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La Xbox 2 : enfin une présentation ?

- Publiée le 01.01.1970, à 01:00
- Par 17
La Xbox 2 : enfin une présentation ?

Il semblerait que oui ! La prochaine console de Microsoft appelée également Xenon de son nom de code, se pavanera sur toutes les chaînes MTV du monde, et ce, dès le 12 mai prochain ! Ceci permettra donc au constructeur de prendre de l'avance sur Sony et sa PlayStation 3, de captiver l'attention des joueurs, mais également de faire tomber la tension qui règne autour de cette console.

NEW YORK -- The revolution will be televised. Xbox 2 -- aka Codename Xenon, the next-generation gaming console from Microsoft -- will make its first appearance on a yet-untitled half-hour special that will be broadcast globally across all MTV stations.

The move bucks industry protocol to make major debuts at E3 in Los Angeles-the largest trade show in the gaming industry. "It doesn't make sense to unveil the product behind a closed door, at a trade-only event. We wanted to talk directly to the consumer first," said Peter Moore, corporate vp-worldwide marketing and publishing for Microsoft Xbox.

The MTV special, hosted by actor Elijah Wood on May 12, will feature a performance by rock band the Killers. Athletes and celebs will show off the console's new features. MTV will air teaser spots prior to the event and screening parties will be held in countries in which MTV airs.

Moore said the launch strategy is to not only "feed the core" gamers, but also to "captivate the masses." The unveiling on MTV is a "signal of the strong change in the way we do business." Themes of optimism and community will be stressed in the campaign, said Moore. McCann Erickson, New York, handles. provides further insight. The viral Xbox 2 site, currently counting down the minutes to the MTV event, states: "Colony isn't about alternate reality gaming, it is reality. It's about the reality of your world, your friends, your life. Colony isn't political, it's global."

Launch partners will be global in nature as Xbox tries to combat the perception that it's an American brand, said Moore. The console is expected to launch this holiday season. Microsoft spent $14 million on media in 4Q 2001 to launch Xbox, per Nielsen Monitor-Plus.

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