegfriedX found a Secret Area in chapter 4 I completely missed and reminded me to add the Black Guard's Shield. He also supplied the information needed to find the Arcane Robe while VIOLENTxK9 justified the information with proof. THANK YOU!
Thanks also goes to David Clowney for noticing a typo for me!
PROPS to Keldroc for finding how to access the Elven Bow and SA15 without using a lockpick.
colinisgod found another Arcane Robe, that's two in the whole game!
SA1) From the start, go forward and enter the river. Swim along the left cliff until the end. Now turn left and you'll see an opening. Swim through the tunnel into the secret area
R1) After jumping off the chain, turn right. The Relic is inside a stone structure in front of the shack.
SA2) After punting the guard into the void go left. Follow the cliff behind the waterfall.
R2) Behind the waterfall on the right side of the cave with the skeletons
R3) After destroying the bridge and jumping across. Go to your right, the Relic is inside a shack.
SA3) Facing the Temple of Ashar, go all the way to your left. There is an entrance along the face of the temple. Follow the hall of prison cages to the end.
R4) When you find SA3 the Relic will be on the wall to your right.
SA4) After you have use the lever and cut the rope to drop the huge rock on the guard go to the opposite wall. Follow this wall to your left into the open cell. Now drop down to your right into the water. Swim through the tunnel into the next cell.
R5) Along the back wall of the cell you enter after swimming through the tunnel.
R6) In the flooded room with the Undead. Inside a open room, on a shelf along the back wall.
R7) Facing the area where you find the Spider Key, to the right is a half-open cell. The Relic is on the desk to the left in the cell.
Chapter 1:
WOODEN STAFF & SHORT SWORD - In the room after dropping the Cyclops and opening the portcullis. The WOODEN STAFF is against the right wall, the SHORT SWORD is on a table by the window.

Go downstairs, the Relic is on a shelf at the foot of the stairs.
BOW & DAGGERS - In the same room as R8. The BOW is on a table beside the stairs. The DAGGERS are in a chest by the windows.
SA5) Once outside, go behind the building to your right. Use the boxes to jump on the roof. From this roof jump across to the next building.
R9) In the area as SA5 on top of a chest.
COMBAT STAFF - Leaning against the railing where you found SA5.
R10) From SA5 drop down, turn right and go forward. Turn right and go up the stairs. Go straight until you can't anymore then turn left and enter the building. Go upstairs and the Relic will be behind the bed.
SA6) From R10 turn around. Press 'A' on the lamp. A rope will drop above you, climb to the top of it
DAGGERS OF FROST - From SA6, jump off into the attic. Follow the attic to a chest. The DAGGERS OF FROST are inside.
SA7) - Facing the front gate, turn to your right and you'll see a ladder. Climb it and follow the rooftops. Open a window on the second rooftop and enter the building.
STONEHELM GUARD'S SHIELD - From SA7, turn right and follow the hall to an anvil. The shield is leaning against it.
Chapter 2:
R11) From the exit of the house under attack. Kill the guards and continue around the huge building. You'll eventually end up in a stone arch area with a ton of supports and boxes. At the area where there are a two supports on the left you can turn right and right again to find the Relic on a bench.
R12) Once you are in the garden, kill the three guards then go look beside a bench around the fish pond.
R13) From R12 go straight back to the wall, now turn left and go straight. At the end of the wall you'll see a chest on the ground to your left. The Relic is inside.
RING OF WEAPONMASTER - Once inside the building, go in the room to your right. Drop down and go behind the huge kegs. Throw the barrels out of the way. On the floor is a chest with the ring inside.

In the room with the two guards talking to each other, kill them, then go to the back left corner. There is a stone you can press 'A' on to open the wall to your left. Enter the secret room.
R14) From SA8 turn right; follow the rooms past the spiders. The Relic is in a chest against the wall. Stand to the left or the right of the chest while you open it or you will be burned
R15) In the room where you see the two civilians get murdered. Standing how you enter the room. The Relic is on a shelf, between and oil jar and a vase on the shelf in the back, right corner.
SA9) Once you're in the room with the huge chandelier. Cross the floor into the next room at the foot of the stairs. In this room turn left. Go to the fireplace and you will see a 'strange candelabra' on the left side of the fireplace. Pick it up and place it on the right of the fireplace to drop the wall.
WIZARD'S ROBE - Enter the fireplace and open the chest to your left.
R16) After passing through the gate. Follow the hall to the statue and turn left. The Relic is on the coffin.
R17) In a chest, in the center of the long hall where you cut the rope holding the coffin.
BOW OF WINTER'S BREATH - After you collect the key from the dead main-guard. Open the gate. The BOW is on a shrine in front of the huge statue

After killing the necromancer and climbing the chain. Jump off and the Relic can be found in a hole on the left wall.
SOULREAVER (Remember those games?) STAFF - In the next room after finding R18. Leaning against the left wall, to the left of the dead necromancer.
SA10) This is gonna be a two parter. Once you have unlocked the door you passed through the gate to get the key for turn left. Go all the way up the stairs and collect the Old key from in front of the box. You'll need it to access a place later on.
R19) Go down the stairs from the Old Key and open the next door. Use the lever on the wall to the left to drop a rope. Climb the rope and jump off onto the rafters. The Relic is on a barrel in front of you.
SA11) From R19 follow the rafters straight. At the end drop of to the left behind the tall bookcases. You will need to use a lever to exit.
SA12) From the secret bookcase area. Turn left, then left again. Now turn right and follow the wall to some staircases. Go up two flights of stairs and go straight. Use the hatch on the left wall in front of you. Crouch and follow the beam to a platform with a chest.
RING OF ARCANE BRILLIANCE - In the chest where you found SA12
SA13) Once you're on the roof, use the Old Key to unlock the tower door.
CHAINMAIL ARMOR - From SA13, go up the stairs. The armor is on a chest to the left of the bed.
Chapter 3:
R20) As you are following the ghoul, after your first checkpoint, you'll come to a long room where the ghoul will knock down furniture to try and stop you. The Relic is on a table to the left of the doorway. Can't miss it.
R21) As you are still following the ghoul you will jump to a rooftop with some dead guards. The Relic is lying beside the second dead guard.
ASSASSIN'S GARB - Once the ghoul as lost you you'll be inside a building. Drop out of the window to the ground. Now turn to your left. Using the box against the outer wall in front of you, jump up to the next ledge. Continue up until you are on the wall. Now turn left and enter the room. The GARB is on a shelf against the left wall.
RING OF REGENERATION - Once you have killed all of the Black Guards behind the warehouse. Use the big block to jump onto the small platform. From the platform turn left and jump onto the chain. Climb the chain and jump forward into the barn. Now jump on the big block in front of you, then onto the smaller one. From the small block turn around and look up. You'll see a corpse on ledge, jump up on the ledge and the ring is behind the corpse.
R22) From the Ring of Regeneration drop down and open the door on the right wall. Follow the platform around to the next wall. The Relic is on top of a big block to your right.
R23) Once all the guards are dead. From R22 drop down and go through the door leaving the warehouse Turn left, then left again and go through the gate. Now turn right and enter the building. The Relic is on the table in the back.
R24) After using the trapdoor, follow the bend and turn right at the end. The Relic is on a box.
LONG SWORD - Enter the Forge. Read the book on the table to your right. Then create the sword (Any character can use Forged weapons!)
SA14) In the Forge, on the left wall, you will see some barrels, box and boards. Remove everything, crouch and enter the crawlspace. Go forward until the SA unlocks.
POISON KRISS - GO back into the Forge. Make a right, then right again and go down a level. Go straight across and open the door. The Poison Kriss is holding a corpse to a keg here.
Chapter 4:
R25) As you approach the ship the ballista will fire at you destroying the huge block and part of the dock. Dive in the water and continue deeper in the water to find the Relic on the sea floor.
R26) After using the crane to jump into the boat, kill the guard and drop down a level. Along the paneled wall you will find some boards you can break. Do so then turn left and follow the hall. Now open the door to the right. The Relic is inside, along the right wall on a table.
R27) After passing through the room with Goblin prisoners you'll be in a tall room with a ladder. Instead of using the ladder jump on the box to the left of the ladder, then turn around and jump up to the next level. The Relic is on the ground.
SA15) From the top of the ladder, turn around and lock pick the door to your left then enter.
ELVEN BOW - Once you are inside SA15, you'll see the BOW hanging between poles in the center of the room.
MUCH LOVE goes to Keldroc for the following info regarding the two listed above:
You CAN get this as a Warrior or Mage. Starting with your back to the locked door/trapdoor you climbed up from, leave the room and turn left. Turn left again into the little room with the cot and table, and a Mana Potion on the shelf. Go to the far door, turn around, and you'll see a key hanging on a hook on the left wall. That will open the door to SA15.
SA16) Once you are on top of the boat, kill the guards and continue along the top to the other side. Climb up the ladder and go to the middle of the floor. Here is a trapdoor you can lock pick, do so and climb down.
RING OF MIGHT - Once inside SA16 go to the back wall. The ring is on top of a box.
(Much love goes to SiegfriedX for finding the next Secret Area and for reminded me to put a spot in to pick up the Black Guard's Shield)
SECRET AREA) When the guards invade the ship they come from two places. One is where you came in the start of the level, the other one was locked before I think. Anyway, if you go to that second place, it's a secret area. You can go there after killing all the guards and before meeting with the girl inside the ship.
BLACK GUARD'S SHIELD - As you are defending the ship you will fight a ton of Black Guards who carry a sword and shield. Kill one and take his shield.
Chapter 5:
CLEAVER - After you watch the cutscene of the Orc Brigade follow the left cliff wall, you'll go under a building, now turn right and kill the two Orcs. One will be using the CLEAVER.
ORC SHIELD - You can pick this up after killing an Orc that is using one.
ROPE BOW - Once you kill all of the Orcs and enter the front gate of the temple. Look for a cage in the sand. Stand on it to drop down. Now follow the tunnel, then drop down again. Go straight and then turn right. Jump and enter the tunnel to go into a room with a dead Orc. The bow is at his feet.
SA17) Once you find the ROPE BOW turn around. Follow the green-lit tunnel to a dead-end. Now switch to the bow and shoot a rope to the roof. Jump on the rope and climb up.
POSION BOW - Once you have found SA17, jump off your rope. The BOW is in front of a chest on the ground.

Same area as Poison Bow, the Relic is to the right of the chest.
STAFF OF REFLECTION - Once you meet back up with Leanna a dragon will swoop down and kill Tarragon. He will drop his staff; pick it up to add it to your collection.
ORC BUCKLER - After the Dragon/Orc battle search the ground where you killed the Orcs. One of the Orcs was using the Buckler.
R29) Once you come to a room with 4 Orcs around a campfire. Kill them and go towards the boxes in the back-right corner. The Relic is between some boxes on the ground.
R30) Once you have left Leanna behind, follow the corridor into the next room. The Relic is against the back wall on the left side of where you entered.

In the room where you first see Goblins. Against the right side wall is a broken area you can jump up into. Do so then break the boards holding the giant pillar up. Once the pillar has fallen, jump on it and follow it into the next area.
R31) Jump off the pillar where you found SA18, the Relic is in a chest along the right wall. *Achievement Unlocked*
SA19) Once you have fallen into the spider area, follow the tunnel into a huge chamber. Now take the first right tunnel until it dead ends at a stream.
R32) Turn right at SA19 the Relic is laying beside the dead orc.
SA20) Return to the main chamber and take your first left path. Follow the path you are on until it dead ends. Look up and shoot a rope at the board above you. Climb the rope and jump into the next area.
R33) In the area where you found SA20. To the right of the statue along the wall in a chest.
SA21) In the tower where you have to use the Rope Bow to shoot yourself up. Continue to do so until you can reach the next opening after the opening you're supposed to use.
R34) Once you're up in SA21, open the chest in front of you.
SA22) Once you're finished climbing up the tower and Xana talks to you about Leanna you'll be at a pond. Swim to the bottom of the pond and open the treasure chest.
SA23) Once you are in the area with the Cyclops and a ton of Goblins go up a level. In the second room on the left you will see a chest. Cross the room and on the right wall is an opening, go through it.
SA23) Cross over the bridge. Behind a sign that says "Upper Temple" is a blue statue on the ground. Pick the statue up with Telekinesis and place the statue on the pedestal at the end of the hall on the left (the only pedestal missing a statue).
R35) Once you have performed the task for SA23 to appear. Look at the ground in front of the statue. The floor will have open revealing the Relic and a Ring of Might.
R36) From R35 turn and face the wall. Now go into the open doorway to the left of the statue in front of you.
SA24) After fighting through the Orcs going up the stairs. Xana will talk to you. Now turn left. Press 'A' on the wooden battering ram on the far wall. Enter the area after destroying the blocks in the way.
LIGHTNING DAGGERS - After finding SA24 you'll be in a flooded room. Go to the coffin in the center of the room and open it. The daggers are lying with a skeleton inside.
SA25) Once you kill the Orc beside the barricade and the Gate turn around. Look above you on the right side cliff. Shoot a rope at the platform above you. Now standing on edge of the stairs shoot another rope at the platform high above you. Using the first rope you shot, climb up then jump onto the second rope. From the second rope jump onto the rope already hanging for you. Continue up into the house.
R37) Once you are in the house for SA25 jump off the rope, the Relic is on the ground.
BOW OF THE DISCIPLE - In the skeleton's hand, on the floor in SA25
SA26) Once you pass through the gate and enter the main area. Go through the very left opening on the wall across from where you enter. Turn left and you'll see a secret lever beside a caged door. Use the lever then enter the room. Against the back wall you can find a piece of steel used for the forge, pick it up.

Use the lever to open the caged door to the right of the caged door for SA26. The Relic is in the shrine.
R39) After using your ropes to cross the broken bridge on the third floor. Enter the next room and turn left. Use the lever on the left wall to open the shrine holding the Relic.
BLADE OF THE LIFE WEAVER - In the room with the Dark Crystal glow with spikes surrounding the crystal. Cut the ropes attached to the pillars on both sides to low the spikes, then collect the Blade.
R40) Once back out of the gate, cross the wooden bridge and enter the flooded tower. The Relic is beneath the stairs.
R41) Once you exit out of the top of the tower you'll be in a house. Exit the house and go left, then left again around the house and climb the ladder. Enter the house and climb the stairs to the top floor. The Relic is on a shelf.
PLATE ARMOR - Once you are through the spider tunnels, break the boards on the house's roof and drop down. Drop down another level and stay still. Shoot two ropes into the roof of this room. One where you are standing. The other right above the PLATE ARMOR. Now jump from one rope to the other, go down slightly and collect the armor. Now jump back across the ropes and out of this shack!
R42) Once you are inside the house that was barricaded shoot a rope through the second floor. Climb up and jump onto the second floor. The Relic is on a table beside the window.
R43) From R42 drop down and follow the tunnels into the stone building. Turn right. The Relic is on the floor in front of you.
SWORD OF RAGE - If you collected the piece of steel from SA26 you can make it in the Forge down the opposite hall from R43.
SA27) From the top of the elevator turn right and enter the next house. Shot a rope up through the second floor and climb up. From the second floor look out of a hole in the left wall for another rope. Jump on it and climb up, at the top, jump across and onto the next house. Walk around the front of it and go through the window.
RING OF THE PHOENIX - Once you're inside SA27 the ring will be on desk across from you.
R44) In SA27, beside the desk holding the Ring of Phoenix.
ARATROK'S CLEAVER - Once you've defeated Aratrok take his weapon.

Once you're back inside the room with the four statues in the middle and one blue one on the floor. Use Telekinesis to pick up the blue statue and place it on the empty pedestal to your left.
SUPERIOR NAGA SILKSWORD - In the hole revealed for SA28
SA29) From SA28. Instead of making a left and returning to Leanna. Make a right and head back to where you see the Cyclops. You can use the lever now to get back to where you fought a ton of Goblins. Go upstairs and use the Spider Key on the door in the middle of left wall.
RING OF PROTECTION - In the SA29 room. On top of the coffin.
SA30 & 31) Now cross the bridge again and use the Spider Key on the doors along the right wall.
Chapter 6:
R45) In the first room you come to you'll see some knocked over coffin and about five undead. Look up and shoot a rope. Climb the rope and jump onto the left wall.
SA32) After placing the Moonsilk Crystal and going through the door it reveals, turn left and go into the next room, now turn right. Destroying the stone with the face on it and enter the crawlspace.
VAMPIRE KNIGHT'S SHIELD - From where you cut the rope to release the battering ram. Go around the corner and destroy another stone with a face on it. Enter the crawlspace and follow it to the wall. The shield is on the back wall.
R46) In the flooded room with the coffin in the center. Go up the stairs to the left of the coffin, then turn right. The Relic is on the ground.
SOULDRINKER - From R46, follow the floor and turn left, then left again and go straight through another loading screen. In the next room the Souldrinker is in the center of the room stuck in a skeleton.
R47) Facing the 'Maiden's Eye' Gem, turn around and shoot a rope arrow above you so that you can get on top of the boards surrounding the back-right pillar. The Relic is around the side closest to the wall.
ARCANE ROBE - Facing the 'Maiden's Eye' gem, turn around and shoot a rope arrow above you so that you can get on top of the boards surrounding the back-left pillar. The Robe is in a chest on the boards running along the right of the pillar. (THANKS TO SiegfriedX and VIOLENTxK9 for helping me find it!!)

Follow the stairs down from the Souldrinker shrine. Continue down the broken paths until you come to a dead end. Shoot a rope up to the boards and climb up. Once you're at the top jump off into the next area. The Relic is on the left wall, on the ground between some pots.
DRAGONCLAW - Sitting in front of the huge statue in the same room as R48
SA33) Once you're at the King Darius crypt in the flooded catacombs with all the swarming undead you will see a statue on the floor. Use Telekinesis and place the statue to the left, opposite the other statue, on the open pedestal. The wall will slide to the right. Go behind where the wall was.
SHADOWSTEEL DAGGER - From SA33 turn right, jump up on the platform. The daggers are on the shrine.
R49) Beside the shrine holding the Shadowsteel Daggers.
R50) After falling through King Darius' crypt and landing in the flooded catacombs, navigate through them until you come to a board you can take to reach the second level. Once you're on the second level the Relic will be along some planks, in an alcove, surrounded by chests.
R51) Facing the 'Stone of Crone' turn left, go straight and up the stairs. Follow the ledge all the way around until you find a chest. The Relic is inside the chest.
STAFF OF THE DISCIPLE - After you have defeated the Lich, go behind his tomb. The Staff is leaning against the back wall.
R52) Once you have the last gem, turn right and jump on the broken pillar. Now jump up onto the hanging chain to your right. Climb up the chain and jump to another chain, then onto a wooden platform holding the Relic.
Chapter 7:
SA34) When you begin the chapter, go to your left and enter the water. Swim around the bend until you can get out, do so to find the secret area.
EARTHFIRE SHIELD - After you have collected your backpack, use the Rope Bow to get back over the gate you crossed to enter the caged area. Once over the gate, cross the plank and turn left. Follow the cliff around to a chest. Lock pick the chest to find the Earthfire Shield inside.
R53) Return back to the caged area where you found your backpack. Walk over to the other gate and shoot a rope above you. Climb the rope and jump over the gate. The Relic is in front of you, above you on a shelf.
R54) Once you've defeated the Cyclops. Look above you along the cliffs. You will notice wooden platforms. Shoot enough ropes on the platforms so that you can traverse them and land on the wooden ramp with the mine cart. The Relic is inside the cart. Be careful not to land on the Relic or it will go flying and become lost. Also you might want to save after killing the Cyclops.
SA35) From R54, follow the wooden ramp up to the top. Now look to your right and above you will find more planks to shoot ropes on. Do so, save, and then jump onto the rope. Now turn left and jump on top of the rock. Pick up the Flamegold Bar here to make another sword in the forge.
SA36) Make your way back to the ground where you fought the Cyclops and go back to the ropes you shot up. Jump on your lowest rope and climb as high as you need to jump on one of the wooden platforms.
MASTER THEIF'S OUTFIT - From SA36, instead of going the way you did to get to the mine cart ramp, turn around. Jump from platform to platform and you'll find the Outfit next to a mana bottle on the platform.
R55) From the Master Thief’s Outfit jump back to the platform you came up onto first. Shoot another rope onto the bottom of the platform above you right on the edge. Climb up that rope and jump off onto the platform you are under. Make sure to hold y to pull yourself up. The Relic is lying beside a skeleton.
EARTHFIRE SWORD - Return back to the Forge and use the Flamegold Bar to create the sword.
R56) Once you are in the first main room with a ton of Goblins. Go forward and look for some supports that can be broken. Break them to reveal the Relic.
R57) From R56 make a look for some stairs leading up into another room. Follow this tunnel to the end to find the Relic inside a mine cart.
SA37) From the foot of the stairs leading to the tunnel that leads to R57. Face outwards and you’ll see a door with some planks covering it. Break the boards and continue straight until you can't walk anymore. On that wall in front of you is a handle you can access to open a piece of the wall.
SHADOWSTEEL STAFF - You can find this inside of SA37.

Given to you by Rubby after you have defeated the Orc set. It's in the middle of the arena.
R59 & RUBBY'S AX) Given to you after you have defeated Gorok. It's in the middle of the arena.
R60) After the arena, once you have used the crane and lowered the cage. Jump onto the chain. Climb all the way up and jump onto the staircase. Run and jump to the staircase above you and hold Y to pull yourself up. The Relic is on the ground.

Once you get to the base of the tower, follow the tunnel and make a left. Go past some wooden walls into a Goblin Shrine.
R61) Leave SA38 and continue through the tunnel. You end up in a huge cavern. You can see the Relic on a platform from where you are standing.
R62) Once you hit your first checkpoint while fighting the Worm you'll be outside of a doorway that has boulders fall making it so that you cannot retreat. Run to the edge of the floor and turn right, then right again, go forward until you can turn right again. The Relic is against the right wall.
SA39) From R62 turn around and continue along the wall the way you were going. Jump across from the floor, over the gap, to the wooden platform and make a right into the alcove.
DAGGERS OF DISCIPLE - The daggers are inside SA39 lying on a shrine. Pick them up and book it all the way back to the left to escape the worm and keep your treasures.
R63) After escaping through the window and falling into the water, swim to the bottom. The Relic is on the floor.
SA40) Once you are in the next big room. Look up from where you enter on the opposite wall. You'll see a wooden plank you can shoot your rope bow into. Do so, then climb the rope and jump off into the next area. Make a left and follow the tunnel to a spider's den.
R64) In SA40, lying on the ground.
SA41) When you enter the tall tower where you see a Goblin get swarmed by a ton of spiders look up on the right side wall to find a wooden plank. Shoot your rope into it and climb up. On your way up you will see a hole in the wall. Jump inside the hole.
R65) Inside SA41 on the floor.
R66) Once you have ridden the raft to the top and used the rope bow to get into the Goblin area turn left. Go straight until it dead ends. The Relic is on the floor
SA42) From R66, turn around. Take the ramp to your right up into the tunnel. Jump and hold Y on the left hand wall to climb up. Now follow this tunnel to some boards. *Achievement Unlocked*
BOW OF FIERY RAGE - Break the boards in SA42. In the next room the Bow will be hanging between two burning torches.
R67) After you have ridden the cart to the next area. Kick the Goblins into the void, then check along the left wall of their camp. The Relic is on the floor.

Once you are at the Orc Base take the wooden stairs down into their base. Make a right and follow it until you can make a left. Go straight and the Relic is on the ground to the right of a box.
SA43) From R68, turn left and go straight until you can go up some stairs on the right. Then go left, and left again, cross under the archway then turn right and press A on the stone.
R69) Enter behind the wall revealed for SA43. Drop down and the Relic will be in a chest on the ground against the back wall.
R70) After you pass through the next loading screen, use the rope bow to lower yourself to the ground. Right behind you, on the ground will be the Relic.
R71) Once the cave open up and you see daylight. Use the Rope Bow on the tree branch, climb up, and jump onto the rock to your right. The Relic is lying on the rock.
Chapter 8:
R72) Once Sareth says 'This Place is Huge' make a left. Follow the hallway until it dead-ends. Turn right and go forward some until you can make another right. You'll see the Relic in front of you, on a table overlooking the huge middle area.
R73) From R72, turn around and walk back out the way you came in. Turn right and follow it until it leads to a room. The Relic is against the wall in front of you, to your left, on a table.
SA44) From R73 turn right and walk into the area with Ghoul prisoners. Open the cells on the left by pulling the lever between the cells. Enter the cells and walk to the wall on the right. Look up and you will see a metal ring you can pull. Do so to open a piece of the wall. Enter the crawlspace.
GUTTING KRISS - On the shrine inside of SA44.
R74) In front of the shrine in SA44.
R75) Very bottom of the Library. On a table next to a huge book.
colinisgod proved his gamertag by providing the location of another Arcane Robe:
Just before R75, you're going down a hallway and there's arrow plaques that say ahead library back cells, if you look right theres a room with 2 necros. The Robe is in the chest.
R76) To the left of the stained-glass window in the room with the Black Orb.
R77) Once you enter the Necromancer's Workroom head straight until you can turn left and go up some stairs. Do so, and then enter the next room. The Relic is on the table.
SA45) In the room on the right side of the Work Area will be some cages with zombie humans. Follow the room to the end and turn right. Use the Black Orb key on the door here and enter the next room. In the back of this room is a trapdoor covered in boxes. Throw the boxes out of the way and open the trapdoor. Climb down for the secret area.
LIGHTNING SHIELD - In SA45, along the right wall on a table.

To the left of the hall leading to the pit you will see a metal grate on the floor. Open it, and take the ladder to the ground covered in meat. The Relic is in the skeleton’s hand on the ground. You can also find another Master Thief’s outfit here in case you didn't get it earlier.
SHADOWSTEEL ARMOR - As you are making your way to the prayer room, instead of turning right, continue straight. Kill the
Vampire Knight to get his key, then enter the store room. Along the left wall at the beginning of this room is a chest on the ground. Unlock or Lock pick the chest. The Armor is inside.
R79) From the chest containing the Shadowsteel Armor turn right. The Relic is to the right of a big box on the ground.
R80) Enter the prayer room and go all the way against the back wall with the three stained glass windows. The Relic is on a bench below the middle window.
R81) Inside of Arantir's Chamber all the way back and to the right of the big stained-glass window. The Relic is on the table.
SA46) Pull the handle between the two bookcases on the left side wall to reveal the secret room.
R82) While in Normal World drop down to the ground. ON the right wall are a few gates. The second gate, when you pull the lever the gate will open but as you walk through the hall another, closer, gate will close. Take one of the boxes and place it so that the gate closest to you will close on the box enabling you to enter the chamber. The Relic is in a chest in the middle of the room.
R83) Once you have Inverted the world and are making your way to the Blue Crystal. Look up to see a wooden box hanging. Shoot a rope into it and climb up. You'll see a cage with a skeleton inside it along the wall. Hop off the rope onto the small ledge. Use Telekinesis to take the Relic from the skeleton.
STAFF OF THE FIRELORD - Once you have destroyed all four crystals return to Normal World. Make your way to the top of the center structure. The Staff is against the tree.
R84) Once you have ridden the elevator back to the top with Leanna you'll be in the first place you started the level. Go down the hall to the left, then down the left stairs. Use the Black Orb key on the first door on your left. Enter the room and turn right. The Relic is underneath the first bed on the left.
Chapter 9:
SA47) Once you exited the sewers and finished talking to Duncan. Lockpick the door in front of you. Enter the house.
R85) Follow the stairs up along with Duncan killing off the Ghouls. At the top of the stairs look up. Shoot a rope into the wooden beam and climb up. Jump off into the window and turn left. The Relic is in the corner of the next room.

After you have crossed the short bridge go to the front of the house on your right. Shoot a rope up so that you can get onto the second floor. From here cross the planks into the next building and drop down.
SA49) Drop to the first floor, then exit out of the door on the back, left hand side and follow it to some health bottles.
R86) Inside Percy's house, on a dresser.
SA49) Once you leave Percy's house, turn right and lockpick the door in front of you. Enter the house and go upstairs. Turn right and go up the stairs, turn left, and lockpick the door on your right. Enter this room. In this room you can find another Staff of the Firelord.
SA50) In the same house as SA49, on the top story, go across the room and enter the next room.
R87) After you have killed the Cyclops, follow the stone road back the way to Percy's house. Half way there you will notice a square hole in the ground. Use the ladder to enter the hole. Follow the tunnel, then turn left at the dead-end. The Relic is on a box.

After you jump across the bridge and leave Percy behind. Continue straight until you come into a small alleyway. The Relic is on the ground against the building to your right, in front of a corpse on the ground.
DRAGONFANG, DRAGONHORN, DRAGONBONE - Cleanse yourself of Xana in the church's Holy Water. *Achievement Unlocked*
SA51) After you help the Mage and Soldiers clear out the ghouls go back to the stone bridge. To the right of the bridge, on the wall, along the ground you'll see a stone you can use to open part of the ground. Do so, then drop into the water and swim to the opening.
R89) Along the left wall in SA51, to the right of a caged door.
R90) Back where you helped the Mage and Soldiers. Continue to your left around d the buildings and you will come to a grassy area. Turn left and follow the patch of grass to a destroyed building on your left. The Relic is on the ground behind the big keg.
SA52) Past the next loading screen you'll be inside a house. Turn to your right then use the ladder against the left wall to enter the attic.
SA53) Leave the house you're in, make a left and go down the steps. Make a left then lockpick the door to your right and enter the next house.
SA54) From SA53, exit the house, make a left, then left again. Go up the steps until you can make another left. Lockpick the house down the steps from you and enter it.
R91) From SA54, go back up the steps and continue straight, through the door, until it comes to some barrels. Make a right and follow the long alley. The Relic is on the ground behind a barrel.
SA55) After you meet back up with Percy. Turn around and look up at the windows of the bridge above you. Shoot a rope into the wooden beam of the left window. Jump on your rope, climb up and enter the window.
R92) Once inside SA55, turn left. The Relic should be right beside you.
SA56) Once Percy talks to you about raising the water level. Cross the short bridge. Lockpick the house to your right and enter it.
R93) Through the gate, on your way to the water wheel, go up the steps. Kill about a hundred ghouls (give or take) then cut the supports holding up the barrels on the left wall of the area. The Relic will fall with the barrels.
R94) After the next cutscene you'll be in the water. This Relic is right in front of you.
R95) Once the PaoKai battle begins, take refuge inside the room along the right wall. The Relic is in a hanging basket in front of two big kegs.
R96) When the Undead rise from the ground look to your right. You'll see a broken staircase. Jump across the gap and follow the path up to the top of the structure. The Relic is at the very top.
R97) Right beside the first chain you release to save Ishtvan.

From the second chain you release to finally free Ishtvan, cross back over the bridge and turn right. Walk to the huge statue and turn left. Follow the hall until it drops off. To your right, behind a piece of metal is the Relic.
R99) As you make you way through the level you will see this Relic in the middle of the floor. Can't miss it.
R100) Enter the crypt. From the entrance if you look at the very far back wall you can see the Relic. In order to get it, drop down, go over to the wall and look up. Stick a rope in the board above you and climb up, near the top you can pick up the Relic.
R101) Before you enter Lamontian the Healer's crypt you will be in a room with four huge statues overlooking an abyss. The Relic is on a platform surrounding the pillar to the far, back left if you turn around from Lamontian's crypt. To grab the Relic you must jump and grab a chain, then jump to another chain, climb up a little and then you can collect it.
R102) When you enter Lamontian's Crypt look straight ahead. The Relic is on the ground in front of the huge statue. *Achievement Unlocked*
SA57) If you look up as you are standing to collect R102 you can see two beams above. Shoot ropes into both of them so that you can use the lower rope to jump onto the higher rope. Continue up, then jump into the alcove.
R103) To the left of the hallway leading to the next sub-level is a room with coffins. The Relic can be found on the right wall, up three holes from the floor. Jump and hold Y to pull yourself up to it.
R104) Whenever you meet back up with Leanna you'll be by a huge statue. The Relic is on the ground right in front of it.
R105) Before you walk up to Arantir as he's standing at his altar. Go to the right and you'll see the last Relic on another altar.