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Localisation : France - Pays de la Loire
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56 jeux possédés sur Xbox 360 :
AC/DC Live : Rock Band,
Amped 3,
Baja : Edge of Control,
Brothers In Arms : Hell’s Highway,
Burnout Paradise,
Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 2,
Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 3,
Child of Eden,
Crackdown 2,
Earth Defense Force : Insect Armageddon,
F1 2011,
Fable 2,
Fable II Pub Games,
Force de Défense Terrestre 2017,
Forza Horizon,
Forza Motorsport 2,
Forza Motorsport 3,
Forza Motorsport 4,
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2,
Gray Matter,
Guitar Hero II,
Guitar Hero III : Legends of Rock,
Halo : Combat Evolved Anniversary,
Halo : Reach,
Halo 3,
Halo 3 : ODST,
Halo 4,
Mafia II,
Mass Effect,
Mass Effect 2,
Mass Effect 3,
Mirror’s Edge,
NBA 2K11,
Ninety-Nine Nights,
Perfect Dark Zero,
Project Gotham Racing 3,
Project Gotham Racing 4,
Race Pro,
Rock Band,
Scene It : Box Office Smash,
Scene It ?,
Sega Rally,
Shaun White Snowboarding,
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing,
Test Drive Unlimited 2,
The Club,
Tom Clancy’s HAWX,
Top Spin 3,
Viking : Battle for Asgard,
Virtua Tennis 4,
Viva Piñata,
WarTech Senkô no Ronde,
Word Puzzle,
67 jeux possédés sur Xbox Live Arcade :
1942 : Joint Strike,
3 on 3 NHL Arcade,
A Kingdom for Keflings,
Aegis Wing,
Age of Booty,
Alien Hominid HD,
Axel & Pixel,
Battlefield 1943 Pacific,
Beat’n Groovy,
Beyond Good & Evil HD,
Blazing Birds,
Bomberman Live,
Boogie Bunnies,
Boom Boom Rocket,
Call of Duty,
Castle Crashers,
Dash of Destruction,
Days of Thunder : Arcade,
Defense Grid,
Diner Dash,
Doritos Crash Course,
Duke Nukem 3D,
Exit 2,
Feeding Frenzy,
From Dust,
FunTown Mahjong,
Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 2,
Harms Way,
Hexic HD,
Lumines Live,
Luxor 2,
Meteos Wars,
Ms. Splosion Man,
Outpost Kaloki X,
Outrun Online Arcade,
Pac-Man Championship Edition,
Portal: Still Alive,
Puzzle Arcade,
Puzzle Quest : Challenge of the Warlords,
Red Johnson's Chronicles - One Against All,
Rez HD,
RISK : Factions,
Robotron : 2084,
Rocky and Bullwinkle,
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World,
Serious Sam HD,
Sonic the Hedgehog 2,
Splosion Man,
Texas Hold’Em Poker,
The Maw,
The Secret Of Monkey Island 2 - Special Edition,
Totem Ball,
Tower Bloxx Deluxe,
Trials Evolution,
Trials HD,
UNO Rush,
Vigilante 8 Arcade,
War World : Tactical Combat,
Worms 2 : Armageddon,
Worms HD
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