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Halo 3 : des cartes pour bientôt ?

- Publiée le 14.10.2007, à 13:30
- Par Etienne F.
Frankie a annoncé pas plus tard qu'hier que de nouvelles cartes multijoueurs devraient bientôt faire leur apparition sur le Xbox Live. Si aucun détail n'a été révélé pour l'instant, il semblerait que Bungie soit bien décidé à travailler d'arrache pied sur le contenu supplémentaire du soft, qui sera régulièrement mis à jour sur le Marketplace. Les détails de l'annonce ci-dessous :

Work is progressing on new maps for future downloadable content, with the design and art teams vigorously engaged in the process. More entertainingly however, the ad-hoc test team of Bungie staff is enjoying these new maps greatly. My favorites are what I have already nicknamed Jodrell Bank and Moonbase Alpha.

I “invented” a game type on Jodrell Bank which is actually just Team Slayer with Swords and Snipers. Thanks to some unique geographical features of that map, it works great. Moonbase Alpha, on the other hand is best suited to objective games, like CTF and Assualt, but it has some natural deadlocks that make Slayer interesting and Infection terrifying.

Which reminds me of one more downloadable map. The scariest map of all time. Dark, frightening and surprisingly enormous. One of the scariest things that has ever happened to me (and this in a lifetime fraught with terror) was racing away from a marauding gang of zombies in Infection atop a Mongoose, only to have one leap out of the darkness ahead and unseat me with a throaty scream. I call that level John Carpenter’s Prince of Dorkness. It’s not as catchy as Jub Jub, but it’s every bit as accurate.

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Voir notre critique

Bungie Software
Date de sortie
Classification PEGI
Résolutions gérées
720p, 1080i, 1080p
Prix de lancement
59,00 €

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