Don Facko est Hors-ligne
Localisation : France - Centre
En chiffres :
- membre depuis 5439 jours
- 267 messages postés, dont 221 sur les murs
- 215 commentaires sur son mur
- 13.73/20 de moyenne aux Quiz
134 jeux possédés sur Xbox 360 :
50 Cent: Blood on the Sand,
Afro Samurai,
Aliens vs. Predator,
Alone in the Dark,
Armored Core 4 Answer,
Assassin's Creed,
Assassin's Creed : Brotherhood,
Assassin's Creed 2 : La Bataille de Forli,
Assassin’s Creed 2,
Avatar : The Last Airbender - The Burning Earth,
Banjo-Kazooie : Nuts & Bolts,
Batman : Arkham Asylum,
Battlefield : Bad Company 2,
Borderlands : The Secret Armory of General Knoxx,
Brütal Legend,
Bullet Witch,
Bully: Scholarship Edition,
Burnout Paradise The Ultimate Box,
Call of Duty : Black OPS,
Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 2,
Call of Duty : World at War,
Call of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare,
Call of Juarez,
Colin McRae DIRT 2,
Condemned 2: Bloodshot,
Crackdown 2,
Crysis 2,
Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Elements,
Dark Sector,
Darksiders : Wrath of War,
Dead Rising,
Dead Rising 2,
Dead Space,
Def Jam : Icon,
Devil May Cry 4,
Dragon Age 2,
Dragon Age Origins,
Enslaved : Odyssey to the West,
F.E.A.R. 2 : Project Origin,
Fable 2,
Fable 3,
Fallout : New Vegas,
Fallout 3,
Far Cry 2,
FIFA 08,
FIFA 09,
FIFA 10,
Fight Night Round 3,
Fight Night Round 4,
Fighters Uncaged,
Forza Motorsport 2,
Gears of War,
Gears of War 2,
Golden Axe Beast Rider,
Grand Theft Auto IV,
Halo 3,
Halo 3 : ODST,
Hellboy : Science of Evil,
James Bond : Quantum of Solace,
Just Cause 2,
Kameo : Elements of Power,
Kane & Lynch : Dead Men,
Kane & Lynch 2 : Dog Days,
Kinect Adventures,
Kingdom Under Fire : Circle of Doom,
Kung Fu Panda,
Le Parrain 2,
Left 4 Dead,
Left 4 Dead 2,
LEGO Indiana Jones,
Marvel vs Capcom 3,
Mass Effect,
Mass Effect 2,
Mercenaries 2 : L’Enfer des Favelas,
Midnight Club : Los Angeles,
Mini Ninjas,
Mirror’s Edge,
Mission G,
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe,
Naughty Bear,
NBA 2K6,
NBA 2K9,
NBA Live 07,
NHL 07,
Ninja Gaiden 2,
Overlord II,
Prince of Persia,
Red Dead Redemption,
Red Faction : Guerrilla,
Resident Evil 5,
Sacred 2 : Fallen Angel,
Saints Row,
Saints Row 2,
Sega Superstars Tennis,
Shaun White Snowboarding,
Shrek le Troisième,
SoulCalibur IV,
Spider-Man 3,
Splinter Cell : Conviction,
Splinter Cell : Double Agent,
Star Wars : Le pouvoir de la force,
Star Wars : Le Pouvoir de la Force 2,
Stuntman : Ignition,
The Darkness,
The Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion - Knights of the Nine,
The Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion - The Shivering Isles,
The Orange Box,
The Saboteur,
Tom Clancy’s HAWX,
Too Human,
Two Worlds,
UFC 2009 Undisputed,
Unreal Tournament 3,
Viking : Battle for Asgard,
Viva Piñata,
WWE Smackdown ! Vs. Raw 2008,
WWE Smackdown ! Vs. Raw 2009,
16 jeux possédés sur Xbox Live Arcade :
1 contre 100,
A Kingdom for Keflings,
Band of Bugs,
Castle Crashers,
Dash of Destruction,
Doritos Crash Course,
Gel : Set & Match,
Harms Way,
Marvel Vs Capcom 2,
Shadow Complex,
Splosion Man,
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix,
The Dishwasher : Dead Samurai,
TMNT: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled,
Watchmen : The End is Nigh 2,
Zeno Clash : Ultimate Edition
Don Facko aimerait bien :
Alan Wake,
Aliens : Colonial Marines,
Aliens RPG,
Batman : Arkham City,
Gears of War 3,
Halo : Reach,
Les Sims 3,
Max Payne 3,
Monday Night Combat,
Monster Hunter: Frontier,
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2,
Ninja Gaiden 3,
No More Heroes Paradise,
Portal 2,
Saints Row : The Third,
Saints Row 3D,
The Witcher 2 : Assassins of Kings - Enhanced Edition,
Actuellement, les membres connectés sont :
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