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106 jeux possédés sur Xbox 360 :
Afro Samurai,
Alan Wake,
Alan Wake : L'écrivain,
Alan Wake : Le Signal,
Assassin’s Creed 2,
Asura's Wrath,
Batman : Arkham Asylum,
Batman : Arkham City,
Call of Duty 2,
Call of Duty 3 : En marche vers Paris,
Cars 2,
Castlevania : Lords of Shadow,
Child of Eden,
Clive Barker’s Jericho,
Condemned : Criminal Origins,
Dante's Inferno,
Dead or Alive 4,
Dead Rising,
Dead Space,
Deadly Premonition,
Deus Ex : Human Revolution,
Devil May Cry 4,
Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi,
Driver : San Francisco,
Dynasty Warriors : Gundam 2,
Dynasty Warriors 6 Empires,
Dynasty Warriors Gundam,
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3,
Eternal Sonata,
Fist of the North Star : Ken's Rage,
Forza Motorsport 3,
Gears of War,
Gears of War 2,
Gears of War 3,
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter,
Gray Matter,
Halo 3,
Hunted : The Demon's Forge,
Kameo : Elements of Power,
Kinect Adventures,
King Kong,
Kingdoms of Amalur : Reckoning,
L.A. Noire,
LEGO Batman,
LEGO Pirates des Caraïbes,
Les Experts : Morts Programmées,
Les Experts : Préméditation,
Les Simpson : Le Jeu,
Lollipop Chainsaw,
Lost Odyssey,
Lost Planet : Extreme Condition,
Magna Carta 2,
Marvel : Ultimate Alliance,
Marvel : Ultimate Alliance 2,
Marvel Super Hero Squad : The Infinity Gauntlet,
Mass Effect,
Mass Effect 3,
Max et les Maximonstres,
Naruto : Rise of a Ninja,
NBA 2K11,
NBA 2K13,
NBA 2K7,
NBA 2K8,
Ninety Nine Nights 2,
Ninety-Nine Nights,
Ninja Blade,
Ninja Gaiden 2,
Project Gotham Racing 3,
Rayman Origins,
Resident Evil 5,
Resident Evil 6,
Resonance of Fate,
Rise of the Argonauts,
Rock Band,
Samurai Warriors 2,
Scene It : Box Office Smash,
Sega Megadrive Ultimate Collection,
Shadows of the Damned,
Sherlock Holmes contre Jack l'Eventreur,
SoulCalibur IV,
Spec Ops : The Line,
Street Fighter IV,
Tekken Tag Tournament 2,
Terminator Renaissance,
The Amazing Spider-Man,
The Cursed Crusade,
The Darkness,
The Darkness 2,
The Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion,
The Witcher 2 : Assassins of Kings - Enhanced Edition,
Thor : Dieu du Tonnerre,
TMNT : Les Tortues Ninja,
Tomb Raider Underworld,
Transformers : Fall of Cybertron,
Viking : Battle for Asgard,
Wanted : Weapons of Fate,
WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2010,
X-Men Origins : Wolverine
22 jeux possédés sur Xbox Live Arcade :
1 contre 100,
1942 : Joint Strike,
After Burner Climax,
Dash of Destruction,
Final Fight : Double Impact,
Geometry Wars : Retro Evolved,
Gunstar Heroes,
Harms Way,
Hexic HD,
R-Type Dimensions,
Sam & Max,
Shadow Complex,
Streets of Rage 2,
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix,
Texas Hold’Em Poker,
The Secret Of Monkey Island - Special Edition,
The Secret Of Monkey Island 2 - Special Edition,
TMNT: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled,
Vandal Hearts : Flames of Judgment,
Wolf of the Battlefield : Commando 3
28 jeux possédés sur Xbox :
Buffy : The Vampire Slayer,
Burnout Revenge,
Dead or Alive 3,
Dead to Rights,
ESPN NBA Basketball,
ESPN NBA Basketball 2005,
Halo : Combat Evolved,
Halo 2,
Jade Empire,
Jetset Radio Future,
Le Seigneur des Anneaux : Le retour du Roi,
NBA 2K3,
Ninja Gaiden,
Oddworld : Munch’s Oddysee,
Prince of Persia : Les Sables du Temps,
Project Gotham Racing,
Project Gotham Racing 2,
Soul Calibur 2,
Splinter Cell,
Splinter Cell : Pandora Tomorrow,
Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic,
The Chronicles of Riddick,
True Crime : Streets Of L.A.,
X-Men : Legends,
X-Men Legends II : L’Avènement d’Apocalypse,
Actuellement, les membres connectés sont :
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