Vendredi 13 va s'améliorer...
- Publiée le 27.07.2017, à 22:25
- Par Vincent P.
Que ce soit dans
notre critique ou sur la toile, tout le monde a pointé du doigt les nombreux soucis dont souffrait
Vendredi 13, gâchant un certain potentiel.
Gun Media avait alors deux choix, laisser les choses telles quelles et se barrer à l’autre bout du monde ou travailler sur des correctifs. C’est la deuxième option qui a été retenue, comme en témoigne le patch note ci-dessous (en anglais).
- Increased stability due to memory issues.
- Fixed audio threading issue that could cause stability problems.
- Fixed an issue where users could swap save games to use a DLC only Jason in game.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes matchmaking wouldn’t find open lobbies. Now can backfill a lot better.
- Switched to new memory allocator that increases performance and frame rate.
- Matchmaking Fixes. Should decrease amount of time it takes to match make.
- Added a Random option in the lobby.
- Increased effectiveness of Jason and Counselor spawn preference options. Shuffling the possible Jason list 3x as much to help randomness.
- Fixed issue with Jason’s morph cursor not always showing
- Disabled inhale sound effect for breathing while in a hiding spot.
- Made dead body stingers less obnoxious : Ignored while being pursued by Jason ; 10s cooldown ; Will not fire for witnessed nearby deaths.
- Various fixes to the different glitch / hide / exploit spots
- Fixed issue where you have infinite stamina.
- Fixed a few areas where the player couldn’t reach with Jason. Also fixed a stuck spot on Packanack.
- Fixed perk roller UI sometimes getting stuck if there is an error talking to the database.
- Fixed session heartbeat requests to be more resilient to service failures.
- Fixed character hair stretching at lower frame rate.
- Fixed Jason not always aborting the knife throw when stunned.
- Fixed a case where it was possible to get stuck in a knife throw.
- Fixed some visibility issues with the door interaction icons.
- Fixed some placement issues with dropped items.
- Fixed Jason’s mask floating when knocked off.
- Fixed Jason not always cancelling shift or morph if they hit a car in reverse.
- Fixed an issue with the hiding spot exit code.
- Fixed Counselors potentially getting stuck inside of a wall if hit while climbing through a window at the perfect time.
- Fixed Rotate Minimap With Player not updating when changed until a map change.
- Fixed some host specific crashes.
- Fixed people being able to share settings save games.
- Fixes for DLC
Vendredi 13 va s'améliorer...
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Survival Horror
Date de sortie
Classification PEGI
Prix de lancement
39,99 €
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