Qui veut encore un peu d'Oblivion?
- Publiée le 27.02.2006, à 13:08
- Par 18
Voilà de nouvelles images de la version pc de
The Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion, le prochain hit de Bethesda Softworks. Celui-ci vous plongera dans un monde où seuls les plus courageux oseront rentrer et les plus téméraires pourront sortir. Coca-Cola est le mot le plus connu sur terre mais dans Oblivion vous n’aurez que le mot liberté à la bouche, face à des étendues de forêts, plaines et montagnes à perte de vue. Ce monde devrait ouvrir ses frontières le 24 mars prochain mais on n’est pas à l’abri d’un quelconque report. Quoi qu’il en soit, préparez vous voyageurs, l’aventure avec un grand A n’aura jamais été aussi proche. Bethesda nous offre par la même occasion les performances à déverrouiller au cours du jeu.
Brawler, Arena
Reached Brawler rank in the Arena
Pit Dog, Arena
Joined the Arena in the Imperial City
Escaped the Imperial Sewers
Escaped the Imperial Sewers, Main Quest Beginning
Closed an Oblivion Gate
Closed an Oblivion Gate, Main Quest
Located the Shrine of Dagon
Located the Shrine of Dagon, Main Quest
Delivered Daedric Artifact
Delivered Daedric Artifact, Main Quest
Destroyed the Great Gate
Destroyed the Great Gate, Main Quest
Champion of Cyrodiil
Completed the Main Questline
Murderer, Dark Brotherhood
Join the Dark Brotherhood
Slayer, Dark Brotherhood
Reached Slayer rank in the Dark Brotherhood
Eliminator, Dark Brotherhood
Reached Eliminator rank in the Dark Brotherhood
Assassin, Dark Brotherhood
Reached Assassin rank in the Dark Brotherhood
Silencer, Dark Brotherhood
Reached Silencer rank in the Dark Brotherhood
Speaker, Dark Brotherhood
Reached Speaker rank in the Dark Brotherhood
Listener, Dark Brotherhood
Completed the Dark Brotherhood Questline
Bloodletter, Arena
Reached Bloodletter rank in the Arena
Myrmidon, Arena
Reached Myrmidon rank in the Arena
Warrior, Arena
Reached Warrior rank in the Arena
Gladiator, Arena
Reached Gladiator rank in the Arena
Hero, Arena
Reached Hero rank in the Arena
Champion, Arena
Reached Champion rank in the Arena
Grand Champion, Arena
Completed the Arena Questline
Pickpocket, Thieves Guild
Joined the Thieves Guild
Footpad, Thieves Guild
Reached Footpad rank in the Thieves Guild
Bandit, Thieves Guild
Reached Bandit rank in the Thieves Guild
Prowler, Thieves Guild
Reached Prowler rank in the Thieves Guild
Cat Burglar, Thieves Guild
Reached Cat Burglar rank in the Thieves Guild
Shadowfoot, Thieves Guild
Reached Shadowfoot rank in the Thieves Guild
Master Thief, Thieves Guild
Reached Master Thief rank in the Thieves Guild
Guildmaster, Thieves Guild
Completed the Thieves Guild Questline
Associate, Mages Guild
Joined the Mages Guild
Apprentice, Mages Guild
Reached Apprentice rank in the Mages Guild
Journeyman, Mages Guild
Reached Journeyman rank in the Mages Guild
Evoker, Mages Guild
Reached Evoker rank in the Mages Guild
Conjurer, Mages Guild
Reached Conjurer rank in the Mages Guild
Magician, Mages Guild
Reached Magician rank in the Mages Guild
Warlock, Mages Guild
Reached Warlock rank in the Mages Guild
Wizard, Mages Guild
Reached Wizard rank in the Mages Guild
Master-Wizard, Mages Guild
Reached Master-Wizard rank in the Mages Guild
Arch-Mage, Mages Guild
Completed the Mages Guild Questline
Associate, Fighters Guild
Joined the Fighters Guild
Apprentice, Fighters Guild
Reached Apprentice rank in the Fighters Guild
Journeyman, Fighters Guild
Reached Journeyman rank in the Fighters Guild
Swordsman, Fighters Guild
Reached Swordsman rank in the Fighters Guild
Protector, Fighters Guild
Reached Protector rank in the Fighters Guild
Defender, Fighters Guild
Reached Defender rank in the Fighters Guild
Warder, Fighters Guild
Reached Warder rank in the Fighters Guild
Guardian, Fighters Guild
Reached Guardian rank in the Fighters Guild
Champion, Fighters Guild
Reached Champion rank in the Fighters Guild
Master, Fighters Guild
Completed the Fighters Guild Questline
Qui veut encore un peu d'Oblivion?
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