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Mes réalisations photos!!
Publié le 06.04.2010 ŕ 14:40 par TecKa

Voici quelques photos de mon porte-folio
Vos avis?

Drift DMCC

L'amour de ma vie

La photo que toute les filles adorent

Le gars de ma conjointe

voici ma fille

Pour ceux qui le veulent.. vous pouvez toujours venir rejoindre ma Fan page sur Facebook voici le lien : PJR

RDV Xbox Live : Battlefield : Bad Company 2
Publié le 23.03.2010 ŕ 23:38 par TecKa

J'organise une rencontre Xbox Live le 24 Mars 2010 Ă  08:00 autour du jeu Battlefield : Bad Company 2.

Tous les détails sur cette partie sont indiqués sur la fiche du rendez-vous.

Fable 3 pour DĂ©cembre??
Publié le 26.02.2010 ŕ 20:22 par TecKa

Fable 3 est annoncé pour Noël 2010. Il faudra encore attendre quelques mois avant de pouvoir continuer l’aventure issue de l’esprit de Peter Molyneux. Il restera toujours le même dilemme pour le joueur : sombrer dans le coté obsure ou garder une ame pure.

L’annonce de la sortie de Fable 3 a été faite lors du X10 qui se déroule dans le ville californiennne de San Francisco.

Molyneux a déclaré il y a quelques temps que le système de jeu pour Fable 3 évoluera pour offrir une nouvelle expérience aux joueurs. Peut être que le projet Natal sera la pierre angulaire de ce nouveau système de jeu.

Fable 3 devrait suivre directement l’histoire de Fable 2, nous commencerons donc notre quête dans la peau d’un roi avec toute les responsabilités liés à ce rang. Une petite nouveauté, quand on sait que le poste de roi est souvent l’objectif final d’un jeu.

Fable 3 risque de faire une véritable carton à la fin de l’année 2010, elle devrait conclure en beauté une série qui a fait couler beaucoup d’encre. J’ai hate d’être en juin pour découvrir de nouvelles images du jeu lors de l’E3 2010.

APB ( All Point Bulletin) Beta Tester!!!
Publié le 26.02.2010 ŕ 15:46 par TecKa

Déja 5 ans que le jeu est en préparation!! Voici votre chance de devenir Beta Tester de APB!!

Thank you for your interest in APB: All Points Bulletin Beta Program! We’ll be selecting beta testers who complete the application process and meet our criteria. Selected testers will receive an invitation by email along with details of how to download the game and take part. If you don’t hear back from us in the next few months, don’t despair, we’ll be selecting more people right through to launch and we will need bigger numbers of testers as time goes on. Even if you’re not selected for the start of the program you may get an invitation later.

The form below is detailed but not all questions are compulsory. If you don’t want to answer you don’t have to: your application won’t be affected. We would greatly appreciate your help however, so please answer every question if you can so we can understand the kind of player interested in APB. Your information is safe with us: we won’t sell or distribute it in any way.

If you have any problems or questions, drop us an email at:

Note: Certain browser configurations can cause errors on this form! Please use the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome. Opera browser and the Sxipper plug in are not recommended.


Ninja Gaiden 2 (Guide en anglais seulement, pas terminer)
Publié le 26.06.2008 ŕ 17:30 par TecKa

Chapter 1 - Sky City Tokyo

The controls are the same as the last game. You'll start off on a deck. Defeat
the 3 guys. They are really easy so just do whatever you feel like to kill
them. Smash the barrels and get some yellow orbs. Go around the building to
your left if you're facing the door and there is a dragon statue for you to
save. Go into the shop through the paper doors. after the cut scene, there are
3 more ninjas down there. Using your ultimate attack is great against these
guys (hold down y to charge up and then release when you glow red). The chest
at the end of the hallway contains blue orbs. You'll encounter 4 more ninjas.
Try to get one to seperate one away from the group and then kill him and then
kill the others. Make sure to finish off any enemy that has got an arm or leg
cut off because they will attempt to suicide attack you and that deals a lot of
damage. Go down the hallway and then jump down the hole. There is a chest and
it contains the run-along-the-wall (I know that's not what its really called)
technique. Climb the ladder, run along the wall to make it across the gap. Jump
off the wall for more distance. Go down the hallway and the chest contains the
dodge technique. Hold left trigger and tap the left stick in any direction to
dodge. Behind you on the shrine is another chest that contains the Art of the
Inferno (which is a Ninpo that uses one of your three circles below your
health). Run to the next ledge and drop down. There are 4 ninjas down there.
After you kill them, go inside and there are chests with yellow and red orbs.
Go up the stairs and kill the ninja in the hall that is waiting to ambush you.
There are 5 enemies waiting for you at the top of the stairs. To your left,
there is a chest and in it has a Lives of a Thousand Gods (use it to increase
your health). Go up the stairs and to the left. The chest has the Herb of
Spiritual Life (using it will give you health back). Go through the door and to
the right. There are 2 ninjas in the room. After you kill them jump and run
along the wall to your left and jump to the next platform. Up the stairs there
are 4 guys waiting for you and then run and jump along the wall and jump to the
platform. Examine the body in the middle of the hallway to get the obliteration
technique (to use, press Y near a wounded enemy and you will kill them). There
are 3 more ninjas along the hallway. Turn left at the end of the hallway and
examine the body to get the Flying Bird technique scroll. To use it, you have
to be standing in a narrow room and wall jump back and forth to go up the
walls. Then use the Dragon statue to save and heal. Use your Flying Bird (wall
jump) to jump up the wall corridor behind the statue. When you get to the top,
there are 4 more ninjas. Run across the bridge and smash the vase/jar to get
yellow orbs. There are 4 ninjas across the bridge. Jump in the water and run
down to find a row boat and in the boat is a treasure chest and in the chest is
an Herb of Spiritual Life. Run all the way to the other end of the river (away
from the boat) and you will find 3 more ninjas and to your left. Behind the
building, to your left, there is a chest with a Life of the Gods (find 8 of
them to increase your life). Run up the stairs and across the bridge again and
to your left and down the stairs there are 2 more ninjas. When you are on the
stairs, there is a ninja with a bow and arrow, you can kill him with your Ninpo
(after you hit Y+B to activate your Ninpo, the only one you have now is the
fire one, use the left stick to aim for your enemy). You will come to a gap in
the walkway and there are 3 ninjas that come to attack you. So while they are
running toward you, charge up your ultimate attack. At the gap, jump and grab
the bar and you'll swing around it and when your momentum is going towards the
opposite ledge, hit A to release. You will approach some stairs and 3 more guys
will come so you have time to charge up your ultimate attack. After you will
kill them you have to jump and grab the bar and then jump and grab another bar
to get across. Climb the ladder and there is a chest with Devil Way Mushroom
(restores one of your Ninpo circles). Run to your left and there is a Flying
Swallow technique scroll. To use it, jump and press a forward and hit Y. When
you get to the top of the stairs, there are 5 ninjas and more will spawn. One
is a magic user. Kill the magic guy first and then take care of the others. You
might find using your new Flying Swallow technique to be useful especially if
you need to cover the distance between you and your enemy quickly. Go into the
room with the huge statue and there is a chest to your left and a dragon statue
to your right. At the big statue, grab the Lunar (press RB). Equip your Lunar
by pausing the game or pressing up on the directional pad. The lunar is one of
my favorite weapons because it has a long reach. Go back outside and run down
the stairs and to your right you will find the Ultimate Technique scroll. A
series of ninjas attack you, about 6 in all. Try out your new techniques with
your lunar to find one that works best, it is a little different than your
Dragon Sword. After you kill everyone then go across the bridge and there is a
diary to your left. Go across the small stone bridge and then examine the body
and get The Technique of Ultimate Guidance. This technique gives you the
ability to charge your attack up faster if there are essence nearby. You suck
in the essence orbs and that can make you charge instantly. Run outside and
there are several ninjas out there, Once you have killed a few of them, hold
down Y to gather the essence and your ultimate attack will charge fast. This is
a good strategy that you should use throughout the game. After you kill
everyone, two doors of the house will open. Go into the door to the right and
open the chest to find yellow essence. To your left are some paper doors and
there are 2 ninjas that will come through them. Run down the corridor and go to
the left and there will be 3 ninjas out there. After you defeat them, a
Muramasa's shop will appear. You can choose to upgrade one of your weapons at
the shop (I chose to upgrade the Lunar). I recommend not wasting money on
potions and saving money for upgrades. If you're having trouble and having to
use a lot of potions, just stick with it. Practice makes perfect and having
extra money to upgrade your weapons later will help a lot. After you are done
with Muramasa, jump down the hole and bats will come out of the hole so be
ready. Spamming attacks with your lunar should take care of the bats quickly.
Open the door and go out onto the catwalk and there is a notebook. Run along
the catwalk and 2 ninjas will come running at you. There is a Devil Way
Mushroom in the chest on the platform below where they came running from. After
you went down the to get the chest, run up the stairs and jump and run along
the wall to your left and jump to the platform. At the end of the next catwalk
there is a chest that contains blue orbs. Go back to the "broken" and tilted
part of the catwalk and jump down. When you drop down, there is another
notebook. Run down the hallway and you'll have to battle 6 ninjas. This is a
good place to use your ultimate attack if there are essence orbs around. When
everyone is killed there will be a cut-scene. After the scene you will be
dropped in a room with 3 claw guys. Kill them and then save your game at the
Blue Dragon Statue. Go through the door and about 6 ninjas attack you and use
your ultimate attack to get rid of them. Go to the room with the elevators and
when you go up the stairs, ninjas will ambush you so be careful. At the top of
this set of stairs there are about 10 guys. Defeat them and then go up to the
next floor. There is a chest and in there is a cracked ID card on the top
floor. If you want a Devil Way Mushroom, there is one in a chest at the very
bottom of the stairs. Go back to the level where you defeated the ninjas and go
back down the hallway to your right and open the door on the left with your ID
card and examine the body to get a notebook. Go up the ladder to your left.
Wall jump (Flying Bird) to get to the top of the elevator shaft. When you reach
the top, there are about 5 ninjas up there. To your right there is a Muramasa
statue and a chest near it with the Grains of Spiritual Life (will refill most
of your life). You can update one of your weapons if you have money (yellow
essence) (I chose to upgrade the Lunar). Run the other way and there is a Blue
Dragon Statue on your left. Go up the stairs and at the top there are a 8 more
guys to defeat. Go through the door and there will be a cut scene. After the
cut scene you will have to fight a huge spider boss.

BOSS - Shadow Ninja Rasetsu
You should use your all Ninpo, The Art of
Inferno, because you it will refill automatically between chapters. Hitting him
3 times gets his health to about half gone. You can be damaged while using your
Ninpo so use it three times right away. After that charge in with your Dragon
Sword. Many of his attacks can be blocked so don't be afraid to try and block
once in a while. He also has grabs to though so don't just stand in front of
him like a blocking statue. His health should already be half gone and you
should be at full health so just spam strong attacks.

Chapter 2 - The Castle of the Dragon Go through the arbor and examine the body
and find another notebook. Fight the guys in the graveyard and run down the
stairs to fight a few more. Go down more stairs and there are about 7 more. In
the courtyard, there is a Muramasa statue. Go to the door to your left and
there are 5 more guys to fight. There is a chest here with a Life of the Gods.
Go back out into the courtyard and to the opposite side and there is a body
with a notebook. 5 more ninjas pop out and at the end of the hall there is a
body and if you examine it it gives you an Herb of Spiritual Life. Drop down
near the body and run down and drop into the water. Under the water there is a
crystal skull that you can grab. Tap A to run along the water to run towards
the guy with the bow and arrow and kill him. Run around the corner and find a
counter attack scroll and there is a blue dragon statue where you can save. Up
the stairs to your left are 3 claw guys and 2 archers. Quickly kill one of the
claw guys and then use your ultimate attack to take out the rest. Run around
the corner to your right and into the house to find a room with 2 chests. Grab
the grains of spiritual life from the closest chest and about 5 ninjas will
drop in to fight you before you can get the second chest. After killing them
all, grab the grains of spiritual life from the second chest. Behind you and to
your right is a small indentation in the wall. In that alcove there is a new
weapon, Falcon's Talons. I don't really like the Falcon's Talons because they
have a short reach. I recommend at least trying all the weapons though. You can
always switch back if you don't like them. Run back outside and find a notebook
about ultimate guidance next to the dead body at the bottom of the stairs. Back
in the courtyard you'll be rushed by a flood of ninjas and a couple archers.
Try to kill the archers first. Run up the stairs and when you reach the top
there is are two walls that you can use to wall jump back and forth (Flying
Bird technique). At the top there is a chest containing a herb of spiritual
life. Run up some more stairs and you will come to some more ninjas. There is
another set of wall jump walls that you can bounce between, use the Flying Bird
technique, to reach the top of the tower. There are two archers up in the
towers so make sure to go up there and kill them. Run up the next set of stairs
and kill the ninjas there. At the top of these stairs is a blue dragon statue.
After you save run down the narrow tunnel to the left of the statue. Once you
make your way about half way through it, 2 claw ninjas will sneak up behind
you. Kill them and then run to the end of the tunnel. Wall jump back and forth
(Flying Bird Technique) to jump up out of the tunnel. There are two ninjas and
an archer up here. Run up the stairs and examine the body for a notebook about
counter attack. Run up the bridge and there are two claw ninjas and two
archers. Head into the next room and some ninjas will drop in around you. Kill
them and then get the blue essence from the chest to the left of the doorway.
When you run up the stairs there will be some archers shooting you through a
wall. You can't really get to them so just quickly run out the next door. Once
in the next room there is a tunnel to your left and chest with a herb of
spiritual life. Run up the stairs and two ninjas will drop in. At the top of
the stairs are about 6 ninjas and a magic guy. Kill the magic guy first and
then take out the rest. The magic guy disappears but you can follow him by
watching his weird shadow that he makes on the ground. There is another
notebook next to the dead body by the door. Run up the boards leaning against
the wall and jump to the roof. Three claw guys and a magic guy will attack you
on the roof. The magic guy appears after you kill the first two claw guys but
make sure to kill him before he can hit you with magic. Jump down the burning
hole in the roof. There will be three archers at the other end of the hallway.
Kill them then go back near where you dropped in and use the blue dragon
statue. Grab the bow and arrows off the wall on the left side of the hallway at
the end by where the archers were. Equip your bow and shoot the blue glowing
target you can see through the door. Hold B pull back the arrow and use the
left stick to aim. Run up the stairs and then drop down into the room with the
huge gold dragon statue. Now you will fight the spider boss from the last
level, Shadow Ninja Rasetsu.

MINI BOSS - Shadow Ninja Rasetsu 2
He is just like the other fight but this time
there are over ninjas around him. Again, you might as well use all your Ninpo,
using the Art of Inferno, because there is a chest in the next room the
completely refills your Ninpo. You can pretty much kill him with your Ninpo
depending on how full you are. Just make sure you hit the boss instead of the
other ninjas that will be jumping around. Use the left stick to aim. Circles
will appear showing you who you will hit with the Art of Inferno. If you run
out before he dies, most of his attacks can be blocked so when he charges you
just block and wait for him to finish his combo then attack him.

After you kill the boss there is a chest with red essence that will completely
refill you Ninpo out the door and down the hallway to your right. At the other
end of the hallway is a set of stairs where two claw ninjas appear. Below these
stairs is a dead body with a grains of spiritual life. Run up the stairs. In
the next room are 2 ninjas and an archer. Kill the archer first. Running along
the wall is a good way to avoid his arrows. Smash the walls to the right to
reveal a set of stairs and a blue dragon statue. A ninja will drop in before
you get to the blue dragon statue. Kill him then save and run out in the the
main room. Run up the stairs and find an unrivaled soaring technique scroll.
Smash the wall to the right. Head out onto the platform and a archer will
appear to your left. Jump and run along the wall to your left to reach him.
There is a breakable wall and ninjas here. Behind the breakable wall is part of
a decoration you need for this puzzle. There is a breakable wall section across
from the decoration that allows you to get to the other side of the platform
you originally came in, just avoid the trap door in the middle room. As you are
going through this hallway, on the other side, on the shelves, is a silver
skull. In the next room are a bunch more ninjas, some archers, and the other
decoration piece. Now that you've got both puzzle pieces, jump back to the
center platform. Use the puzzle pieces on the two ying-yang symbols sitting the
platform by the door that originally lead you to this room and the dragon will
open his mouth. Shoot the glowing orb to the left of the dragon's head with an
arrow and a platform will drop down allowing you to run into the dragon's
mouth. Once you run into his mouth, there is a blue dragon statue. At the other
end of this hallway is a chest containing a yellow orb. Jump through the hole
in the wall and out onto the roof. There are about 6 magic guys out there who
will attack you, two at a time. Just stay on them and don't let them get far
away and cast their magic. Run around the roof to your left and up the steep
part. Jump through the window. There are several archers and ninjas in this
room. Kill the archers first. Across the way is a chest with a lives of a
thousand gods. To the the right of the chest is a hole you can drop down. To
the left end of the hallway is a blue dragon statue. At the other end is a
Muramasa statue. I recommend upgrading your lunar. Go back up the ladder and up
the stairs. Yhree ninjas will be waiting for you. Near the stairs across from
where you came up is a dead body with a life of the gods. Go down the hallway
and into the door to your left. A cutscene will play and you'll battle the next

BOSS - Genshin
Genshin dodges your Art of Inferno Ninpo so don't waste your time using it on
him. I found that by far the best strategy is to use your lunar just sit there
and holding block and then spam Y for counter attack when he gets close. You
might have to let go of block to make sure you're facing him, but once you get
lined up just hold down block and hit Y as fast as you can. I was able to kill
him while only taking about 1/4 of my health in damage using this strategy.
This was on the Acolyte difficulty setting but I used the same strategy when I
fought him on Warrior.

Chapter 3 - Thunderclap of Catastrophe

There is a chest to your right with a herb of spiritual life. Around the corner
is a Murmasa statue. When you run out into the street a swarm of dogs will
attack you. Just keep attacking to fend them off. Down the road to your left is
a chest with red essence. After you open the chest bats will swarm you. Run
down to the other end of the road and turn right. Inspect the body to pick up
Art of the Wind Blades. Out in the next room are a bunch of ninjas and an
archer. Around the far corner to the right is a chest with blue essence. At the
very top of the stairs is a crystal skull. You'll probably have to clear out
all the ninjas before getting the skull. There are also two magic guys around
the corner. Down the hallway to the right is a blue dragon statue. Around the
corner from the dragon statue is a narrow hallway where you can wall jump back
and forth (flying bird technique). At the top are about 3 ninjas and 2 magic
guys. After you kill them flying dragons appear. Use your bow to shoot the
dragons. You don't have to aim at them you can just spam b and Ryu will auto
aim at them if you're facing in their general direction. The corpse to your
right has more arrows if you need them. After you've cleared them, run to your
right and some archers will spawn across the way. Use your bow to shoot them.
Aiming and zooming in makes this easier. Also, make sure to fully charge up
your shot to kill them in one hit. Then refill your arrows, grab the pole and
shimmy across. You must stop swinging to shimmy. Just don't hit any buttons or
press the sticks or a section. Drop down and fight 2 archers and a ninja. There
is a blue dragon statue in the corner behind you. Across from the statue,
before you jump down the ledge, there is a chest the contains an herb of
spiritual life. Once you jump down the ledge, there is one are without a fence
or wall in your way, there are about 6 ninjas that attack you and there is a
chest to your left with an herb of spiritual life. To your right across the
street is a body that is holding a Four Greater Fiends scroll. Go to the right
of the police stand and about 6 ninja dogs attack you. The key to beating them
without taking too much damage is stay on top of them and not giving them a
chance to hit your with their incendiary shurikens. Run to your right and a
cutscene will play and you'll face some large purple demons. They are pretty
tough and they breathe some kind of fire so you'll want to get in close and
finish them quickly. You need to figure out how to kill these guys easily
because you'll be facing a lot of them later in the game. After you kill the
purple bat demons drop down and there is a blue dragon statue. Run down the
hallway and then some more purple demons attack you. Concentrate on one purple
bat demon at a time and make sure you kill it completely before moving on. At
the T intersection to the right there is a dead body by the ladder and he has a
Jewel of Demon Seal that allows you to upgrade one of your Ninpo. I used it to
upgrade my Art of Inferno because I like that one. You might want to try out
others or upgrade a different one. Go up the ladder by the corpse and look for
the bars that are close by and wall jump to the bars, run along the wall, and
then jump down. There is a chest there with red essence. Run along this ledge
and then to your left and then left again and down the ladder. On this ledge is
a chest with yellow essence. Drop down again and bats will attack you. Run down
the tunnel and then run and jump off the wall to grab the bar above swing and
jump to next ledge. It might help you to shimmy out a little to get a better
angle. Once you are on this next platform bats attack you. Jump and run along
the wall to the next ledge and there are more bats. You will come up to a ledge
with a ladder going down. Stop before going down and 2 purple bat demons will
jump up and attack you. If you stay where you are you can hit them both at the
same time because you will all be in a small room. Drop down by the ladder and
there is a body with arrows. Run down the tunnel but be careful because there
is a purple bat demon hiding to ambush you. When you are fitting him bats will
attack you to but you'll probably kill them on accident while attacking the big
guy. To your right is a Flying Bird technique scroll. Wall run and jump back
and forth down the narrow hallway. On the platform at the end is a crystal
skull. Drop down into the water to find a chest with a Life of the Gods. Go
back to the T interesection and take right path this time. At the end of the
hallway is a blue dragon statue. Using the wall jump back and forth get up to
the next platform and kill the bats there. Use the wall run on the wall to the
right to get to the next platform. When you get above the platform, just stop
running and you'll drop straight down. Jump and grab the bar over your head,
shimmy down. Jump to the platform to your left to get the chest with yellow
essence. Jump back on the bar and shimmy to the next platform. Jump from wall
to wall around the corner to reach the next platform. At the next platform
there is about 4 ninjas and an archer waiting for you. Go up to the archer's
ledge, where he was standing, wall run around the corner to reach the next
ledge and find a Muramasa statue. Make sure to equip you bow and run through
the door to your left. In this room are two archers. Use a charged up arrow to
kill them in one hit. Drop down from your ledge and climb up the ladder. To
your right is a dead body with an infinite supply of incendiary shurikens.
You'll want to use incendiary shurikens a lot in this area because you can
always head back to this body to get more. It you hit the blue glowing circle
in the middle of the fans, you'll stop them from spinning. Head through the fan
to your left if you're facing the center of the tunnel. At the end of this
tunnel is a bunch of ninjas but they are seperated from you by metal bars. Use
your incendiary shurikens to kill them. To your right is a corpse with some
grains of spiritual life. To get to this corpse you have to wall run along the
metal bars. Run down to the other end of the tunnel and wall run across the
metal bars and get a chest with yellow essence. No go to the other fan, the one
with a slight down slope after it. Once past the fan, 4 ninjas will attack you
in 2 waves. Before you leave this area, stock up on incendiary shurikens. Go up
the ladder, jump across to the other ledge and then jump and grab the bar by
the hole in the metal bars and swing and jump through the hole. Drop down into
the water and bats will attack you. Dive under the water and swim through a
tunnel. Once you're through the tunnel come up to the surface. There will be
bats and 2 ninjas attacking you. One the ground on this platform is a dead body
with arrows and a blue dragon statue to your left. Go in the subway car and
wall jump back and forth all the way up to the top. There are two archers up
here. They are hard to get to. Two incendiary shurikens will kill them or you
can use your bow. Wall run around the corner and up to the next platform and
there is a chest with red essence. Wall run again to get to through the opening
and into the next area. Once you get across, two ninjas will attack you. Run to
the next corner and three more ninjas will attack you. Run through this tunnel
for a while and you'll come to a big open area. Jump into that area and four
purple bat demons attack you. These guys are kind of tough. Avoid their breath
attacks. Run around to your left and down a narrow tunnel and up some stairs.
There is a body there with a notebook at the invisible path. Use the invisible
path, which is the wall run and then jump and then wall run again. There is a
couple archers up here and two ninjas. There is also a Muramasa statue here.
Turn to your right and cross a narrow bridge is a blue dragon statue. If you're
facing the blue dragon statue, behind you and to your left is a platform where
the archer was. On this platform is a wagon wheel looking thing where you can
enter the Test of Valor if you have the right item. I don't think you can get
the item in Acolyte mode. After you're done in here, drop down over the next
ledge and you'll be on some subway tracks. On top of some wrecked subway cars
are about 4 ninjas and 2 archers. You have to wall run and then jump to the
next subway car to reach the archers if they are up there. Get into the upper
subway car to the left, if you're not already in there. Once in this car, run
to the other end and about 5 purple demons attack you when you get out of the
car. As you kill them, 2 more will spawn. After you kill those fiends there
will be a cutscene and the next boss appears.

BOSS - Silver Train Demon
He has a couple different attacks. He has little mini-me's that will fly and
attack you. If you manage to kill the mini-me's they'll drop essence which can
refill your health. I found trying to shoot them at the last second with my bow
to be the best strategy since you'll be using your bow most of the fight. He
also shoots blue orbs of electricity that are unblockable. When he shoots those
try to run behind him because he can only shoot them in the direction he is
facing. His ultimate attack is he shoots out a huge blue face. If the face hits
you, you'll take a lot of damage, so run away. I found that your Ninpo is not
effective against him but Frank N. wrote me to tell me head had sucess using
his Ninpo against this boss so it might be worth a try. To kill him, shoot him
with a charged up arrow in his face. The best strategy is to stand in the
middle of the level lengthwise and hit him with charged arrows as much as
possible. You should stand in the middle lengthwise and off to the side so that
when he starts shooting his blue balls you can run behind him quickly. Make
sure not to get to close or he'll hit you with electricity. Don't attack him
with your melee weapon until you've shot him in the face enough to lower his
life almost all the way. Then he will flip onto his back and fall down. When he
is on his back you can attack him. When he is laying on the ground on his back
you can attack him to finish him off.

Chapter 4 - A Captive Goddess

When you spawn, you'll be near some bats and then there is a Muramasa statue.
Keep running down the tunnel battling bats and then eventually 3 ninjas will
jump out of a hole in the ground. Drop down the hole they came from and you'll
fight a group of about 10 ninjas with 3 archers. As usual killing the archer
first is a good strategy. You can only go through one end of the tunnel. It is
the end of the tunnel where the subway cars are staggered and there is a gap
for you to run through. One you get through the gap about four more ninjas will
pop out. Around the subway car to your left there is a chest with red essence
in it. Up ahead a whole bunch of purple demons spawn, about 8 in total. They
won't jump up on the subway platform because they are kind of glitchy. Stay up
on the platform so they won't all attack you at once. Across on the left
platform is a set of stairs with a sign above it marked 'Exit' go up those
stairs. At the top of the stairs is a Blue Dragon Statue. Up the next set of
stairs is a big battle with like 4 ninjas and 3 magic guys. Kill the magic guys
first. In this room you can go through the door near the glass windows and both
of the turning gates. The one gate to the left has a chest with some blue
essence in it. There the other gate is a dead body with arrows and a chest with
yellow essence. After you grab the yellow essence, a bunch of ninjas will spawn
and also some archers up the stairs to the left. You can shoot any of the red
barrels with a charged up arrow and they'll explode. Explode the barrels
through the metal gate with a fully charged arrow then head up the stairs. Up
the next set of stairs at the street level is a bunch of ninja dogs. I like to
use my ultimate attack against the ninja dogs a lot because they are kind of
hard to kill. The only way to go is down the street and to your right. There is
a bunch of magic guys, make sure to attack them quickly before they can cast
their magic. There is a bunch of different streets to go down to your right.
Down the last street is a bunch of claw ninjas. If you blow up the barrels down
this street there is a chest with red essence. Down the middle street is a
couple more ninjas with a dead body and the body has a herb of spiritual life.
There is nothing to do down the first street, head back to the main street and
near the ladder is a blue dragon statue. Go up the ladder. There is a Jewel of
the Demon seal on the dead body nearby. Jump through the hole in your fence to
your right. Across the hole in the fence on the other side of the highway is a
body with incendiary shurikens. Then 3 purple bat demons attack you and three
flying dragons attack you as well. You can use the incendiary shurikens on them
if you want. Run down to the other end of the highway and there is a chest with
yellow essence. When you get to the end of the next path of highway, you can
drop down and there is a Muramasa statue and a chest with a Life of the Gods.
When you're done using the statue, three of the big purple monsters will attack
you and then run around the corner and then use the wall jump back and forth up
the narrow shaft to get back up to the top. Once you get back up top you'll be
on the highway again four big purple demons attack you. When you kill those
guys there is a body at the other end with arrows and then climb up the ladder
next to it and there is a blue dragon statue up there. On the bridge by the
dragon statue more flying dragons will spawn. You can use arrows to kill them
and then run back down and get more arrows from the dead body. When you run to
one edge of the hallway, you'll see a cutscene and fight a troll mini-boss

MINI-BOSS Giant Troll
By far the Troll's strongest attack is his roar attack. He'll rear back
a little and then scream and send out shockwaves. Unfortunately, the
roar attack has a long range. His ranged attacks are his worst so just
charge in and attack his feet. Run in under him, do a combo and then
dodge away. Repeat until he is dead. When he slumps over onto the ground
he is almost dead. Keep attacking to finish him off. The only hard thing
about this boss is that you don't get your Ninpo filled after you beat
him because he is only a mini-boss.

Next you'll spawn on a large grass field with about 4 big purple demons and 4
flying dragons. Don't die hear or you'll have to fight the mini-boss again.
When you run into the building there is a dead body on the ground with arrows.
In the room with the glass, there is a ton of stuff to get. First smash the
glass by the blue dragon statue and use it. Next there is a glass case with
incendiary shurikens and next to that is a case with the double samurai swords
you have to smash the glass to get them. There is also a scroll by a door and
another wheel for the trial of valor. Next you'll come into a large room with
stairs with about 6 normal ninjas and 3 archers. Go up the stairs turn right
and then wall run around the corner. On this platform is a dead body with a
devil way mushroom. You can then wall run to the next platform and when you get
near the door a purple bat demon will attack you. Drop down there and there are
about 5 big purple bat guys to fight. Are the corner to the right is a chest.
In that chest is an herb of spiritual life. Up the next set of stairs is
another platform with two purple bat demons and 3 flying dragons. Up the next
set of stairs is a bunch more purple bat demons and flying dragons. There is
another set of stairs with even more of the same enemies. After you kill the
enemies you need to run around the building and find the door. In this area is
about 4 ninjas and 4 archers. Across the way is a treasure chest with a lives
of a thousand gods. In this room there might be archers up above you on the
rafters. At the very top of the stairs is a blue dragon statue. After you save
jump down to the ground and then up the narrow shaft in the middle of the room.
After you are done wall jumping back and forth up the shaft, there is about 4
claw ninjas and 4 archers. Head out the door on the side of the room. You'll be
out on a balcony. On that balcony is a chest with a life of the gods in it.
Head back inside and then up the stairs. You should now be in the room with a
winding staircase. In this room is a dead body with devil way mushroom and a
Muramasa statue. At this Murmasa statue I recommend you fulling upgrade your
double samurai swords. Hopefully you have enough yellow essence saved up. Head
up the spiral staircase. Eventually you'll get to the end. Turn left and jump
out towards the blood spot on the wall and then wall jump back and forth up to
the top. In this area there is a bunch more normal ninjas and archers. Also, in
the same room is a dead body with a scroll about the greater fiends. Run all
the way up the spiral staircase and trigger the cut scene to fight the boss,

BOSS - Alexi
Alexi is actually really really easy on Acolyte. If you just keep attacking him
with your dual samurai swords, you'll probably kill him with any problems. He
does have a couple grabs so don't just stand still in front of him. On of his
attacks is to jump up in the air and throw lightning balls. If he does this
dodge to the side and then run up to him and jump and hit him with his sword
and then he will fall down to the ground.

Chapter 5 - The Aqua Capital City

You'll spawn on the streets of a Florence like city and fight a bunch of
ninjas, archers, and magic guys. You'll come to an intersection of a bridge and
a semi-circle area. Werewolves will come down the steps of the bridge and
attack you. They don't have a ranged attack normally but if there are severed
limbs laying around they will pick them up and throw them at you. First go
around the semi-circle wall to your left. Around there is a dead body. If you
examine that body with a new weapon, the Kusari Gama which is like a sickle
with a weight on the end of a chain. I actually don't like this weapon that
much because it is kind of slow. Down the stairs to your right, run across the
water to the other dock. Run around to the corner to your right and there is a
treasure chest with red essence. Head back to the bridge and across to the
market area. More werewolves will appear so kill them. You can smash the crates
of fruit and get yellow essence. At the end of the market, head left and up the
stairs to find a blue dragon statue. Through the next door is a cafe like area
and there are a bunch of werewolves up there. If you wait in the door way and
make the werewolves come to you, only one can fit through the doorway at a time
so you can fight them one at a time. Turn right and head out of the cafe. Go
across a small bridge and four more werewolves will attack you. If you go right
and then down to the end of the hall and turn left, there is a small shaft that
you can walk jump back and forth (flying bird technique) up to a ledge. Once on
top of the ledge two ninjas will attack you. After you kill them inspect the
body nearby and get a talisman of rebirth. Jump down and there is a chest at
the other end of this hallway that contains an herb of spiritual life. Head
back towards the cafe and then go the other way and across a bridge. You'll be
in a large street area with a bunch of large columns to your left. About six
werewolves will attack you. Head straight across the street (not towards the
columns) and across a bridge and there will be a dead body on ground from with
a Spirit of the Devils which increases your maximum Ninpo limit by one. Head
back to the large road and then right to the big columned structure. Here you
will battle from spiky scorpion demons. They are pretty tough and fast. Just
make sure to attack them before they attack you. After you kill them drop into
the fountain. Swim down and there is a chest under the water with a Gatling
Spear Gun. You'll want to use this whenever firing underwater. Swim through the
next tunnel and out in the distance to your left you can see a bunch of
swimming jelly fish like creatures. These are mines and you need to blow them
up with your spear gun first. After you blow up the mines, spam A (tap A
rapidly) and run down the corridor. Run straight to the boat around the corner
on the left side. You will be attacked by 3 spiky scorpion guys and they can
stand on the water. However, fighting is more difficult in the water so I
recommend staying on the boat until you kill them all. After you kill those
guys jump in the water and to your right is a bunch of floating mines blocking
a hallway. I am not sure how to get down there because they keep respawning.
You can kill them over and over to get lots of a yellow essence if you want. Go
down the tunnel and then underneath an arch and keep going and you'll
eventually come up to an area with a boat to the right. Jump onto the boat and
then through the window to reach a room with a blue dragon statue. In this
building go up the stairs and out the door. When you get outside about 4 purple
bat demons will attack you. In this area, if you are facing out the door you
originally came out, behind you and to your right is a Muramasa statue and a
partially opened door. You could choose to upgrade your newly found Kusari Gama
but I decided not to because I really don't like it that much since it is slow.
Inside the room with the partially opened door is a chest with a key you need
to open the large iron gate on the opposite side of this area. Also in this
room is a notebook on the desk. Run down to the other end of the corridor with
the big iron gate. Use the key to open the door and head out. On this bridge
about 7 werewolves come at you in a few waves. Across the bridge and into the
next structure to your left through the door is a dead body with arrows. Head
down the hallway a werewolf will appear and as you are fighting another
werewolf will appear behind you. Down at the end of this hallway is a chest
containing an herb of spiritual life. Look out across the large the wide gap to
your right and shoot the glowing targets with a fully charged arrow and a draw
bridge will lower. There is a pull you can grab on to go across. I am not sure
what is this way because I fell down when I jumped and missed the pole. If you
do fall down, you fall into the water and a bunch of spiky scorpion demons come
and fight you. If you want you can just run away from them and run to the dock
by the huge water wheel. Jump and grab the one of the bars of the huge water
wheel and then swing and jump to a platform. Next, jump on the gears of the
water wheel and jump into the building. Inside is a circular pole. Jump and
grab the pole and climb around it and drop down on the other platform with the
chest. In the chest is a Lives of a Thousand Gods. Go out of this building and
then you're out in a room by some stairs and 3 werewolves will attack you. Then
run up the steps of the big building and underneath the arch is a blue dragon
statue. Next, head into the big courtyard area, in this area are about 7 of the
spiky scorpion guys. They are kind of tough. Just try to make sure and isolate
one at a time. In the next hallway, you'll be attacked by a flood of spiky
scorpions and purple bat demons. Kill one ASAP and then use his essences to
power up an ultimate attack. Repeat the cycle of killing and ultimate attacking
until all the enemies are dead. Next, you'll approach a 4 way intersection. To
your right is a chest with blue essence. In the room to your left is a Muramasa
statue. Eventually you have to head straight down the tunnel into a room with
the big wine casks two purple demons and two spiky scorpion guys come and
attack you. Head down the stairs into a more narrow hallway. To your right the
big iron gates are locked but you can run down there and at the big iron gates
turn right. On top of the stairs are more of the same enemies. You'll
eventually end up in a big room with wine racks. In here is a chest with a
copper key. Head back to way you came and open the iron gates with your key. In
this chest is an Art of the Phoenix Ninpo. In this hallway are one spiky guy
and one purple demon. There is a chest with red essence. Also, in this room is
a big wooden round well top. Jump up into the air and then hit Y to smash
through it. You'll found down into some water. Here there is another wheel for
the trials of valor and a blue dragon statue. Head down the tunnel and about 6
spiky scorpion guys attack you. It is a lot easy to stay up on the ledge and
fight them on land rather than trying to fight them in the water. You'll come
to another huge round room. In the middle of the room is another hole that you
can dive down into. You'll end up in another huge room with floating fish
everywhere. The fish will latch on you if they get near you. Smash buttons to
get them off and then just act wildly to kill them. Some of the fish in the are
will disappear as you run at them. They can't attack you when you are above
water but when you fall in they will. There are chests in the center of all the
circular collections of columns under the water in the middle. These chests
contain yellow essence. On one of the fallen pillars in the water, there is a
chest. Inside that chest is a skull key. Finding the skull key triggers a
cutscene with a huge water monster boss.

BOSS - Water Dragon

This boss was kind of hard for me to figure out. He can shoot his little spines
at you and shoot a spike through you and grab you. You start out on a small
rock and once you fall off you are stuck in the water. I actually found it
easier to stay on the rock and shoot arrows and his face. Shooting arrows and
using my Ninpo, I was able to beat him this way without using an health items
on Acolyte. I absolutely hate the swimming in this game so staying on land was
much more attractive to me. Ryu never seems to go where I want him to in the
water. The Art of Inferno Ninpo targets him underwater somewhere so maybe he
has a weak point somewhere. Your Ninpo and your arrows actually only damage him
a little bit so expect to shoot him many times. Also, in the water are more
fish that will latch onto you but you can kill them for health if you need to.
You might as well use all your Ninpo because there is a chest coming up with
red essence.

Chapter 6 - The Lycanthrope's Castle

After you kill the Water Dragon, pieces of the ceiling fall. Before you leave
this area you might want to double check that you got all the chest in the
water. In one of the rectangular groups of pillars there is a chest with a Life
of the Gods. If you run up the big set of stairs by where you fought the boss
there is a chest with yellow essence. Part of the ceiling fell between to
pillars allowing you to stand on it and wall jump back and forth (flying bird
technique) up the gap in the pillars. This is to your left if you are facing
the way you were facing when you were fighting the boss it is to your left.
Once you are on top of the pillar structure, there is a Muramasa statue. Behind
you when you are at the Muramasa statue is a crystal skull. To get the skull,
run over back to where you came up, jump on the slanty part of the roof, and
run over the peak of the roof. To your left is part of the roof ledge that is
broken. Jump down there and land on the platform with the skull. Head back by
the Muramasa statue and jump to the top of next set of pillars. There are fish
here so walk to the edge of the pillar and they will come at you and attack
them before they get to close. Jump to another platform, kill the fish and jump
across more pillars. On the last pillars, jump from there to the cavern wall
edge, which is like a blueish green edge. Run left on this ledge and kill three
fish and find a chest with yellow essence. Go the other way down the ledge.
You'll come to the a gap. Jump and wall run and then jump to the next platform.
When you get over to the other side about 5 of the spiky scorpion guys will
attack you. There is a chest to your left with red essence. Next you jump to
another top of a pillar and then to a semi-circle top of a building. There are
more fish. The best way to kill them is to inch towards one and then when he
attacks you they all come. Mash X as soon as this happens and they'll just run
into your whirling blades. On the next sequence of platforms there is a chest
with yellow essence. Eventually you'll into a small room with a blue dragon

Go up the big set of stairs to your right. Up the stairs you will fight 3 spike
guys. Up the stairs between two cannons, there is a dead body and it has
arrows. Go further up the stairs and you will be attacked by 4 more spike guys.
Up the stairs further there are 3 spike guys and 2 flying dragons. Up the
stairs to your left there are 3 spike guys and the door is locked. Head down
the stairs and there will be another spike guy and a flying dragon. In the
center of the circle pillar area, there is a Yest of Valor circle. Go back up
the stairs and along the rail to your right and turn left at the corner and 3
werewolves will attack you. Yhere is a blue dragon statue. Ho up the ladder and
down the hall and there is a dead body with arrows. Go down the hallway wall
jump back and forth to reach the top and up there, there are 8 flying dragons.
Use your bow to kill them. Jump up the platforms and go to your left and 2
werewolves will attack you. Keep going up the stairs and 2 more will attack. A
short cut scene will play and then go down the ladder to the the dead body with
a notebook if you want it. Jump from flag pole to flag pole and then jump
through the stained glass window. Once you are in the church, you have to fight
about 7 spike guys. Run to the front of the church and open the chest to find a
bronze key. Go back out the other door and use the key on the door across the
way. Drop down to the kitchen and there will be 2 werewolves. Go out the
kitchen door to your left and smash the barrels to your left, and behind them
is a chest that has the Life of the Gods. Go through the door you came in and
there are 4 werewolves in there. You can only go through the door on the right
and once you go in there, there are 4 werewolves in there. Open the next door
and there are 3 spike guys in there. After you kill those, 3 more will spawn.
To your right under the painting, there is a cast iron key. Go out the the door
and there is a blue dragon statue to your right. You will come into a large
room where you will fight about 5 werewolves. Go through the door closest to
the other door and you will be in the main room. Go up the stairs and to the
left there is a chest that has the herb of spiritual life. Go back across the
other side and up the stairs and use your cast iron key on the door. Up the
stairs there is a blue dragon statue and and 2 orange claw ninjas attack.
Through the door 5 more attack you. On the dead body in the room there is a
greater fiends notebook part 3 in it. Go in the fireplace and run and wall jump
to the top and once in the room there are 6 spike guys waiting. Open the next
door and there are 5 claw guys waiting. Wall jump up the fireplace like the
last time and now you are in the room where there is a blue dragon statue. Jump
to the flag pole and swing across. Run all the way around to your right (don't
go up the stairs yet) and on the platform and there are 2 chests, one has
skeleton fish and there other has red essence and a Muramasa Statue. Use the
flag pole to get back and then go up the stairs. When you get there, the door
is locked and 4 werewolves attack you. after you kill one, 4 more will spawn.
When you kill them all, a gold key will appear and then use it to unlock the
door. This will start a cut scene. After the cut scene, you will have to fight
about 4 werewolves. Go up and interact with the chair (throne) and a trap door
will open in the middle of the room and jump down it. There will be 2 spike
guys down there. After fighting them, one more will spawn. To your left there
is a chest that has blue essence. Further down on the right is a blue dragon
statue. Further down, go through the door. All the way up the stairs and to the
left there is a chest with red essence. Go up to where you came and you will
fight 2 spike guys. Keep going down the stairs go out onto the bridge and on
the bridge, you will be attacked by 10 flying dragons. Go through the next door
and you will be out into the coliseum.

BOSS - Volf

Volf is actually pretty easy. Mostly, you'll just want to stay on the offensive
because your strong attacks and stun him. Dodge in a circle around him to avoid
his attacks. After you kill him, pick up his weapon and about 10 werewolves
will attack you. You now have the Eclipse Sycthe which is really powerful. I
recommend upgrading it fully ASAP. Eventually a cut scene will happen and a
helicopter will come and rescue you.

Chapter 7 - The Flying Fortress Daedalus

You spawn on the deck of an airship and immediatelye you are getting shot at.
There is a chest to your right with arrows if you need them. Using the metal
plates for cover, take out all the turrets. A cut scene will show your
helicopter battling. A door will open and 3 metal alien guys will come out
shooting at you. In the room, there is a Muramassa statue. Open the door in the
middle of the room and there are 4 or 5 ninjas will come to attack you. Kill
all the guys in the room and oen the chest at the end of the hallway on the
right with red essence and on the left is a blue dragon statue. Go through the
door near the blue dragon statue. There are 4 ninjas in there. Go through the
opening to your left and through the door and there is a chest of herb of
spitural life. To the right there is another chest with yellow essence. Go
through the door near the chest and there 5 ninjas in the hall. Kill all the
guys and run around the catwalk and at the end is a chest of with life of the
gods in it. Then go back to the door and go in it. There are 2 walking armor
suit guys that blow up when they die which hurts you a lot. Blocking helps a
little but it is best to jump away when they die. Push the button to lower the
platform and there is a huge robot guy that also blows up when you kill him. He
isn't tough if you use your Ninpo on him. Then go through the door witht he
green light above it and there are a few ninjas in it. use the control console
near by and there is a blue dragon statue nearby. run back into the other room
and the door that was red is not green. Now there is another huge robot guy and
a lot of ninjas so this would be a good time to use your ninpo. Kill them all
and go through thte green door. There are 6 ninjas so kill them. Walk along the
hallway to the left and to the right at the corner is a chest that has the Life
of the Gods in it. Now to your right there is a door. There are 2 ninjas in
there. The door to the right is unlocked (green light). There are 5 special ops
in there. Kill the 2 guys to your left at the controls. Another ninja will come
and attack too. Destroy the controls in the room by attacking them with your
weapon. To the left of the console that is a chest with an herb of spiritual
life and there is aother one that has arrows. Use the arrows to destroy the
glowing tubes on the reactor which destroys the reactor. Go back out and there
is a missile launcher guy and go through the door to your right. In the room,
there are 2 groups of ninjas which have 5 ninjas and 2 rocket launcher guys.
Tun along the walls and jump to avoid the missile. Back by the door where you
came in, there is a green light door to your left and in there is a Muramassa
shopa and a blue dragon statue. Once you are done in there, head around the
corner to your left. Go through the door with the green light to you left. In
there is a body with a notebook. To the left, there is an elevator. When you
get off the elevator there are 4 ninjas and more control consoles to destroy.
Go up the ladder and there is a chest with the herb of spiritual life and
another chest with a Lives of a Thousand Gods. The switch does not do anthing
right now. Go to the door to your right and there is antoher group of ninjas
with rocket launchers and a blue dragon statue. There are 2 doors in the room
and they open to circle areas that have chests and one chest has a Ninpo
scroll, The Art of the Piercing void. In the other room is a wagon wheel circle
for The Trial of Valor. There is a switch in the cornet. Open it and the floor
will open and down there is a chest with arrows and dead body that has
incendairy shurikens and the other body has a Tonfa. I prefer the Scythe over
the Tonfa. There is another chest with yellow essence in it. Go out the door.
There are 3 ninjas and 2 rocket launcher guys in the room. to your right int he
pile of rubble there is a crystal skull. run around the corner and go through
the door and there are three rocket launching robots. To your right there is a
Muramasa Statue. Run down the runway and down there is a chest with arrows. Go
back the room and use the switch. A fully charged ultmiate attack with kill the
robots in one hit. When the elevator stops there are 3 more walkers. Near the
pillar there is a chest with arrows. Go out the door near that pilar there are
turrets in the room and use fully charged arrow to kill them. Run across to the
other ladder and up the ladder and through the door. At the top is a blue
dragon statue. To your left is a body with a devil way mushroom. In the hallway
there are two rocket launcher guys and 4 ninjas. Go through the door and there
are more of each. Run across the bridge and a cut scene will happen. Go through
the door and there are are special ops ninjas and two rocket ninjas. Near the
door is a chest with blue essence. Go through the other door and a cut scene
will play. Then run across the bridge. in the room there is a rcoket guy and 4
ninjas. Go to the next door and run down the hall and there are 4 ninjas and a
rocket guy. To the left is a chest wtht blue essensce. Through the door there
is a Muramasa Statue. Through the next door there are a bunch or turrets and
kill them with fully charged arrows. After, run across and up the ladder and
there is a blue dragon statue. Go through the door and there is a cut scene.


This time Genshin has a bunch of helpers. I recommend using a fully upgraded
Scythe for this battle. The other ninjas drop blue essence if you need it. The
hold block strategy doesn't work because the other ninjas get behind you. He
dodges your Ninpo so don't bother wasting it on Genshin. His darts interrupt
the charging of your ultimate attack. You can eventually kill enough of his
minions so they won't respawn anymore. I recommend using all your Ninpo on the
minions to get rid of them. Once they are gone it is much easier to fight
Genshin one-on-one. In fact, once his minions are gone you can be really cheap
and just hold block and mash Y when he gets close to you. Ryu will do a counter
attack and you'll block most of his attacks since you are holding block. You
don't block the attack where he jumps and slices down though so watch out for

BOSS - Giant Turtle

Immediately after Genshin you have another boss battle with a Giant Turtle.
He'll breath a huge beam of fire which you can dodge. His weak point is his
face. If you attack his face with a fully upgraded Scythe you can kill him in a
few combos. He'll roll into a ball and start bouncing, this is your clue that
he is about to charge you. Dodge to the side when he comes at you. Sometimes
when he is bouncing he'll land on you so make sure to be ready to dodge. He
also has an attack where he shoots fireballs in all directions. When he does
this, run for his head. He will turn red when he is almost dead and attack more
agressively. He can also kick you with his feet. Roll to avoid his kick. He can
grab you with his mouth so try to stay off to his side when attacking. When he
dies he makes a huge explosion so make sure you have a good amount of health
and hold LT to block when he dies.

Chapter 8 - Submit or Die

There is a Murmasa statue ahead to your right and a chest to the left of that
with arrows. Ahead, behind some sandbags are two guys with rocket launchers.
Run along to the walls to avoid their rockets. Down the street there are three
more. You can try using the explosive barrels to blow them up. Use a charged up
arrow. Next there are four walking mech suit guys. Remember, they explode when
they die. There are also 2 rocket launcher guys down the street and after you
kill everyone two more will spawn behind you. To your right is another hallway
with a bunch of rocket launcher guys. By the corner of the building is a chest
with an herb of spiritual life. Down the hallway is a blue dragon statue. In
the next room are a bunch of dog ninjas. In the next room are a bunch of
special ops ninjas and rocket launcher guys. Using your incendiary shurikens on
the rocket launcher guys is a good idea. By the fountain, to your right is a
door that leads to a shop with a Muramasa statue inside. Go back out by the
fountain and out the door at the end of the hallway. In the next area, there
are mines on the ground. You can blow them up with arrows if you want. There is
a chest coming up that has them. Follow the footprints in the snow over to the
next area. There is a rocket launcher guy shooting at you as soon as you come
around the corner. In the windows of the building coming up there are rocket
launcher guys. Use your arrows to kill them. Around the corner are two turrets.
Use charged up arrows to destroy them. Follow the footprints in the snow again
and through the door to find a blue dragon statue. In the next room there are a
ton of claw ninjas. To your right there is a small door. Run up the stairs.
There is a gap. You need to wall run around the corner to get to the next
platform. At the next gap, jump and run along the wall to the next platform.
Wall run around the corner and jump at the next gap. When you get to the top
you are in a room with a bunch of bells. Jump and grab the pipe in the middle
and climb around to left and jump to the area with the dead body. Examine the
dead body to find a life of the gods. Go back to the pipe and climb around to
the other area. Jump into the small opening with the stairs. Run around the
ledge and jump through the opening. Examine the dead body to find a bell key.
Go back to the previous area and use the bell key to open the door. By one of
the candles on this stair case is a crystal skull. Run out the door and then
jump on the bench to your right and open the golden doors. You will land in a
cave and there will be a bunch of bats around. Run through the tunnels.
Eventually you'll come to a big arched hallway. This area is a train station.
There are a bunch of ninjas that throw incendiary shurikens. Kill them and down
the far hallway on the right side is a chest with an herb of spiritual life. Go
to the farthest away train door. Go in the first door on your left and there is
a crystal skull by the dead body. Go into the next room and examine the dead
body on the bed and find the ID Card. Go into the other compartment and there
is a chest with blue essence. Now exit the train and go right. Go up the stairs
and use your ID Card to open the door. In the next room is a blue dragon
statue. Go up the stairs and through the door. There will be a huge troll boss.

MINI BOSS - Huge troll 2

Run under his legs and attack with your Scythe. After you hit him a couple
times dodge away. It is best to remain on the offensive because his ranged
attacks are his strongest. Repeat this until come huge armor suit guys appear.
Use one of your Ninpo that hits multiple targets to kill them all. Once only
the troll is left run back in and attack with your Scythe again to kill him.

There is a hole in the wall for you to go through. Then jump down the hole in
this room. Behind you is a book if you want it. Run down the hallway and three
claw ninjas will attack you. Run down the hallway and in the cell without a
door is a dead body with incendiary shurikens. Go down the stairs and in the
next hallway in the cell with the door missing is a dead body with a life of
the gods. Continue to the end of the hallway. Go to the last cell and use a
shuriken to blow open the crack in the wall. Drop down into the next area and
there will be about four spikey scorpion guys. To your left is a chest with red
essence. Run along the water until you come to an island with skeleton fish.
Kill the fish from the land in case you fall in the water. Run to the end of
the tunnel and then up the stairs. Follow the cavern up. When you get to the
end you've got to wall jump back and forth. At the top, use a incendiary
shuriken to blow open the crack in the wall. In the next area there is a chest
to your left with an herb of spiritual life. Head down stairs and there is a
blue dragon statue. Out the door to your right is a chest with arro

Overlord (Guide en anglais)
Publié le 20.06.2008 ŕ 18:10 par TecKa

There are 54 achievements with a total of 1250 points.

Power up the Tower 10
Retrieve the Tower Heart to power up the Tower
Teleport to Mellow Hills by walking into the pool in your Tower. Once you’re in Mellow Hills, summon three minions by locking onto the brown spawn pit with and pressing . Gnarl will instruct you to kill the sheep down the path on your left to increase your life force. Lock onto the sheep with and send your minions to attack with . Once you’ve killed the sheep, return to the spawn pit and summon a total of five minions. Use those five to move the pillar on the right side of the path. Lock onto it with , send your minions with , and they’ll automatically roll the pillar away, revealing a new path. Follow this path past Farmer Bob’s farm. You’ll see the Tower Heart just around the bend sitting in the middle of a pumpkin patch. Clear out the pumpkins by sweeping your minions over them with and then lock onto the Tower Heart with and send the minions to it with . They’ll automatically carry it to the nearest teleport stone. First you’ll need to knock down a wall for them first by striking it with your ax. Press when you’re standing in front of the wall and, after a couple of swings, it will fall. The achievement unlocks as soon as the Tower Heart disappears through the teleport stone.
Rebuild the Tower 10
Retrieve a Crane to start rebuilding the Tower
Teleport to Mellow Hills and walk towards Spree by taking the path to the right of the teleport stone over the bridge that you created to recover the Tower Heart. Use ten minions to move the pillar on the right side of the path. This will open up a new path. Follow the path and continue past the gate to Spree and on towards the Slave Camp. Gnarl will instruct you to kill some Halflings with your Fireball Spell by pressing and setting the wheat field ablaze. Continue to follow the path, fighting Halflings as you go, until you get to the Slave Camp. Kill the Halflings guarding the gate and then use your minions to turn the wheel. Passing through this gate takes you to the Slave Camp. Follow the path through the camp, killing more Halflings. You’ll come to a courtyard with another wheel that you can turn to free more prisoners. When you continue down the path, you’ll see another prison area.

As you approach, a Troll will be set loose that you must fight. When it throws its arms up into the air, it is preparing to jump and perform a belly-flop attack, so call your minions back to you by holding . As soon as it hits the ground, have your minions attack again. Once the Troll and the other Halfling guards are dead, you can turn the wheel on your left to open a gate. Go through the gate and you’ll find the crane sitting just around the corner. Send five minions to it and they’ll carry it to the waypoint. The achievement unlocks as soon as the crane disappears through the teleport stone.
Obtain a Mistress 20
Get yourself a little company and some help spending your money
Go to Castle Spree by teleporting to the Mellow Hills, enter Spree, turning right, and take the second gate to your right out of the town. Follow the path, using your reds to clear fire barriers. Go past the gate and use your reds to clear out the fire barricade in the gap in the wall. Send your minons through the gap to turn the wheel and open the main gate. You’ll need to clear the raiders out of the upper courtyard and proceed down into Dungeons of Spree. To get Rose to come with you, you need to kill all the raiders and retrieve her luggage.

The Dungeons are very linear. Follow the path across from the room that Rose is hiding in, using your reds to break down fire barriers and your browns to fight off raiders, until you find the wheel that opens the gate next to Roses' hiding place. Go through the door to find the room where the luggage is sitting behind a fire barrier. A floating eyeball called a Beholder guards the luggage. It drifts back and forth between two platforms. Post five red minions on each platform, so they can hit it regardless of which way it drifts. During the fight, the Beholder will summon raiders into the middle of the room, so it’s a good idea for you and a small group of browns to stand there and kill them.

Once its dead, your reds can break down the barrier twelve minions can pick up the luggage. After you carry it back to Rose, she’ll come out of the room that she’s hiding in and invite herself back to your Tower. The achievement unlocks after a cutscene in your Tower.
Retrieve the Food 10
Retrieve the Food, but will you keep or return it?
Teleport to the Mellow Hills and enter Spree. Turn right and exit out of the first gate on your right. Following the path out of that gate will require fighting a number of Halflings and another Troll before you get to a very large door controlled by a wheel. Go through this door to enter the Halfling Homes. Clear the first room of Halflings and break down the door straight ahead of you, revealing a hallway with a gated door at the end. Turn right to enter a second room and kill the Halflings so that you can follow the walkway around to the left. You’ll see a small wheel down a narrow hallway. Turning it will open the gated door at the end of the main hall. Return to the main hallway and go through this newly-opened door. Continue down the hall and smash open the door at the end.

To continue, you must find two missing spokes to the wheel that controls the door straight ahead of you. Turn right and smash open the door, entering the next hallway. Go into the room on your left and kill the Halflings before smashing down the door ahead. You’ll find the first spoke on the floor in the next room. Send a minion to it and they’ll take it back to the wheel. Have your other minions go right to turn a small wheel that will open the gated door at the end of the hall you were just in. Return to the hallway and go through the open gate. In this large room is a series of Halfling holes and the second spoke in front of you. This spoke completes the wheel, but you need more minions to turn it.

Turn left from the wheel and go down the steps to find a large pumpkin. Smash it and you’ll find a minion object that will raise your maximum horde size. Have three minions pick it up and take it to the nearest teleport stone. Summon fifteen total minions, open the large door, and proceed down to the second level of the Halfling Homes. Clear out the banquet hall and open the door on the opposite wall by turning the wheel to the right. Turn right down a narrow hall and kill the cooks in the kitchen. Go to the end of the kitchen and you’ll find a storeroom with a pallet of food and a small wheel that will open the gate to your left.

Open the gate and send five minions to pick up the food. Just outside the gate you’ll meet a group of peasants. You can either give them the food or you can keep it for yourself. The choice affects your corruption level, but either way, the achievement will unlock.
Defeat Melvin 20
Puncture a Hero
Crash the Halfling party by going through the gate to the left of the entrance to the Halfling Homes. You need to kill the fiddle player by targeting him with and striking him with your ax or a fire spell . Once he's dead, kill the rest of the Halflings. You'll need to find two wheel spokes to go through to door to follow Melvin. The first is up the hill on your right past a number of spawning Halfling holes. Go back down the hill, turn right, and go up a small set of stairs. The second spoke is on a wooden platform near a flaming hilltop. When the wheel is completed, use it to enter Melvin's Kitchen.

Once in the Kitchen's go left and turn the wheel to roast all the cooks. Go downstairs and turn the second wheel to open the door. Melvin is in the room at the end of this hallway. After you start the fight, you can’t leave the room. The fight consists of two phases and both are straightforward. In the first part, he’ll stagger around the room swinging his scepter and occasionally jumping into the air and slamming down in a belly flop. For this phase, just send your minions and attack with your ax. When you see him begin to jiggle back and forth, that’s the sign that he’s about to jump. Back up and call your minions back to you, so they aren’t killed by the flop.

After you’ve taken off half of his health, the second phase of the fight will begin. In this part, he’ll roll around the room like a giant, flabby ball occasionally slamming into the wall. If you’re careful and are willing to take it slowly, you can take him down without losing a single minion. Avoid him until he hits the wall and stops. Post your minions out of the way, lock onto him with , get behind him, and hit him with your ax. He’ll continually try to turn around so he can start rolling directly at you. As long as you stay locked onto him and keep moving to stay behind him, he’ll just spin in place and won’t roll anymore. After a few minutes of melee attacks, a brief cut scene will reward you. Strike him one more time as he’s lying on the floor and he’ll explode.
Defeat Oberon 20
Put a Hero to sleep. Permanently.
You’ll find Oberon sitting in the middle of Evernight forest, surrounded by a giant tree with a protective shield. To deactivate the shield, you have to destroy the six root nodes that power it. You need green and blue minions to access all the nodes.

1. Directly behind you as you face Oberon.
2. Outside the entrance of the Viridian Caverns, protected by a poison plant field.
3. To the left of Oberon’s tree is a path protected by poison plants. At the end of the path is a large central area containing another node.
4. Exiting this area through the door controlled by the wheel with red spokes brings you to a platform by the water. Sweep your blues across the water to turn the wheel, extending the bridge. This allows you to access Skull Den. At the end of Skull Den is another node.
5. Leave Skull Den through the exit that was previously blocked by the root from Oberon’s tree. The path directly upwards and to your left will take you to the Mother Goddess Temple. When you get to the end of the Temple, you’ll have to kill a pair of trolls before you can destroy the node that you find there.
6. To the right of Oberon’s tree is a path that leads down to a river. Use your blues to move the block in the middle of the water and go down the river until you can cross to the other side and destroy the node you find there.

The actual battle with Oberon is relatively straightforward. There’s a mana pit and brown minion spawn pit to the left of Oberon, so your horde shouldn’t be a concern. Begin by sweeping your minions up the ramp at Oberon’s feet so they can attack him. Watch out for clouds of dirt appearing near you. When you see then, move immediately because roots will shoot out of the ground, damaging you. Eventually, Oberon will summon monsters, beginning with blue toads and working up to bloody unicorns, trolls, and the mace wielding minotaur-like monsters. You can overwhelm the monsters with your minion horde and keep replenishing it from the brown spawn point, but I found it much easier to blast the monsters with my fire spell and constantly restock my mana at the mana pit. In between the waves of monsters, keep sending the minions up to Oberon. Once they’ve finished him off, you’ll see a cut scene and then the ramp at his feet will collapse, allowing you to walk up to and strike the killing blow.
Defeat Sir William 20
Cure a Hero of life
You’ll find Sir William in Angelis Keep. The fight consists of two parts, separated by a clash with two succubae. In the first part you find Sir William in the middle of a large room full of Red Dawn cultists. You can try to send your minions in en masse and try to kill off as many as possible. Another option is to post your reds just outside the door. They’ll be able to fire in at cultists as they walk past, but the cultists won’t actually leave the room, so you can slowly pick them off. It’s a slower process, but you won’t take any damage and you won’t lose any minions.

After you’ve killed off enough cultists, you’ll be transported to the middle of the room where you’ll face off with William while surrounded by a circle of cultists. He’ll periodically launch himself up the air and slam down with his staff, so watch out for that and pull your minions back before it happens. He doesn’t move around much, so having some reds to back up your browns can be very effective. A few cultists will come down and attack your minions, but you can generally ignore them and just swarm William until he flees.

Follow him out the door where you’ll come across the succubae. Take them out and proceed down the hallway until you find Sir William in another room. This room is square with a platform on each corner and a sunken central area filled with Red Dawn cultists. Once again there are two different approaches that you can take. The first is to swarm William and his cultists directly and try to overwhelm him. On the easier difficulty level, this strategy is quite effective. William will periodically teleport to one of the various corner platforms for a few minutes before teleporting back down to the middle. The Red Dawn, however, will stay in the central area, so you can stay on the upper level and wait for him to teleport and then rush him and do as much damage as possible before he teleports back to the middle again.

This strategy is especially effective if you’ve lost most or all of your minions because you can rush him, back off before he swings, move in and hit him, backing off again before he swings. Taking this approach, you can hit him three or four times before he teleports back to the middle without him ever hitting you. It’s a slow process, but it is also safe. Either way, once you’ve taken off all his health, you’ll see a cut scene before you get to finish him off.
Defeat Goldo 20
End a Hero's obsession
You’ll find Goldo at the end of the Royal Halls. Red minions will be especially helpful in this fight as will a strong weapon for your overlord. Once you see Goldo, he runs out of the room and returns in Rollie – a metal tank equipped with a flamethrower and a spiked roller on the front. Start by posting your reds off to the side where they can hit Rollie and send five or six browns on top of the tank while you run behind it and use your melee attack on it. If you keep rotating, you’ll stay behind it and away from the flamethrower and spiked wheel.

After you’ve taken off half the health, the fight will enter a second phase. Bombs will fall from the ceiling and Rollie with take off and try to ram you and your minions. Avoid these rushes and when the tank rams into the wall or the pillars it’ll hold still for several seconds. You can send your minions to attack it then or send a minion to grab a bomb and carry it over to the tank. As long as you’re quick to avoid the rushes, the fight will be over quickly. You’ll see a cut scene with Goldo coming out of the tank and then you can strike the killing blow.
Defeat Jewel 20
Steal a Hero
You find Jewel in the ruined city at the end of the Ruborian desert. The achievement is slightly perfectly descriptive because you don’t ever actually fight her. You simply need to herd her onto the teleport stone, so she’s transported back to your Tower for interrogation. Jewel is quick, nimble, and has an impressive jumping ability, so she’ll bounce around the city to avoid you. Your first goal should be to clear out all of the raiders and black sheep in the city.

Once the city is empty except for you, your minions, and Jewel, start at the end of the main road farthest away from the teleport stone and post three minions at the entrance to each side street and alley. As you move up the street, Jewel will keeping running back and forth in front of you. Leave a single entrance unguarded at the very end of the street and chase Jewel around the side streets until she runs through this last entrance and out into the main street. Immediately post minions in the final entrance and then run towards Jewel, driving her towards the waygate. She’ll run onto the teleport stone and get teleported back to your Tower.
Defeat Kahn 20
Get angry with a Hero
You find Kahn in Heaven’s Point. The fight takes place in three phases and each phase has its own extraneous challenges other than Kahn himself.

The first part includes a Beholder that constantly spawns raiders and will kill your minions instantly if it floats over them, so your first priority should be to kill that with your reds while avoiding Kahn has he chases you around. Then, get your greens and reds up on the ledges to attack Kahn from above. Be prepared to move the minions away from the edge when he swings his mace and to call your minions back before he starts his jump. He’ll eventually come on top of the ledge, so you just have to run across to the next one. After you take off about a quarter of his health, he’ll flee to another portion of the city.

The second part begins with a cut scene showing three Beholders outside the city gates spawning raiders. Your very first action should be to charge forward and have your minions turn the wheel to close the gate and prevent any more raiders from coming in. You’ll lose a handful of minions, but its worth the cost. There are several spawning pits in the area, so you’ll be able to restock. After the gate is closed and the remaining raiders killed, this phase plays out in essentially the same way as the first phase. Simply keep your reds and greens up on the ledges, so they can attack Kahn from above Once Kahn is down to half of his life, he’ll flee again.

The final part of the fight has three levels and two Beholders that rotate between them. The fastest approach is to quickly move up to the highest level and kill the Beholder that’s there. As long as you don’t move down, the other Beholder won’t bother you, so you can focus on Kahn. Once again, your approach is to attack him with reds and greens and avoid his mace swing and jump attack. Simply move back and forth along the highest level and try to use your Legion of Terror spell to get extra damage in. If you have to restock, there are some minion spawn pits in the area. Once you’ve taken down all of his health, you’ll see another cut scene and then you simply have to strike him once to finish the fight.
Defeat the Wizard 50
Defeat the 7th Hero
For the final boss fight of the game, this is unexpectedly easy. Make sure that you come into the final chamber with as many greens as you can carry. The color of the barrier around the Wizard corresponds to the type of minion that you can attack him with. Stay in the alcove by the entrance and fight off the enemy minions that wander by until he changes to the green barrier. Immediately send in the greens and use your Legion of Terror spell to speed the process up. Once he throws the minions off, call them back to you. You may need to go through this cycle twice, at most three times, before half of his health is gone.

At that point a cut scene interrupts the fight. Afterwards, you and all your minions will be teleported into the middle of the arena and surrounded by a sizable horde of enemy minions. Quickly use your Inferno spell two or three times to kill of the majority of the enemy minions and run to the green minion spawn pit. Hide in that corner as the Wizard does his tornado attack. He’ll reappear by the spawning pits on the opposite side when he’s done spinning around. Wait for him to go back to the green shield and commence sending in the green minions again. With the Legion of Terror spell it should only take one or two cycles to bring him to his knees. After another cut scene, you lay down the final blow. Congratulations, you’ve won the game!
Full Corruption 50
Win with the blackest heart
This is a list of all the various choices and actions that you have to accomplish to get the full 100% corruption. The first part of the list will be the story-related choices that you have to make and the second part is a list of things that you can do to cause general mayhem and destruction. The second part can be done over the course of the game as long as you do it before you get to Kahn.

Plot-Related Choices
3% Keep Spree’s Food – See “Retrieve the Food”. When you’re faced with the peasants after picking up the food, have your minions kill them and then take the food to the teleport stone.

5% Burn down the Sacred Grove in Evernight Forest – Use your fire spell or red minions to start a fire at the Sacred Grove. The fire will burn down all the grass and kill the unicorns while you’re at it.

10% Choose Velvet over Rose – See “Obtain a Mistress”. Have your minions pick up Velvet’s Bed and carry it to the teleport stone.

5% Feed the elves to the slugs in the Glittering Mine – You’ll see a group of Giant Slugs in an open area near the end of the mine and a group of elves in a prison cell imploring you to kill the slugs and let them out. Just have your minions turn the wheel to open the cell and the slugs will eat the elves as they come out.

10% Take Goldo’s Gold rather than save the elven women in Goldo’s Stronghold – After you’ve killed Goldo, just pick up the giant gold bag and have your minions carry it out.

5% Keep the Mother Goddess Statue – After you’ve trapped Jewel with the teleport stone, go back to the other end of the town and have your minions pick up the statue. Right before you get to the teleport stone, two Ghost Elves will teleport in and ask you to give them the statue. Use your blue minions to kill them and then take the statue to the teleport stone.

5% Kill the traitors at Spree – After Kahn has trashed Spree, a group of peasant will beg your forgiveness in front of the bar. Either have your minions attack them or set them on fire with your spells.

Mayhem and Destruction
3% Kill a peasant – See Enemy of Mankind. This can easily be accomplished at the very beginning of the game by killing Farmer Bob on your way to the Tower Heart.

5% Kill 20 peasants – See Enemy of Mankind

10% Kill 100 peasants – See Enemy of Mankind

15% Enemy of Mankind – All of these steps involve killing peasants. Its not exactly clear how many peasants have to be killed to obtain Enemy of Mankind, but estimates range from over five hundred to around a thousand. Simply kill as many peasants as you can in Spree and Heaven’s Peak. They’ll respawn every time you teleport in, so you can kill them every time you make a trip. As a bonus, this is also a great way to farm for brown life force. Its very important, however, that, if you have the DLC, you make sure you get this before you capture Jewel. Once Kahn wrecks Spree and Heaven's Peak, you won't have a chance to do anymore peasant farming before the end of the game (from Black Dragon).

5% Wenchbane – You just have to kill ten peasant women. This comes pretty quickly if you continually kill all the peasants that you find.

1% Harasser of Humans – See Suppressor of Spree

3% Suppressor of Spree – After you’ve killed several peasants, the rest will attack you in a little uprising. Just continue killing them until they give up.

2% Spree Homewrecker – Use your minions to wreck every home in Spree. These homes respawn every time you visit, so you have to destroy all of them in a single trip. There are approximately fifteen and as long as you’re thorough in your exploration of Spree, you’ll track them down easily.

3% Heaven’s Peak Town Trasher – Just trash all four homes in Heaven’s Peak. You're looking for the homes that have light in the windows and that aren't boarded up. These are a little harder because Heaven’s Peak is bigger and there are only four, but its also easy to keep track of how many you’ve done. Once again, you have to do them all in a single trip.

3% Capture 10 Servants – After you’ve killed a number of Spree’s peasants, you’ll teleport into Mellow Hills and you’ll find a woman tied up along the path to Spree. The townspeople are offering her as a servant. Have your minions attack her until she falls on the ground and then pick her up and take her back to the teleport stone. There are nine other women scattered around Mellow Hills. You’ll recognize them because they scream and run away.
Three are inside of Spree itself (1), just to the right of the main gate, (2) to the left of the main gate by the pumpkin patch, (3) just past the exit towards Castle Spree at the top of a hill by the mana pit.

* Near the large herd of sheep (not the one right by the teleport, but the one across the bridge).
* Go to the Slave Camp and through the sheep herd on your right. Follow the path past that and you’ll find her near a mana pit.
* Next to a pig roasting on a spit to your right if you walk past the drawbridge entrance of Spree
* Near the small herd of sheep by the entrance to the Halfling Slave Camp
* In the herd of sheep to the left of the Mellow Hills teleport stone
* Close to the pumpkin patch where the Halflings had the Tower Heart.

2% Start a fight at Halfway to Heaven Inn – When you enter Halfway to Heaven Inn, you’ll hear someone ask if you want to fight. Just have your minions attack any one of the peasants in the bar and you’ll start a brawl.

5% Destroyer of Elves – You have to kill ten elves for this. The Ghost Elves of Evernight do not count. You’ll find regular elves scattered around the Golden Hills level. Make sure that you kill them and they aren’t killed by the Dwarves as they run away from you. There’s at least twenty elves throughout the level, so you should be able to get this relatively easily if you’re thorough.
Zero Corruption 50
Win with the clearest conscience
This achievement is slightly easier than the 100% corruption because you just have to make the right choices throughout the story. Other than that, just avoid killing any peasants or trashing any homes.

Plot-Related Choices
3% Return Spree’s Food – See “Retrieve the Food”. When you’re faced with the peasants after picking up the food, stand by the platform and have your minions drop the food there.

5% Spare the Sacred Grove in Evernight Forest – Kill the bloody unicorns in the Sacred Grove without using any red minions or fire spells.

10% Choose Rose over Velvet – See “Obtain a Mistress”. Have your minions turn the wheel and leave the level with Rose.

5% Save the elves in the Glittering Mine – You’ll see a group of Giant Slugs in an open area near the end of the mine and a group of elves in a prison cell imploring you to kill the slugs and let them out. Kill the slugs first and then release the elves by having your minions turn the wheel.

10% Save the elven women in Goldo’s Stronghold – After you’ve killed Goldo, just have your minions turn the wheel to extend the bridge and allow the elven women to flee to safety.

5% Return the Mother Goddess Statue – After you’ve trapped Jewel with the teleport stone, go back to the other end of the town and have your minions pick up the statue. Right before you get to the teleport stone, two Ghost Elves will teleport in and ask you to give them the statue. Have your minions drop it where the elves ask you to and they’ll take it back to Evernight.

5% Spare the traitors at Spree – After Kahn has trashed Spree, a group of peasants will beg your forgiveness in front of the bar. Leave Spree without harming them.
Red Minions 10
Retrieve the Red Hive
After you kill Melvin (see "Defeat Melvin"), you'll exit into another part of the Kitchen. Turn the wheel on the left to free the Red Minions. Summon five reds and break down the fire barrier on the right. Kill enough Magma Beetles to be able to summon ten red minions. Use those ten to pick up the Red Hive to the right of the path, past the fire barrier. After you pick it up, you'll need to recall your reds with to kill several Halflings in the lower part of the kitchen and then use all your minions to fight off a few Halflings that come through the door. Then pick up the Hive and go through the open door. Place your reds on a guard marker all the way to the left with to kill the cooks and then sweep your browns with to turn the wheel controlling the gate in front of you. Carry the Red Hive through the gate to the teleport and the achievement will unlock as soon as the Hive disappears.
Green Minions 10
Retrieve the Green Hive
The Green Hive is found in the Veridian Caverns in Evernight Forest. Access Evernight and walk straight down the path until you see two Ghost Elves who ask you to kill a pair of bloody unicorns. The first is down the main path in the next clearing and the second is the left across a stream. Use the log bridge to get the minions across while you walk through the water. Return to the Ghost Elves and go down the path that they have now opened. Turn right when you get to Oberon and destroy the root node. Turn right and go down the path that was blocked by the root. You’ll see the green minions running into a poison field.

Continue down the winding path until you see three skull priests dancing in a clearing. Lock onto the poison pod with , send a minion to it with , sweep that minion into the middle of the three priests with and then release to have the minion drop the pod. When it explodes, it will kill the priests. Guide your minions along the narrow path with (this is much easier if they’re all on a guard marker) while you walk through the water until you both meet near another clearing with dancing priests. Kill them and sweep your minions across another bridge. Follow the path, clearing out two more groups of priests. After the final clearing, you’ll see the greens run into the Veridian Caverns.

Follow the Green Minions through the caverns to get to the Hive. Occasionally, they’ll go through poison plant fields, but there’s always a parallel route that you can take. Once you get to the Hive you’ll need to summon some greens to access it. Puff beetles spawn throughout the level, so I had forty green lifeforce by the time I got to the Hive. As you carry the Hive back, you’ll occasionally need to stop and fight beetles and one Troll. Make sure that you don’t have your minions drop the Hive on a sloping part of the path because its possible for the game to glitch. When you try to pick the Hive up again, your minions will just stand there holding it and not travel anywhere, forcing you to leave the Caverns and come back again. The achievement will unlock once the Hive has been teleported back to your Tower.
Blue Minions 10
Retrieve the Blue Hive
The Blue Hive can be found in the Moist Hollows outside Heaven’s Peak. When you teleport to the main waygate outside the city, you need to go down into the refugee camp and then follow the path down towards the water. On the other side of the swampy area you’ll see the blues hopping around the entrance to a cave blocked by a field of poison plants. Sweep your minions across the log bridge while you cross the shallow water and use your greens to access the Moist Hollows. The blues are very weak and you’ll have to fight a number of enemies throughout the cave, so you’ll want to make sure that you have a number of browns to do the hard work.

The biggest obstacle that you’ll face is a giant water serpent that prevents you from leaving. If you use your greens or browns and careful timing, you can kill the serpent without losing a single minion. Sweep six or seven minions back and forth in front of the serpent until it strikes. After it strikes, it will hold its head over the platform for several seconds. Immediately, sweep the minions onto the head and wait exactly five seconds before calling them back. They’ll jump off its head and back onto the platform just as it raises its head back into the air. Repeat this cycle until it dies and you shouldn’t have lost any minions or taken any damage. Continue onto the teleport stone. The achievement will unlock as soon as the Hive has been teleported back your Tower.
Steel Smelter 10
Retrieve a Smelter
Teleport to the Mellow Hills, enter Spree, turn left and exit out of the first gate on your left. Follow the path past the burning farmhouse until you see the smelter surrounded by fire. Extinguish the flames and then use twelve minions to carry the smelter back to the waygate. Pay attention because Halflings will continually attack your minions along the path, so be prepared to fight them off. The achievement will unlock when the smelter teleports back to your Tower.
Durium Smelter 15
Retrieve a powerful Smelter
The durium smelter can be found in the second level of the Understreets. After you’ve cleared the first level, you can exit and restock your minions at the spawn pits just outside the main gate of Heaven's Peak. Break down the barrier into the second level with your reds. You need to fight your way around a circular level to get to the smelter. In two places you’ll have to fight off zombie wizards that continually spawn zombies. Ignore the weaker zombies and focus your attacks on the wizards until they’re dead and then you can clear out the rest. Once you get the smelter, you just have to turn the wheel to extend a bridge and have ten minions carry it to the teleport stone. The achievement will unlock when the smelter is teleported back to your Tower.
Arcanium Smelter 20
Retrieve the most Powerful Smelter
The arcanium smelter can be found in the Arcanium Mines directly in front of you when you get in, but its too large to fit along the shortest path, so you have to carry it around the area and bring it up the other side. The fastest way to get it is to get a large horde of reds and supplement it with a few browns. Start clearing the level moving through it in the opposite direction as the smelter. There are a number of places where walls of flames block your way, but your reds can walk through unscathed. Once you’ve killed all the enemies in your way, have your reds pick up the smelter and they’ll carry it back the way you just came. The achievement will unlock when the smelter is teleported back to your Tower.
Ultimate Steel 10
Forge an Ultimately Imbued Steel Set
This achievement requires you to have a complete set of steel equipment (helmet, weapon, armor) that has been imbued with the maximum number of minions: Helmet - 675, Armor - 325, Weapon - 175.

There’s a glitch that you can exploit to make this easier. Put as many minions as you like into the given piece of equipment and begin forging. As soon as the animation starts, before the minions actually jump into the fire, pause and quit the game. When you restart it, the minions will have been added to your equipment, but not subtracted from your horde. Repeat as many times as necessary to get the achievement. Unfortunately, Codemasters has patched the game, so if you’ve downloaded the patch, you’ll have to do this the slow way by actually sacrificing the requisite number of minions.

If you have not yet downloaded the DLC, thereby updating your game automatically, you can clear your cache and remove the update for the retail version of the game. To clear the cache: Dashboard > System blade > Memory > Device Options while highlighting HDD > > Yes. Don't update when you restart (from bobbowski).
Ultimate Durium 20
Forge an Ultimately Imbued Durium Set
This achievement requires you to have a complete set of durium equipment (helmet, weapon, armor) that has been imbued with the maximum number of minions: Helmet - 1150, Armor - 575, Weapon - 300.

See “Ultimate Steel”
Ultimate Arcanium 40
Forge an Ultimately Imbued Arcanium Set
This achievement requires you to have a complete set of arcanium equipment (helmet, weapon, armor) that has been imbued with the maximum number of minions: Helmet - 2000, Armor - 1000, Weapon - 500.

See “Ultimate Steel”
Full Durium 10
Forge a full Durium set

To unlock this achievement, all you have to do is forge a Weapon, Armor, and a Helmet from the Durium smelter when you retrieve it.
Full Arcanium 20
Forge a full Arcanium set

Just forge a Weapon, Armor, and a Helmet from Arcanium once you get the Arcanium smelter.
Minion Harvester 10
Harvest Lifeforce

See "Minion Multitude".
Amass Minions 10
Harvest lots of Lifeforce

See "Minion Multitude".
Minion Hoarder 15
Harvest a huge amount of Lifeforce

See "Minion Multitude".
Minion Multitude 40
Harvest a massive amount of Lifeforce
These achievements just require you to harvest increasing amounts of life force. You’ll receive most of these in the course of playing the game, especially if you want to forge fully imbued weapons and armor. If you’re playing with zero corruption, you’re limited to farming life force by killing sheep around Spree or beetles in the dungeon. You can get about 25 life force each time you kill all the sheep and 75 life force from each round of beetles in the dungeon. The advantage to the beetle route is that you can get all the different kinds of life force, rather than just brown.

If you don’t mind increasing your corruption rating, you can also farm for life force by killing the peasants in Spree and Heaven’s Peak. Doing so can get you around 80-90 brown life force. If you'd rather not travel back and forth from the Tower, you can also go the Temple of the Mumblers in Heaven's Peak. Once they've accepted you as their god, you can continually kill the civilians in the courtyard while the priests on the upper level resurrect them (from BlackDragon).
Tower Master 40
Collect all the Tower Objects

This achievement consists of collecting all of the various items that improve your health, mana, minion horde, and spells along with bags of gold and other objects like statues. I’ve chosen to organize the list according to the area in which it is found. Not every object will be obtainable the first time that you enter an area, but, with a few exceptions, you can come back and get them later.

As far as the spells are concerned, it doesn’t matter which order you pick them up because you’ll always get the next version of the spell. For example, it is impossible to skip the Flamethrower spell (the second version) and directly obtain the Inferno spell. To get the Inferno spell, you have to find all three spell items.

This achievement also requires you to make choices that increase your corruption level, so don’t try to get it while you’re playing as the “good” overlord.

Mellow Hills

Crane – See “Rebuild the Tower”

Domination Spell #1 – Go out of Spree towards the Halfling Homes and immediately turn right. Lower the bridge by turning the wheel. The item is in the broken tower immediately before the bridge.

Fire Spell #1 – Included with the Tower Heart.

Gold Bag #1 – Inside the Halfling Homes. Clear the first room of Halflings and break down the door straight ahead of you, revealing a hallway with a gated door at the end. Turn right to enter the second room and kill the Halflings so that you can follow the walkway around to the left. Take the first right and you’ll find the bag in the room at the end of that hallway.

Gold Bag #2 – In the area where the Halflings are throwing their party. Go past the central area where the fiddler was and up the hill immediately to the right of the entrance to Melvin’s Kitchen. You’ll see the bag at the top of the hill surrounded by fire. Requires red minions.

Health Item #1 – In the outer courtyard of Castle Spree. When you cross the drawbridge, turn right and go through the arch. You’ll see it on a turret to your right.

Minion Horde Item #1 – Included with the Tower Heart.

Minion Horde Item #2 – Walk down the path to the Slave Camp (see “Rebuild the Tower”), turn right at the Blood Pit, and follow the path to the left of the Mana Pit. You can see it when you get down to the water. Requires blue minions.

Minion Horde Item #3 – Inside the Halfling Homes. At the end of the first level you’ll find the door to the second level. On the left is a grassy patch with a giant pumpkin that Gnarl suggests would be fun to smash. The item is hidden inside.

Red Minion Hive – See “Red Minions”

Rose’s Luggage – See “Obtain a Mistress”

Spree’s Food – See “Retrieve the Food”. For this achievement you must choose to keep the food, rather than give it back to the peasants.

Steel Smelter – See “Steel Smelter”

Tower Heart – See “Power Up the Tower”

Evernight Forest

Green Minion Hive – See “Green Minions”

Gold Bag – On the way to the Veridian Caverns, by the next to last poison pod, you’ll see a barrier in the water. Smash the barrier and the gold bag is right behind it. Requires blue minions.

Health Item – Sitting under the tree in the Sacred Grove. To get to the Grove, go past the sixth root node and follow the path until you get to a field of yellow flowers. The item is under the tree.

Mana Item #1 – Sitting in a clearing in front of an altar just to the right of the entrance to the Veridian Caverns.

Mana Item #2 – In Skull Cave you’ll come to a four-way intersection. Take the path to the left and you’ll see it sitting in the middle of a small room. Be prepared because four enemies pop out of the ground as soon as you pick it up.

Minion Horde Item #1 – You’ll find this item just before the entrance to Skull Cave. You have to destroy root node #3 to access it. Requires green minions.

Minion Spell #1 – After you’ve killed the bloody Unicorns, destroy the barrier down near the water on the right and you’ll find the item behind it.

Minion Spell #2 – When you finish exploring the Mother Goddess Temple, you’ll find this item on the platform in the last room.

Shield Spell #1 – To the right of Oberon’s Tree, but it isn’t accessible until you’ve destroyed the root node outside the Veridian Caverns. Requires green minions.

Shield Spell #2 – After you’ve defeated Oberon, the entrance to the Golden Hills appears where he was sitting. This item is sitting directly in front of the opening.

Heaven's Peak

Blue Minion Hive – See “Blue Minions”

Domination Spell – You’ll find this item at the end of the top level of the Understreets, sitting in the middle of the same room as the entrance to the lower level and the exit into Heaven’s Peak.

Durium Smelter – See “Durium Smelter”

Fire Spell – Go through the main gate of Heaven’s Peak and turn left. You’ll see this item tucked into a small alcove on the side of the main square.

Gold Bag #1 – On the left side of the courtyard where you fight the Silent Order.

Gold Bag #2 – At the very end of the Moist Hollows you’ll find this bag to your right before the last geyser.

Gold Bag #3 – Just outside the Moist Hollows, this bag is surrounded by Boombo Birds as it sits just beyond their nest. Requires blue minions.

Gold Bag #4, 5, & 6 – These bags are all sitting on a ledge behind a water serpent in the Understreets. After you’ve killed the serpent, send your minions across the water and sweep them up onto the ledge to get the bags. Requires blue minions.

Health Item – Teleport to Heaven’s Peak and go down to the right, across the sheep fields, and through the graveyard. Just past the graveyard, you’ll see a round platform with a pair of zombie wizards on it. Go up the stairs on the opposite side of the platform and you’ll see them guarding this item.

Mana Item #1 – Teleport to Heaven’s Peak and go through the refugee camp outside the city. As you head towards the swampy area, you’ll fight a succubus and then find this item just outside the entrance to the Moist Hollows.

Mana Item #2 – Turn right as you exit the Citadel in Heaven’s Peak and find the hole in the outer wall. Follow the path until you see three elevated points of land connected by fallen trees. There will be a number of zombies and zombie wizards along with a turn wheel. Clear out enough enemies to allow you to turn the wheel, which will extend a bridge for you. Go down the path and you’ll see this item at the end, guarded by Boombo Birds and zombies. Requires Blue Minions.

Minion Horde Item – Go to Halfway to Heaven Inn and follow the Red Dawn cultist into the back area of the inn. The first room where you find a group of Red Dawn will have door directly in front of you as you enter. Break it down and you’ll find this item inside a small room.

Succubus Statue – In the Halfway to Heaven Inn you’ll fight a succubus queen. At the far end of the room as you walk in, you’ll see this statue sitting on the floor between the platforms that the succubus flies to during the fight. When the fight is over, have your minions pick up the statue and take it back to the waygate. You can find it later sitting in your Tower down near the Tower Heart.

Velvet’s Bed – After you’ve killed Sir William, you’ll meet Velvet, Rose’s sister. Taking Velvet’s bed means choosing her over her sister, so you’ll increase your corruption level.

Golden Hills

Arcanium Smelter – See “Arcanium Smelter”

Beer Kettle – In the second level of the Brewery, you’ll find a long straight pathway with two lower platforms on either side separated from the platform you’re on. There are two switches on each side that have to be flipped. There’s a brown spawning pit by the entrance, so don’t worry about sacrificing browns to kill the dwarves guarding the switches. Swarm them and then sweep your minions along the wall to avoid the dwarven rocket fire from above. Flip both switches and then repeat on the other side and the kettle will be accessible at the end of your path. You’ll have to fight through a number of dwarves coming down the elevator once you pick it up, but as soon as you put it on the teleport stone, you can flee.

Domination Spell – In the area outside the Brewery, you’ll see a table with a group of dwarves sitting and drinking. Past them there’s a side path that leads upwards towards a statue. Behind the statue is the item.

Fire Spell – In the Arcanium Mine you’ll find an area where you have to flip the switches to change where the molten metal and fire is flowing across the path. To one side, you’ll see an area full of Magma Beetles. If you follow that path, you’ll find the item at the end of it.

Gold Bag #1 – In the central furnace area of the Arcanium Mine, you’ll see one of the little “No Slugs” signs. Behind that sign is a path that leads to this item.

Gold Bag #2 – Teleport to Goldo’s Stronghold in the Golden Hills and head through the main gate. The bag will be on the left side of the courtyard as you enter.

Gold Bag #3 – In the first room inside Goldo’s Stronghold you can find a small hallway off on the left side. The bag of gold is the little room at the end. You MUST get this bag before you fight Goldo. You cannot return once the Stronghold has collapsed.

Gold Cart #1 – At the very start of the Glittering Mine, you see a Giant Slug swallow a Gold Cart. Kill the slug to recover the cart.

Gold Cart #2 – In the first barricaded area that you find, follow the path to left and you find the cart at the very end.

Gold Cart #3 – In the same barricaded area, you’ll find this cart after you kill off the dwarves.

Gold Cart #4 – At the end of the Glittering Mine, you’re faced with the choice to feed the elven prisoners to the slugs or free them. The last cart is sitting in that room.

Goldo’s Gold – After you kill Goldo in his Stronghold, you’re given the choice to take his gold or save the elven women. Taking the gold will give you corruption points, but it is necessary for this achievement.

Health Item – Outside of the Brewery is a wheel that you have to turn to gain access to the Brewery itself. In that area, you’ll find a path that leads back outside the main gate and takes you to the platform where the dwarves were throwing bombs at you before you blew open the gates. This item is sitting at the far end of this platform.

Mana Item – Teleport into the Golden Hills and follow the path straight into the Dwarven Camp. At the very back of the camp you’ll find this item surrounded by some barrels.

Minion Horde Item – In the Temple Construction area you have to kill a rock giant by freeing the rolling monsters, so they crash into it. In the holding pen of one of those monsters, you’ll find this item.

Minion Spell – You can find this item at the very back of the Dwarven Camp.

Shield Spell – At the end of the Brewery you can find this item just to the right of the exit on your way out.

Ruborian Desert

Health Item #1 – The first time that you see Jewel in the Ruborian Desert, she’ll lead you towards an open sandy area. Once you’ve cleared out the enemies, head up towards the hill on your right. You’ll find a village and a number of sheep. In the middle of that village area, you’ll find this item.

Health Item #2 – This item can be found at the far end of the Desert before you get to the city where you capture Jewel.
Mana Item – This item is sitting on the sand where you find the first sand worm. Once you’ve killed the worm, you can take the item back to waypoint.

Mother Goddess Statue – In the ruined city where you capture Jewel, this statue is sitting at the entrance closest to the desert. Once you pick it up, you’ll be faced with the choice to give it back to the elves or take it to the Tower. For this achievement, you must kill the elves, increase your corruption, and return the item to your Tower by having your minions place it on the teleportation stone.
Ultimate Horde 40
Get a full Horde, fully equipped
This achievement refers to the percentage that you see on the screen when you summon your minion army. It quantifies how strong your horde is based on the number of minions and the quality of their equipment. For this achievement, you must first have fifty minions, which is the largest possible horde. To this end, you must get all six minion objects (see the “Tower Master” achievement) and a fully imbued Arcanium helmet. Once you have fifty brown minions, you have to equip them with the best equipment – the gold armor and weapons that they scavenge in the ruined villages of the Ruborian Desert. The following strategy has been outlined by a number of different forum members.

Start by rampaging through the Ruborian Desert and breaking open every crate and barrel that you can find. Your minions will drop their inferior equipment and replace it with the better stuff that they find. Eventually, you’ll get close to the maxiumum 400% rating. At that point send all of your minions back into the spawning pit. Begin slowly summoning them out of the spawning pit again. At first the strongest ones will come out and your rating will be at 400%. As soon as you summon a minion that drops your percentage below 400%, send it back. Place all of your remaining minions at a guard marker by themselves and summon the remaining possible minions. These are the ones that still need to upgrade their equipment.

Place them at their own guard marker and send the fully equipped ones back to the spawning pit. Now you should just have a small handful of minions that still need equipment, so sweep through the desert villages again until they pick up the weapons and armor that they need. Once this handful has been reached 400%, summon the remaining minions from the pit and you should have a fifty-minion horde at 400% and the achievement will unlock. You may need to make multiple trips because there's a limited amount of equipment available, but the chests will respawn between visits.
Dungeon Dabbler 20
Defeat half the Dungeon Creatures

To unlock creatures in the Dungeon, you have to kill them out in the game world first. Once you kill them, you can go into the Dungeon in your tower and fight them in the arena. Kill half of them to unlock this achievement.

See "Dungeon Overlord".
Dungeon Overlord 30
Defeat all the Dungeon Creatures

Kill every creature unlockable in the Dungeon. Once you've reached the Wizard in the campaign you should have all the creatures unlocked.

Locations to find creatures:

Battler Beetle - Melvin's Kitchen, after defeating Melvin.

Bloody Unicorn - Evernight Forest, before you enter the main area.

Boulder Beast - Golden Hills Construction Zone, near the beginning of this area in narrow corridors.

Dazzler Beetle - Moist Hollows, various locations within the area.

Dwarf Bomber - Golden Hills, inside the fortress guarding the Dwarven Brewery.

Dwarf Crossbowman - Golden Hills, in the small colony straight ahead of the Tower Gate.

Dwarf Miner - Golden Hills, in the small colony straight ahead of the Tower Gate.

Dwarf Warrior - Golden Hills, after destroying the door of the Dwarven fortress one will appear.

Fallen Knight - Heaven's Peak, one will attack you as soon as you leave The Understreets and destroy a barricade.

Flamer Dwarf - Golden Hills, on the path to the Dwarven fortress attacking sluglets.

Forest Troll - Evernight Forest, in the Mother Goddess Temple you will fight two before destroying the final root node.

Ghost Elf - Evernight Forest, straight ahead from the Tower gate. You MUST use Blues to kill them.

Halfling Cook - Halfling Homes, in the kitchen section before you find Spree's food.

Halfling Rocklobber - Mellow Hills, at the gates to the Slave Camp on a small wooden tower.

Halfling Spearman - Halfling Homes, in a corridor in the first section. Identified by the spears they use as weapons.

Halfling Swordman - Mellow Hills, inside the farm you destroy at the beginning of the game.

Hulking Toad - Evernight Forest, in the swamp surrounding a root node near the Sacred Grove.

Magma Beetle - Melvin's Kitchen, after releasing the Reds there are some behind a fire barricade.

Puff Beetle - Veridian Hollows, various locations within the area.

Red Priest - Halfway to Heaven Inn, in the basement of the Inn in the Order of the Red Dawn's hideout.

Rock Giant - Golden Hills, outside the Glittering Mine across the bridge from the Tower Gate.

Ruborian Bomber - Ruborian Village, on some rooftops in the first section of the village.

Ruborian Fighter - Ruborian Desert, near the campsite by a large skeleton to the right of the Tower Gate.

Skull Boar - Evernight Forest, behind a barricade on the path to the left of Oberon. Also around the root node in the same direction.

Skull Rat - Evernight Forest, in the area surrounding Oberon.

Skull Stag - Evernight Forest, in the swamp on the way to Veridian Caverns.

Slug - Golden Hills, inside the Glittering Mine. You must kill a number of them to proceed.

Sluglet - Golden Hills, the appear from green holes in the drinking area near a minion spell.

Succubus - Heaven's Peak, in the swamp as you approach another Tower Gate.

Troll - Slave Camp, you must kill one to proceed in this area, before you steal the crane.

White Priest - Heaven's Peak, in the Silent Order's compound where there is a Tower gate.

Zombie - Heaven's Peak, in the graveyard behind the Tower gate.

Zombie Lord - The Understreets, guarding the third wheel spoke.

Strategies for victory:

Battler Beetle (25) - Minions, 50 Browns. Move to the edge of the dungeon and approach the beetles, get close enough to attract a small group of them and then draw them away. Fight small groups and make good use of your minions, setting a guard marker might help if you want to keep yourself out of danger, just lead the enemy close enough for your minions to attack.

Bloody Unicorn (6) - Minions, 50 Greens. Target a Unicorn and send your Greens to attack it. They will jump onto it's back and do a lot of damage, which should take it down quickly. Recall your minions and then send them to attack another, repeat this a few times and you are victorious. Alternatively, send all 50 Greens in to attack without targetting and they will begin to damage all of your enemies at the same time. This is quicker but will undoubtedly lead to the loss of minions.

Boulder Beast (5) - Minions, 50 Browns. These enemies will only take damage when they aren't rolled up into a ball. You need to avoid charging enemies, you can take a lot of damage and lose minions if you aren't careful. Go to the edge of the dungeon and get a single enemy to charge at you, dodge the attack and then send all of you minions in to attack it once it hits the wall and unrolls. They can be taken down swiftly so this will be a quick battle, just be sure to avoid rolling attacks and make good use of your minions.

Dazzler Beetle (25) - See Battler Beetle.

Dwarf Bomber (5) - Minions, 50 Browns. An extremely easy battle, these enemies have very little health and are slow to attack. Send all minions in to attack without targetting, if you see a bomb has been thrown then recall all of your minions to spare them.

Dwarf Crossbowman (10) - Minions, 50 Browns. A frustrating battle, these enemies can kill minions very quickly but die without much effort. You can rush them with your Browns and sacrifice a few and the fight ends quickly.

Dwarf Miner (25) - Minions, 50 Browns. Another simple battle, rush the enemy with all of your minions and they will die quickly. Be sure to get into the fight yourself as there are many enemies and you don't want to lose minions. Alternatively, draw a smaller group of enemies out and tackle them seperately. This saves minions but will take longer than needed.

Dwarf Warrior (10) - Minions, 40 Browns, 10 Greens. Use a single Green to bring some of them forwards, then attack with Browns. You could also use of your group of Greens and send them all in first, be careful of the others though as they won't hesitate to attack any Greens that do not jump onto an enemies back.

Fallen Knight (15) - Minions, 50 Browns. An easy battle, rushing with all of your minions works well if you start from one of the sides rather than the front. Use your Overlord in the fight to finish off any groups of enemies that are threatening your minions.

Flamer Dwarf (10) - Minions, 50 Greens. This is an interesting one, I tend to sacrifice Greens to make this easier. The positioning of the enemies makes it hard to go in yourself without taking a lot of damage, so Greens are your best option. Target one of the Dwarfs on the end of the line and send a single green in to attack, one the enemies begin to attack, recall your minion and quickly send three Greens to attack the enemy on the other end of the line. You will need to repeat this a few times but eventually you will have enough space to attack them yourself and save a few minions from being toasted. This one takes time and will use up a bit of lifeforce if you are not careful.

Forest Troll (7) - Minions, 35 Browns, 15 Greens. A simple battle, killing Trolls should come naturally after playing the game through. Target a single troll and send in a few Greens to attack it, then send in your Browns to the same troll. When it lifts it's arm up recall your minions to avoid the splash damage attack, knowing when to do this will minimise your losses. Repeat this until all foes are vanquished.

Ghost Elf (24?) - Minions, 50 Blues. You can ONLY use Blues for this fight, they are the only minions that can do damage to ghosts. Take in a full hoarde and rush the enemy. If your minions die it doesn't matter, you can revive them all at the end providing you are quick enough and have some left over. There isn't much challenge from the enemy, you have superior numbers and should easily take them down.

Halfling Cook (10) - Minions, 50 Browns. You could also take some Greens, but Browns are more than competant here. The Cooks can take down minions quite easily, so attack from the side as they are quite slow and you should be able to take them out without too much trouble. You can also draw them away from the group and attack, which will save you some minions.

Halfling Rocklobber (16) - Minions, 50 Browns. A very easy fight, rocklobbers have low health but will be able to do some damage from a distance. Close the gap quickly and they will go down without doing too much damage to your hoarde. The enemies are positioned into four groups of four, so it is best to take out one of the side groups first and then sweep across the dungeon. You could also send your minions out to all four groups at the same time, this is quicker but may cause more losses.

Halfling Spearman (20) - Minions, 50 Browns. These enemies do most of their damage charging you, so lead your assault with your Overlord and then send in minions once you are closer to the pack. Browns will be able to take out the spearmen easily, the enemies have low health and will be overwealmed by your numbers.

Halfling Swordman (14) - Minions, 50 Browns. A simple case of rushing again, send all of your minions out and help out yourself where needed.

Hulking Toad (5) - Minions, none. This can be tricky, the toads jump around a lot and so can be difficult to attack. They also have a habit of eating your minions, so going solo is always a good choice. Go solo and concentrate on a single toad at a time, you should take too much damage but make use of the targetting feature.

Magma Beetle (25) - See Battler Beetle.

Puff Beetle (25) - See Battler Beetle.

Red Priest (5) - Minions, 50 Browns. One of the easiest battles, send all minions in to attack and it will be over in moments. The priests rarely have time to attack you so there is very little risk of losing minions.

Rock Giant (5) - Minions, 50 Greens. A simple battle, just send as many Greens as you can at a single enemy. If you notice that no more are jumping onto it's back then target a new enemy and repeat the process. When the giant throws your minions off it's back then recall them and send them out again. Take your time and watch out for the other giants to avoid being hit.

Ruborian Bomber (10) - Minions, 50 Browns. An easy fight, but watch out for the bombs! Browns can easily finish off the bombers, but you may lose a good chunk of your hoard by rushing. Single out enemies and attack them seperately, take your time and you should come out with minimal losses.

Ruborian Fighter (10) - Minions, 50 Browns. Another easy fight minus the bombs, use the strategy above and you will prevail.

Skull Boar (15) - Minions, 25 Browns, 25 Greens. Target an enemy and send out a few minions, target another and send out some more. You should be able to attack two or three at a time without much worry. Enemies are grouped into fives, so concentrate on one group at a time, start on one of the sides and avoid provoking the other groups. Take your time and draw your enemies back to the starting point if you want to attack en mass.

Skull Rat (25) - Minions, 50 Browns. Send all of your minions out and get into the fight yourself (a fully upgraded sword = one hit kills), start from one side to avoid the ranged attacks from the whole group and you will reduce your loses. The enemies don't have a lot of health but they are agile, aid any minions that are being attack by a group of enemies and you will win.

Skull Stag (5) - Minions, 50 Browns. A simple battle, rush in and take them out, the stags don't do much damage so this should be a quick fight.

Slug (10) - Minions, none. Possibly the hardest dungeon battle there is. Taking minions will result in them dieing, but they can do a lot of damage near the start to make things easier for you later on. You will spend a lot of time doing hit and runs, so be patient with your attacks and know when to back down. Avoid the big hits, a slug with rear up and lunge forwards, as soon as it begins the animation for this haul ass to avoid being knocked down and taking more damage. Be sure to have armour with regeneration so that you have health to fight, and fully upgraded equipment is a must. Patience is your greatest weapon here (besides a big arcanium thingy).

Sluglet (5) - Minions, 50 Browns. Easy in comparison to their big brothers, they offer no real threat but be sure to make use of a full hoarde. Rush them and it is night-night sluggy.

Succubus (5) - Minions, 40 Browns, 10 Greens. Concentrate on a single Succubus at a time, you will be able to take them down if you use all of your minions. When one of them lands be sure to use your Overlord to attack, you will take a large chunk of health off if you have decent weaponry and the whole battle goes quickly.

Troll (2) - See Forest Troll.

White Priest (5) - Minions, 50 Browns. This can be a complicated battle, your enemies can revive each other so you will need to take them out quickly or use your minions well to attack them all at the same time. You have superior numbers and they don't deal much damage to worry about.

Zombie (loads) - Minions, 35 Reds, 15 Browns. Slow enemies mean you can position all of your minions on a guard marker and send them in by controlling the marker. You need Browns to protect your Reds, but the Reds will do most of the killing. Send the guard marker close to the enemies and your Reds will set them on fire, any that get lose will suffer a death by Browns.

Zombie Lord (10) - Minions, 50 Browns. You can just rush the enemy here, but they have a viscious flame attack that will kill your minions quickly. Going solo is always an option, so

Dark Sector (Guide)
Publié le 16.06.2008 ŕ 18:14 par TecKa

Prologue (10)

Terminer le chapitre 1.

Contact (10)

Terminer le chapitre 2.

RĂ©clamation (10)

Terminer le chapitre 3.

Des insectes vers une flamme (10)

Terminer le chapitre 4.

Le cargo (10)

Terminer le chapitre 5.

L'Appât (10)

Terminer le chapitre 6.

Evolution industrielle (10)

Terminer le chapitre 7.

Contre nature (10)

Terminer le chapitre 8.

Gardien du seuil (10)

Terminer le chapitre 9.

Chasseur de tĂŞtes (10)

DĂ©capiter 30 ennemis.

Inflammable (10)

Incinérer 30 ennemis

Electricien (10)

Electrocuter 30 ennemis.

Bonhomme de neige (10)

Tuer 30 ennemis gelés.

Tireur d'Ă©lite (10)

Obtenir 30 tirs en pleine tĂŞte.

Maître du Glaive (10)

Terminer un niveau uniquement avec le Glaive.

Expert en coup de grâce (10)

Effectuer 30 coups de grâce.

Ball-trap (10)

DĂ©truire 10 projectiles en plein vol.

Fabricant d'armes (10)

Effectuer 5 améliorations au marché.

Grippe-sou (10)

Amasser plus de 50 000 roubles.

Chercheur (10)

Récupérer 10 améliorations d'armes.

DĂ©capitator (15)

Effectuer deux décapitations d'un coup.

Chercheur en chef (15)

Récupérer toutes les améliorations d'armes.

Rebond (15)

Tuer un ennemi à l'aide d'un projectile qui a richoché.

Gloire (30)

Finir avec le meilleur score général dans une partie avec classement (Multijoueur).

Vétéran (30)

Marquer 500 points (Multijoueur).

Champion (30)

Finir avec le meilleur score général dans une partie en équipe avec classement (Multijoueur).

Camarade (30)

Marquer 500 points dans des parties en Ă©quipe avec classement (Multijoueur).

Lanceur pro (35)

Tuer 30 adversaires avec le Lancer de puissance.

Finesse (40)

Tuer 30 adversaires avec l'Aftertouch.

HĂ©ros (40)

Marquer 2000 points (Multijoueur).

HĂ©ros du peuple (40)

Marquer 2000 points dans des parties en Ă©quipe avec classement (Multijoueur).

Le Dark Sector (100)

Terminer le chapitre 10.

Dark Sector - Difficulté Brutale (110)

Terminer le jeu en difficulté brutale

Succès secret (35)

Continuez de jouer pour déverrouiller ce succès secret.

Succès secret (35)

Continuez de jouer pour déverrouiller ce succès secret.

Succès secret (50)

Continuez de jouer pour déverrouiller ce succès secret.

Succès secret (65)

Continuez de jouer pour déverrouiller ce succès secret.

Succès secret (85)

Continuez de jouer pour déverrouiller ce succès secret.
Mode Brutal

Terminez les 10 chapitres du jeu pour débloquer ce mode bonus.
Solution Complète

Dans ce jeu d'action assez similaire à un certain Gears of War, vous incarnez Hayzen Tenno, un agent envoyé en mission secrète dans une ville en ruine d'Europe de l'Est. Vos directives seront d'y enquêter au sujet d'un lourd secret datant de la Guerre Froide. Toutefois, la tournure des événements va s'accélérer lorsque vous vous retrouverez infecté par un virus vous conférant des capacités surhumaines. En effet, votre bras droit a pris une forme métallique et se retrouve lié sans cesse à une sorte de boomerang à trois lames appelé " glaive ". C'est grâce à cette arme dévastatrice que vous allez devoir progresser dans le jeu, accompagné bien sûr de tout un arsenal de guerre. Ainsi, nombreuses seront les munitions à récupérer sur le terrain pour ne jamais laisser votre arme à feu à sec, afin qu'elle s'accouple à merveille avec ce fameux glaive que vous apprendrez à maîtriser au fur et à mesure. Pensez également à récupérer un maximum d'argent et à trouver des mallettes d'amélioration tout au long de votre progression, car vous pourrez acheter, vendre ou même " tuner " votre armement au niveau des nombreux Marchés Noirs dispatchés à différents endroits. Un conseil : ne soyez pas trop dépensier en préférant plutôt économiser pour obtenir des armes plus puissantes plus tard, lorsque le besoin s'en fera réellement sentir...

Chapitre 1 - Prologue

Descendez les escaliers jusqu'à atteindre un muret. Franchissez-le à l'aide de la touche d'action, puis avancez jusqu'à la fenêtre ouverte, pour ensuite sauter à travers celle-ci et rejoindre le bureau. Détruisez la boîte en bois que vous apercevez sur le bureau situé sur votre droite en utilisant la touche d'action, puis vous obtenez quelques munitions. Tirez alors sur le cadenas de la porte pour continuer dans la salle suivante. Marchez le long de la passerelle, descendez les escaliers pour rejoindre l'étage du dessous, puis posez une charge explosive de C4 sur le pilier. Quittez ensuite le secteur en poussant les doubles portes du prochain couloir.

Traversez le couloir, descendez les escaliers, puis entrez dans les douches. Tournez à gauche au niveau de la boîte d'alimentation d'où proviennent des étincelles, pour voir un soldat éliminer un innocent. Tuez ce soldat, puis posez une autre charge explosive contre le mur de droite, pour ensuite continuer tout droit à travers le secteur. Occupez-vous des ennemis, en restant à couvert pour éviter leurs tirs. Récupérez les armes automatiques sur leur corps après les avoir tués, de manière à utiliser autre chose que votre pistolet. Au bout de ce secteur rempli d'ennemis, vous trouverez une porte verrouillée. Tirez sur le cadenas et continuez en avant dans cet endroit après avoir ramassé des munitions supplémentaires sur les corps.

Suite à la séquence, montez les escaliers pour pénétrer dans la prochaine salle, où vous allez rencontrer des ennemis supplémentaires. Cette fois, ils commenceront par vous envoyer des grenades que vous pourrez soit éviter, soit shooter en plein vol. Une fois les soldats tués, récoltez les munitions, puis montez les escaliers de gauche jusqu'à la passerelle. Courez le long de celle-ci en direction de la petite pièce pour éviter les tirs de l'hélicoptère. Cassez la caisse située sur la table pour récupérer quelques munitions de plus, puis courez dehors pour affronter l'hélicoptère.

Boss : Hélicoptère

Pour vaincre cet hélicoptère, vous devrez utiliser un lance-roquettes que vous pourrez trouver à deux endroits dans ce secteur. L'un sera situé derrière les caisses grises et l'autre dans le coin au fond à gauche par rapport à la porte franchie pour entrer dans cette cour (n'oubliez pas d'ouvrir le coffre d'à côté pour récupérer des roquettes). Premièrement, commencez par tuer les soldats qui se cachent derrière les caisses. Une fois ceci effectué, concentrez vos attaques sur l'hélicoptère en utilisant les roquettes, une fois que celui-ci est stabilisé. Après avoir reçu trois roquettes, l'hélicoptère explose, clôturant ainsi le premier chapitre.

Chapitre 2 - Contact

Vous prenez le contrôle de Hayden sur un petit quai et dans un sale état. Entrez alors dans le bâtiment situé un peu plus loin pour déclencher une séquence. Maintenant que vous avez obtenu le glaive, vous pourrez vous entraîner sur les soldats ennemis une fois de retour à l'extérieur. Tenez-vous à couvert sur la gauche, puis lorsque vous remarquerez que le glaive n'est pas très efficace à longue portée, vous tenterez de récupérer des armes ennemies. Toutefois, vous ne pourrez les conserver en mains qu'une vingtaine de secondes avant que celles-ci n'explosent. Rejoignez maintenant le bâtiment sur votre gauche et vous aurez encore à affronter quelques ennemis. Vous pouvez choisir l'option du combat rapproché pour vous en débarrasser, plutôt que d'envoyer le glaive. Tandis que vous trouverez un peu d'argent sur une des tables, sortez en empruntant les escaliers de derrière. Une fois en haut de ces derniers, vous trouverez une caisse de munitions et encore un peu d'argent. Dans la salle suivante, vous trouverez une autre caisse sur le balcon. Sortez alors par la porte située à côté des escaliers que vous aviez empruntés.

Vous aurez encore une flopée d'ennemis à affronter dans le prochain passage, et vous aurez un petit tutorial sur le système de vol d'objets. Sur l'échafaudage qui se trouve à votre droite, vous trouverez du C4 à récupérer avec cette nouvelle habilité pour faire bientôt exploser la porte de sortie bleue. De l'autre côté, vous trouverez encore 2000 roubles sur la table. Bien que vous apercevrez une boîte au bout de la pièce, vous ne pourrez l'atteindre car un trou dans le sol vous en empêche. Utilisez alors votre glaive pour l'ouvrir et récupérer ainsi une amélioration de cadence de tir. Dans la salle suivante, vous tomberez du plafond/le sol va s'écrouler. Éliminez alors l'ennemi qui va rentrer dans la pièce pour récupérer éventuellement son fusil à pompe et vous charger de l'ennemi situé au bout du couloir. Vous trouverez d'ailleurs au même endroit une table sur laquelle sera posé un peu d'argent, tandis que la prochaine pièce vous mènera à un grand entrepôt. Ici, quelques ennemis vous tireront dessus, donc descendez les escaliers et tenez-vous à couvert au mieux. Ne vous souciez pas de trouver un moyen pour les éliminer, car dans quelques secondes un monstre va apparaître et le fera pour vous.

Boss : Colosse

Tandis que ce monstre attaque les soldats environnants, vous pourrez l'attaquer à distance avec votre glaive ou les armes récupérées sur les cadavres. Une fois que tous les soldats ont été tués, Colosse vous attaquera de deux manières : il vous foncera dessus et vous pourrez l'éviter par une roulade ou en plongeant sur le côté, ou bien il vous enverra des objets à esquiver de la même manière. Après avoir évité ses attaques, continuez de toucher le monstre avec votre glaive ou des armes à feu, jusqu'à ce qu'il se retire à côté d'un bâtiment à proximité. Dirigez-vous maintenant vers le pont-levis. Envoyez votre glaive en face de vous pour toucher l'interrupteur rouge et abaisser le pont. Les prochaines portes vous mènent alors à un bâtiment, où vous devrez tirer sur le cadenas au sol pour emprunter ce passage et clôturer ainsi le chapitre.

Chapitre 3 - RĂ©clamation

Brisez la caisse sur votre droite pour récupérer des munitions, tandis que vous trouverez un peu d'argent à côté de celle-ci. Continuez en avant jusqu'à vous retrouver dehors, puis dirigez-vous vers le camp ennemi sur votre gauche. Utilisez les caisses de métal pour vous protéger, puis ratissez le secteur avant de continuer. Vous allez bientôt acquérir une nouvelle capacité consistant à infliger quatre fois plus de dommages, après avoir relâché le bouton lorsque le viseur sera devenu jaune. Il s'agit du " lancer de puissance ". Utilisez ceci sur la porte verrouillée afin de pouvoir la franchir. Sachez que dorénavant, vous pourrez tout au long du jeu utiliser cette capacité pour détruire chaque cadenas de ce type et ouvrir des caisses verrouillées. De l'autre côté de cette porte, avancez jusqu'à la tente la plus proche pour récupérer une amélioration de visée sur la table. Continuez d'avancer le long de ce chemin pavé, détruisez un autre cadenas sur la prochaine porte et vous devrez affronter quelques soldats.

Progressez tout droit dans ce secteur tout en vous tenant à couvert, puis éliminez l'homme qui se tient derrière la mitrailleuse vous faisant face avec votre glaive lorsque vous vous trouverez à portée. À gauche de l'emplacement de l'arme, vous trouverez une trappe cadenassée au sol. Ouvrez-la pour continuer dans le prochain secteur. Continuez le long du tunnel jusqu'à ce que vous vous retrouviez dans une petite pièce, face à une porte électrifiée. Vous allez alors obtenir la capacité nommée " piège d'énergie ", vous permettant d'imprégner votre glaive un court instant d'éléments comme le feu, l'électricité ou la glace. Envoyez votre glaive vers la boîte d'alimentation laissant émaner de l'électricité pour en imbiber votre arme. Revenez maintenant vers la porte verrouillée pour envoyer le glaive électrisé sur le cadenas de cette porte.

Continuez le long de la passerelle, entrez dans la pièce au bout du couloir et récupérez l'argent sur la table. Vous allez alors faire face à des zombies sur lesquels il sera préférable d'utiliser le glaive plutôt que des armes à feu, envers lesquelles ils se montrent plus résistants. Vous pouvez également charger votre glaive d'électricité grâce à la boîte située dans cette pièce, et vous tuerez en un seul coup. Continuez le long du couloir et détruisez un autre cadenas électrique en utilisant votre glaive électrifié, puis une fois derrière la porte, vous pourrez descendre une échelle pour vous retrouver face à d'autres zombies. Vous devrez combattre jusqu'à ce qu'ils détruisent les doubles portes sur la gauche, ce qui vous ouvrira le passage vers l'ascenseur. Utilisez ensuite votre lancer de puissance sur la porte verrouillée de l'ascenseur pour entrer dans ce dernier et rejoindre les hauteurs. Vous allez bientôt recevoir une nouvelle habilité intéressante : " after-touch ". Ceci vous permet de contrôler le glaive après qu'il ait été lancé, et cela vous sera très utile dans ce qui va suivre.

La meilleure chose à faire sera de rester en hauteur après avoir quitté l'ascenseur. Utilisez votre nouvelle capacité pour contrôler votre glaive durant son envol et découper les soldats qui se tiennent à couvert au-dessous de vous. Vous pouvez également utiliser votre glaive pour attraper l'une des mitrailleuses des ennemis, vous permettant d'attaquer plus efficacement à distance. Un ennemi équipé d'un bouclier va bientôt vous rejoindre en haut des escaliers, par la droite. Les armes à feu seront inefficaces contre lui. Évitez ses attaques en roulant sur les côtés s'il se rapproche trop de vous. Gardez un peu de distance, puis utilisez le glaive pour lui ôter son bouclier un moment, vous laissant l'opportunité de lui tirer dessus. Vous aurez également la possibilité de le toucher dans le dos tandis qu'il tient son bouclier, en utilisant la capacité de l'after-touch il vous faut le toucher deux fois pour qu'il meure. Débarrassez-vous des ennemis restants, puis descendez les escaliers pour finir de nettoyer le secteur. Une fois ceci fait, vous trouverez au bas de la petite entrée de gauche une amélioration d'armes : " agrandisseur de chargeur " (dans le coin de la salle). Remontez, rejoignez le coin droit du fond, et vous verrez une porte derrière une clôture. Envoyez le glaive de l'autre côté de la clôture (par-dessus) et dirigez-le pour qu'il touche la lumière rouge. Ceci aura pour effet d'ouvrir la porte grillagée, puis une séquence se déclenchera une fois dans la prochaine pièce. Descendez ensuite à l'échelle et franchissez la porte...

Chapitre 4 - Des insectes vers une flamme

Utilisez votre lancer de puissance sur la porte verrouillée qui vous fait face et avancez jusqu'à la cour. Récupérez l'argent sur la table située sur votre gauche, puis dans la valise posée au bas des escaliers. Progressez dans la ruelle et utilisez l'écoutille au sol pour entrer au Marché Noir. Après avoir amélioré votre arsenal, continuez le long du couloir, puis jetez-vous dans la cour pour engager un combat avec des soldats ennemis. Utilisez le lancer de puissance sur le véhicule de gauche pour le faire exploser et imprégnez votre glaive de feu. En utilisant ensuite ce dernier avec l'afer-touch, vous nettoierez le secteur en un rien de temps. Montez les escaliers et avancez jusqu'à la porte située sur la gauche, au symbole rouge et aux deux cônes placés devant elle. Vous trouverez à proximité de celle-ci l'amélioration Perforation. Continuez ensuite en franchissant les doubles portes en bois pour rejoindre la prochaine section.

Récupérez l'argent sur la table qui vous fait face, entrez dans le couloir et envoyez votre glaive avec le lancer de puissance pour déverrouiller la porte et pénétrer dans une autre cour. Éliminez les zombies pour nettoyer totalement le secteur. Vous pourrez trouver une amélioration sur la droite de la porte couverte d'une substance noire : " temps de rechargement ". Allez maintenant tourner la valve au centre de la cour. Rendez-vous ensuite dans la pièce contenant la boîte électrique, non loin d'ici, afin de charger votre glaive en électricité. Envoyez votre glaive au sommet du monument pour l'imprégner de feu, puis lancez-le enfin sur la porte recouverte de cette substance noire afin de la dissoudre. Ouvrez la porte, montez les escaliers. Récupérez l'argent sur les bureaux de la salle de classe, puis avancez le long de ce deuxième étage jusqu'à ce que vous franchissiez les doubles portes après les avoir déverrouillées. Vous allez alors vous retrouver face à une autre porte recouverte de cette substance noire. Envoyez votre glaive au sommet du monument de la cour pour l'enflammer, puis lancez-le vers cette porte, de manière à pouvoir rejoindre l'ascenseur vous menant à l'étage supérieur. Répétez cette manoeuvre une fois encore sur la prochaine substance noire en prenant garde aux quelques infectés, puis vous vous retrouverez face à une porte à franchir, déclenchant ainsi une séquence.

Tenez-vous à couvert derrière l'un des larges piliers, jusqu'à ce que le Colosse se montre et tue tous les soldats. Lorsqu'il se retire, récupérez l'amélioration de cadence de tir derrière la tente verte où les soldats ont été tués, tandis que vous trouverez un peu d'argent dans celle-ci. Vous trouverez dans cette ruelle une nouvelle écoutille vous menant au Marché Noir si nécessaire, puis devrez continuer en avant, jusqu'à rejoindre une nouvelle cour remplie d'ennemis. Ne laissez aucun survivant. À droite de là où vous êtes entré, derrière un tas de caisses, se trouve l'amélioration " pouvoir vulnérant ". Continuez en montant les escaliers de cette cour, éliminez les soldats supplémentaires, puis poursuivez votre avancée vers le prochain secteur, où vous devrez combattre un Jackal après une nouvelle série d'escaliers. Pour l'affronter, mieux vaut aller récupérer le lance-roquettes posé sur la pile de caisses, en haut des escaliers. Reste maintenant à trouver des roquettes... Celles-ci seront réparties tout autour du secteur, sur les caisses ou sur les bancs (d'ailleurs des roquettes se trouvent également au niveau du lance-roquettes). Vous aurez besoin de toucher cinq fois le Jackal en pleine face pour le détruire. Le meilleur moyen de réussir vos tirs sera de courir de caisse en caisse pour que le Jackal ait du mal à vous localiser. Du moment qu'il ne vous fait pas face, ses attaques ne vous toucheront pas. C'est durant le temps qu'il prendra pour vous repérer que vous aurez l'opportunité de lui envoyer une roquette en pleine figure, en allant illico vous tenir à couvert pour recharger.

Une fois le monstre éliminé, utilisez les flammes qui émanent de sa carcasse pour en imprégner votre glaive et faire fondre la substance noire sur la porte. Franchissez alors celle-ci pour rejoindre le manoir. Montez les escaliers, ouvrez la porte de gauche et positionnez-vous de l'autre côté de la boîte électrique, juste assez loin pour pouvoir envoyer votre glaive sur celle-ci, afin d'envoyer finalement une charge d'électricité sur le gaz qui s'échappe plus bas dans l'autre pièce. Vous pourrez alors utiliser le feu apparu pour faire fondre la substance noire cachant un escalier. Une fois en haut de celui-ci, vous trouverez une autre pièce avec cette même substance noire au bout. Allez récupérer du feu pour la dissoudre également. Vous atteindrez le grenier, où se déclenchera une séquence...

Lorsque vous vous réveillerez, vous vous retrouverez dans une cour. Marchez le long de la ruelle, combattez quelques ennemis, puis entrez dans le Marché Noir si vous le souhaitez. En sortant, continuez vers les murs de sacs de sable derrière lesquels se trouvent quelques soldats à éliminer (après avoir éliminé quelques zombies). Continuez sur le pont, combattez les infectés qui accourent à tour de rôle jusqu'à ce que leurs assauts cessent et rejoignez le tunnel à la base du pont. Utilisez le lancer de puissance sur le verrou de la porte et franchissez-la pour rejoindre le cimetière (juste avant d'ouvrir la porte, vous trouverez l'amélioration " munitions enferon " dans le bâtiment en ruine au centre). Avancez jusqu'à la soupape et tournez-la pour activer les émanations de feu au niveau du monument de pierre. Servez-vous-en pour dissoudre la masse noire qui bloque la porte, puis continuez à travers celle-ci pour combattre quelques zombies de plus.

Vous trouverez un peu d'argent et des munitions dans la deuxième partie du cimetière. Descendez alors les escaliers sur votre gauche, puis avancez dans cet étroit tournant jusqu'à mi-parcours. Remontez les escaliers pour entrer dans une pièce circulaire éclairée. Récupérez les 3000 roubles au centre, puis préparez-vous à affronter une horde d'infectés arrivant des deux côtés. Avancez ensuite face à la valve, puis tournez-la pour déclencher les émanations de flammes de la statue, en récupérant également l'amélioration " temps de rechargement " à gauche de la valve. Enflammez votre glaive, puis il vous faudra alors revenir en sens inverse pour allumer la torche en sortant de cette pièce éclairée. Utilisez la flamme de celle-ci pour revenir rapidement au cimetière et allumer une autre torche sur la gauche (attention aux zombies). Utilisez ensuite ces flammes pour dissoudre la masse noire cachant un passage sur la gauche. Descendez le long des escaliers à travers un autre tournant étroit pour finalement trouver la prochaine torche à enflammer (sur la droite en hauteur, à mi-parcours). Servez-vous de ce feu pour finalement dissoudre la masse noire qui recouvre la porte au bout du tournant. Montez les escaliers jusqu'à la cour de droite et observez la séquence. Avancez ensuite dans cette cour pour entrer dans le Marché Noir du coin si vous le souhaitez, puis pénétrez enfin dans l'église (après avoir dissous la masse noire). Vous allez y combattre le Colosse pour la dernière fois.

Boss : Colosse

La plupart du temps, ce monstre restera au plafond. Il vous enverra des pierres que vous pourrez éviter facilement ou même détruire en plein vol en les touchant avec votre glaive. Vous trouverez dans la pièce un appareil électrique, au-dessus de l'autel, qui vous permettra d'imprégner votre glaive d'électricité, afin d'infliger davantage de dommages à ce boss. Toutefois, l'attaque la plus efficace résidera dans le fait d'utiliser le feu, en enflammant le glaive grâce aux flammes du coin. En touchant ensuite le monstre, il tombera au sol, puis vous pourrez lui foncer dessus avant d'appuyer sur le bouton indiqué à l'écran (lorsqu'il deviendra rougeâtre), ceci dans le but de lui infliger de gros dégâts. De temps en temps, plutôt que de remonter au plafond, le Colosse chargera droit sur vous. Esquivez sur la droite et la gauche, tout comme lorsqu'il vous enverra d'autres rochers. Restez à proximité des flammes, continuez à l'enflammer, puis utilisez le lancer de puissance lorsque cela est possible. Après l'avoir éliminé, vous gagnez l'habilité du BouclierImpulsion.

Récupérez l'argent situé derrière le podium de l'église, ouvrez la trappe sur le sol, et entrez dans le prochain secteur. Utilisez votre bouclier pour éviter les missiles provenant de la tourelle, ceci afin de récupérer l'argent sur la table. Continuez d'avancer en utilisant votre bouclier, puis entrez dans le couloir situé après la tourelle. Franchissez la porte et avancez pour bientôt déclencher une séquence. Suite à celle-ci, vous aurez 55 secondes pour quitter les lieux. Quelques zombies tenteront de vous arrêter, tandis qu'il vous faudra sortir de cette pièce et rejoindre la salle voisine de droite, où vous pourrez récupérer l'amélioration " emplacements d'amélioration ". Sortez de cette pièce, prenez la porte sur votre droite par laquelle arrivent les zombies, filez au bout à gauche de la salle, puis pénétrez dans la petite bouche d'aération maintenant ouverte sur votre droite. Hâtez-vous de rejoindre le bout de celle-ci pour clôturer le chapitre.

Chapitre 5 - Le cargo

Avancez vers la caisse de métal et récupérez l'amélioration " agrandisseur de chargeur " avant de rejoindre le Marché Noir situé sous l'écoutille. Imprégnez votre glaive d'électricité au niveau du générateur, puis envoyez-le sur la porte verrouillée électriquement, afin de continuer dans la prochaine section pour observer une petite séquence... Vous devrez combattre une fois de plus un Jackal. Rejoignez la cour, puis tenez-vous à couvert derrière les caisses. Utilisez la capacité du lancer de puissance sur le véhicule à proximité afin de l'enflammer, ceci dans le but d'imprégner votre glaive de flammes et de l'envoyer sur la substance noire située de l'autre côté du secteur. Ceci va révéler une boîte électrique, vous permettant de charger votre glaive d'électricité en l'envoyant dans le conduit. Lancez ensuite votre glaive électrifié sur le Jackal. Cela va alors l'assommer quelques secondes, vous laissant assez de temps pour vous retrouver derrière lui et tuer le pilote. Pénétrez ensuite dans le Jackal en appuyant sur le bouton indiqué à l'écran, ce qui sera bien plus pratique pour progresser à travers le niveau...

Maintenant que vous pilotez le Jackal, une large porte va s'ouvrir, derrière laquelle se trouve une horde d'ennemis. Occupez-vous-en avec les armes dévastatrices de votre machine, en sachant que seules les roquettes peuvent vous blesser réellement. Occupez-vous donc d'abord en priorité de ceux qui vous les envoient. Après avoir atteint le bout du parcours, vous serez dans l'obligation de quitter votre machine pour ensuite monter les escaliers de métal et entrer dans l'entrepôt. Récupérez alors les 3000 roubles qui se trouvent sur l'étagère située en face de vous en entrant, puis franchissez les doubles portes pour rejoindre la prochaine section. Courez alors le long des rails jusqu'à ce que vous atteigniez une cour pleine d'ennemis. Heureusement pour vous, vous avez gagné une nouvelle habilité pour votre glaive : " Impulsion d'énergie ". Enflammez alors votre glaive grâce au véhicule qui se trouve au milieu de la cour, puis envoyez-le sur les soldats, pour ensuite utiliser l'impulsion d'énergie, ce qui créera une puissante explosion éliminant toute personne se trouvant à proximité du glaive. Rejoignez maintenant le bâtiment situé au fond à droite.

Une fois à l'intérieur, vous aurez à vous occuper de nettoyer la pièce, puis de monter les escaliers. Franchissez le couloir pour rejoindre le prochain secteur de l'entrepôt, à deux étages. Une entrée vers le Marché Noir sera située au milieu de l'étage du bas. Une fois dehors, une séquence se déclenchera. Vous vous retrouverez alors sur un cargo, puis il vous faudra avancer vers le soldat situé sur le balcon. Tuez-le et emparez-vous de son arme pour sniper un maximum de soldats avant de ne plus pouvoir l'utiliser. Après les avoir tous éliminés, préparez-vous à combattre un nouvel hélicoptère. Sachez que vous trouverez un lance-roquettes au milieu du cargo, ainsi qu'une caisse remplie de roquettes. Après l'avoir touché trois fois, l'hélicoptère va se crasher dans le pont et créer un trou dans lequel vous aurez à sauter, après être revenu récupérer toutefois l'amélioration " double tir " au coin du pont (à l'opposé du trou). Avancez ensuite vers une salle contenant des cages, puis l'une d'elles va s'ouvrir lorsque vous approcherez. Utilisez le bouton rouge pour ouvrir la porte menant au prochain secteur. Récupérez l'amélioration " puissance de feu " située sur la gauche de cette nouvelle salle de cages, pour continuer d'avancer et déclencher une séquence.

Vous disposez maintenant de 10 minutes pour évacuer le cargo avant qu'il ne coule. Vous trouverez une échelle à la droite de la porte par laquelle vous êtes arrivé. Une fois en haut de celle-ci, suivez le couloir pour atteindre une pièce inondée, repérez sur la gauche un chemin de caisses que vous pouvez utiliser pour atteindre l'autre côté (s'il manque des caisses au milieu, allez faire sauter le baril sur le côté adjacent de la pièce, afin de les faire venir à cet endroit). Ne perdez pas votre temps à combattre les ennemis étant donné que le temps est compté... Vous vous trouverez face à une porte verrouillée, mais une boîte électrique se trouve de l'autre côté de la pièce. En électrisant votre glaive, puis en l'envoyant contre cette porte, vous pourrez la franchir. La pièce suivante contient également une porte verrouillée. Bien que la boîte électrique se trouve à proximité, vous aurez à manoeuvrer le glaive à travers la fente de la clôture d'en face. La troisième pièce vous donnera un peu plus de difficultés, étant donné que vous aurez deux clôtures à franchir afin d'atteindre la boîte électrifiée. Pour ce faire, commencez par guider le glaive en hauteur, vers le bas, puis à nouveau en hauteur pour qu'il touche les étincelles. Il vous faudra ensuite l'envoyer rapidement de l'autre côté de l'eau, vers la porte verrouillée. Il ne vous reste plus qu'à courir vers la prochaine porte en montant les escaliers, avant que le temps ne soit écoulé et sans prêter attention aux ennemis qui tentent de vous arrêter.

Chapitre 6 - L'appât

Rejoignez le Marché Noir au niveau de l'écoutille pour vous refaire un petit arsenal, en vous équipant de préférence d'un bon fusil à pompe. En sortant, continuez d'avancer pour faire connaissance avec un nouveau type d'ennemi. Il s'agit de zombies capables de vous toucher à longue distance en vous envoyant des sortes de fléchettes d'énergie, que vous pourrez toutefois bloquer avec votre bouclier. Il est plus facile de les tuer lorsqu'ils se rapprochent afin de leur faire goûter à votre fusil à pompe ou à votre lancer de puissance. Vous trouverez une amélioration de précision dans la tente verte à proximité, puis pourrez utiliser la mitrailleuse située juste à côté pour éliminer vos opposants. Après avoir nettoyé le secteur, les portes du bâtiment du coin vont s'ouvrir. Montez alors les escaliers et franchissez les portes.

Avancez dans ce bâtiment jusqu'à vous retrouver dans une pièce contenant une porte recouverte de cette substance noire, mais également avec un large trou sur votre gauche, au sol. Envoyez votre glaive sur l'un des tuyaux contenant une fissure, puis une plus grande quantité d'eau va en jaillir. Ceci va enflammer le générateur et vous pourrez y envoyer votre glaive. Lancez ensuite le tout sur la masse noire qui recouvre la porte, pour la franchir et continuer tout droit à travers le secteur. Éliminez d'autres ennemis et vous vous retrouverez dans un couloir rempli de tableaux. Ouvrez la porte au bout pour entrer dans la salle d'exposition. Combattez alors d'autres ennemis en récupérant l'argent sur le banc qui vous fait face, puis continuez dehors dans la cour en vous frayant un chemin jusqu'au prochain bâtiment. Une fois dans le hall principal de ce dernier, montez les escaliers, récupérez l'amélioration " pouvoir vulnérant " sur le côté droit et vous ferez face à un mini boss.

Il s'agit d'un soldat vêtu d'une lourde armure. Étant donné la lenteur de ses mouvements, profitez-en pour vous retrouver derrière lui en évitant ainsi ses attaques et occupez-vous de détruire les deux générateurs situés sur ses épaules. Une fois ceci effectué, attaquez-le jusqu'à ce qu'il prenne une couleur rouge, vous indiquant que vous pouvez rapidement courir vers lui et exécuter votre finish. Utilisez ensuite son cadavre pour imprégner votre glaive d'électricité, puis envoyez-le sur le panneau de contrôle de l'ascenseur situé dans l'arrière-salle du fond à gauche, ce qui activera ainsi ce dernier. Vous n'avez plus qu'à pénétrer à l'intérieur pour clôturer le chapitre.

Chapitre 7 - Evolution industrielle

Avancez droit devant jusqu'à l'écoutille vous permettant d'aller faire quelques emplettes. Continuez vers la cour, et éliminez les ennemis qui se dresseront devant vous. Franchissez la gare de trains pour bientôt entrer dans l'entrepôt. Mais avant, vous devrez envoyer votre glaive au niveau du gros cylindre gelé sur le dernier wagon. Vous allez ainsi récupérer un glaive glacé. Envoyez alors celui-ci contre la masse noire qui cache un passage dans le secteur d'à côté. Après l'avoir franchi, occupez-vous de ces zombies un peu plus résistants bien que plus lents, en vous tenant à distance et en leur tirant dessus jusqu'à leur dernier souffle. Vous pourrez ensuite récupérer l'amélioration " puissance de feu " située sur le wagon, à droite. Continuez à travers la gare de trains pour rencontrer un nouveau type d'ennemi. Ils sont rapides, et peuvent se rendre invisibles durant un petit instant. Continuez le long du chemin imposé, puis récupérez le " pouvoir vulnérant " situé au sol, entre les wagons. Franchissez les couloirs jusqu'à atteindre l'autre côté.

Entrez alors dans les bâtiments suivants, puis vous combattrez des soldats rejoints bientôt par un de ces soldats d'élite que vous aviez combattus précédemment. Contournez-le pour le frapper dans le dos d'un bon coup de glaive et il n'y survivra pas. Récupérez ensuite l'électricité provenant de son corps, pour envoyer votre glaive de l'autre côté de la clôture et toucher l'interrupteur, après l'avoir manoeuvré via l'after-touch. Ceci va ouvrir la clôture et vous permettre de continuer dans le tunnel, le long des rails. Vous pourrez utiliser un des barils glacés répartis dans le secteur pour geler votre glaive (en l'envoyant juste au-dessus et non sur le baril lui-même). Récupérez également l'amélioration " perforation " dans le petit train de droite. Continuez dans le tunnel, poussez le wagonnet qui bloque le passage, puis avancez le long de la passerelle vers le bureau, avant de rejoindre le Marché Noir du coin. Après avoir amélioré votre arsenal, continuez dans le tunnel. Combattez ensuite des vagues d'ennemis et continuez le long du chemin linéaire dans le tunnel jusqu'à atteindre un autre wagonnet. Poussez-le pour avancer davantage, tout en combattant les zombies et autres soldats. Sautez par-dessus les deux barrières une fois au bout et marchez jusqu'à la tourelle. Servez-vous-en d'ailleurs contre la horde d'ennemis jusqu'à la sauvegarde automatique, vous signalant que le secteur est sécurisé, et que vous pouvez atteindre l'autre bout du tunnel. Récupérez ainsi l'amélioration " agrandisseur de chargeur " près des gravats marquant la fin du tunnel. Montez les escaliers, puis ouvrez la double porte en bois de cet entrepôt abandonné.

Tournez alors la valve circulaire de droite pour faire tomber l'eau du plafond, ce qui vous permettra ensuite de la geler en ayant préalablement recouvert votre glaive de glace au niveau du cylindre. Lancez donc votre glaive surgelé au niveau des chutes d'eau pour créer des piliers glacés. Utilisez ces piliers pour vous tenir à couvert des soldats et d'un nouveau soldat d'élite. Le passage sera bloqué par le feu au bout de ce secteur. Refroidissez alors votre glaive, puis lancez-le sur le feu. Ceci va dissiper les flammes et vous permettre de continuer plus profondément dans le tunnel.

Montez maintenant les escaliers et passez la salle des machines. Vous allez arriver dans un secteur inondé qui sera infranchissable à moins que vous ne glaciez l'eau. Utilisez donc le pilier de glace qui se trouve à proximité pour geler votre arme, puis jetez-la sur l'eau encore liquide. Déplacez-vous maintenant sur ce lac de glace, puis montez sur le rebord pour ensuite franchir la porte menant au prochain secteur. Descendez les escaliers pour atteindre le prochain tunnel. Avancez tout en éliminant les ennemis du coin jusqu'à gagner le haut des escaliers qui vous mènent à l'extérieur, sous la pluie. Récupérez l'amélioration " Double tir " située sous un des camions, puis entrez ensuite dans l'usine en franchissant les escaliers. Des zombies vous attendent évidemment à l'intérieur, tandis qu'il vous faudra continuer votre progression à travers le bâtiment. Lorsque vous atteignez le secteur contenant les générateurs glacés, regardez vers la porte sur votre gauche à la même hauteur pour apercevoir un " pouvoir vulnérant " à attraper avec le glaive.

Descendez maintenant les escaliers puis combattez vos ennemis parmi les générateurs gelés. Continuez d'avancer jusqu'à la prochaine série d'escaliers, pour entrer dans un entrepôt. Une soupape vous fera face. Tournez-la, profitez-en pour glacer votre glaive au niveau du générateur refroidi à proximité, puis jetez-le vers les différents flots d'eau pour créer des piliers qui vous serviront de couverture contre les ennemis. Continuez d'avancer, descendez les escaliers dans le couloir recouvert de la substance noire, puis rendez-vous au Marché Noir. Continuez dans le tunnel jusqu'à déclencher une séquence. Après celle-ci, il vous faudra combattre le boss Stalker.

Boss : Stalker

Etant donné qu'il sera invisible la plupart du temps, prêtez attention aux éclaboussures dans l'eau pour le repérer. Sur les deux côtés du secteur vous apercevez des petits barils glacés. Vous les utiliserez pour combattre ce boss. Ce dernier vous foncera dessus le plus souvent, mais il pourra vous attaquer à distance en vous envoyant une de ses fléchettes. Attention car celles-ci peuvent vous tuer en une seule fois. Utilisez donc votre bouclier à bon escient pour les lui renvoyer. Vous trouverez le long d'un mur un secteur sec avec une porte. Si vous vous tenez près de celle-ci, le boss n'ira pas vous charger. Il courra à la place le long du secteur et utilisera ses attaques à distance, mais celles-ci ne vous toucheront pas. Lancez votre glaive sur un des barils glacés pour obtenir un glaive gelé. Jetez-le ensuite sur les éclaboussures que vous apercevez, afin de glacer temporairement ce monstre. Attaquez-le alors durant ce laps de temps. Continuez d'employer cette méthode pour lui infliger des dommages, puis lorsqu'il tournera au rouge, approchez-vous de lui pour exécuter votre attaque finish et clore le combat. Notez que si vous possédez le fusil à pompe, une méthode plus " bourrine " vous permettra d'en finir rapidement, en esquivant ses charges sur le côté et en tirant un maximum de cartouches sur ce monstre durant le temps où il est visible.

Après avoir obtenu automatiquement la capacité de devenir invisible, rejoignez la sortie en utilisant ce pouvoir, une longue séquence va alors se déclencher après avoir franchi les doubles portes...

Chapitre 8 - Contre nature

Il va vous falloir sortir de cette salle pour rejoindre le hall principal de l'hôpital, tout en combattant les infectés. Après leur avoir tous réglé leur compte, franchissez la porte pour vous retrouver dans une salle de projection. Traversez-la pour entrer dans un autre couloir et pénétrer dans une pièce avec des sortes de machines à laver. Vous pourrez trouver au coin gauche de cette pièce une amélioration de précision, tandis qu'il vous faudra continuer à combattre les zombies dans le couloir pour bientôt atteindre les douches. Continuez votre progression en vous battant à travers les couloirs, jusqu'à gagner une porte fermée, derrière laquelle vous atteindrez une large pièce.

Vous vous retrouvez au deuxième étage et aurez à vous occuper de quelques zombies. Une mitrailleuse sera placée non loin d'ici, mais prenez garde que personne ne vous attaque par derrière ou sur les côtés lorsque vous l'utilisez. Elle vous donnera l'avantage d'éliminer les ennemis de l'étage du bas plus facilement. Descendez ensuite les escaliers, éliminez les ennemis restants, puis faites face à la porte avec la lumière rouge au-dessus d'elle. Elle est verrouillée électriquement. Rendez-vous alors sur la gauche pour lancer votre glaive à travers cette fenêtre et le diriger vers la droite, via l'after-touch. Touchez la boîte électrique, puis allez enfin déverrouiller la porte sur la droite. Activez votre bouclier ou rendez-vous invisible pour vous préparer aux attaques d'une tourelle, puis allez rejoindre l'ascenseur sur la gauche, qui vous mènera à l'étage du dessous.

En sortant de l'ascenseur, vous allez atteindre une pièce remplie de lasers. Utilisez votre capacité d'invisibilité pour les franchir sans dégâts, puis préparez-vous à affronter les ennemis dans la salle suivante. Vous allez ensuite traverser une autre pièce de lasers, à éviter de la même manière, ou bien en roulant au-dessous. Vous trouverez l'amélioration " puissance de feu " sur l'une des tables de chirurgie. Quittez le secteur en descendant les escaliers et vous déclencherez une séquence. Suite à celle-ci, votre armure s'est vue modifiée et vous aurez à traverser les salles en combattant zombies et soldats, tout en prenant garde aux quelques tourelles. Vous trouverez une pièce sur la droite après la barricade de sacs de sable, où vous pourrez avoir l'amélioration "munitions d'enferon ". Sortez ensuite de cette pièce pour revenir dans la précédente et aller prendre l'ascenseur du fond, clôturant ainsi le chapitre.

Chapitre 9 - Gardien du seuil

Sortez de l'ascenseur, traversez le couloir, puis sautez dans la cour. Récupérez les 5000 roubles près des sacs jaunes avant de rejoindre le Marché Noir et vous refaire éventuellement un petit arsenal. En sortant, utilisez le lancer de puissance sur la porte verrouillée pour continuer dans la cour. Tenez-vous alors à couvert derrière un des pots de fleurs et combattez les soldats. Occupez-vous également de ceux qui se trouvent sur la passerelle au-dessus de vous, puis utilisez l'after-touch de chaque côté de la cour pour n'oublier aucun ennemi. Montez ensuite la pente en bois située sur le côté gauche de la cour pour entrer dans le prochain secteur. Occupez-vous du comité d'accueil avant de continuer un peu plus loin, dans l'usine, où vous aurez à combattre un soldat d'élite. N'oubliez pas de le vaincre en vous occupant en premier lieu de détruire les générateurs sur ses épaules. Pour rejoindre le prochain secteur, il vous faut imprégner votre glaive d'électricité à partir du cadavre du soldat, pour ensuite le jeter sur l'interrupteur de la porte. Avant de la franchir, récupérez la mitrailleuse de ce soldat d'élite pour l'amener avec vous à l'extérieur. Elle vous sera d'une grande utilité pour vous occuper des ennemis qui vous tireront dessus, en sachant que vous possédez des munitions illimitées et sept roquettes. Attention toutefois au poids de cette arme qui rendra vos déplacements plus lents. Peu après, un hélicoptère va apparaître et des soldats viendront vous attaquer par les flancs. Occupez-vous d'eux dans un premier temps, pour ensuite franchir la clôture détruite par l'hélicoptère et suivre le chemin vers l'autre côté du ravin.

Après avoir éliminé les soldats, suivez le chemin jusqu'à une grande porte, vous menant à la prochaine section. Occupez-vous des zombies sur le pont, déverrouillez la porte avec un lancer de puissance, puis entrez dans le Marché Noir du coin, surtout si vous n'êtes pas encore équipé d'un bon fusil à pompe. Poursuivez vers l'usine jusqu'à ce qu'un nouveau soldat d'élite se montre et détruise le pont. Vous vous retrouvez finalement avec deux soldats d'élite à éliminer, accompagnés de quelques moucherons. Voilà pourquoi le fusil à pompe se révèle nécessaire, vous permettant entre autres de faire exploser les épaules des soldats d'élite plus facilement. N'oubliez pas que vous pouvez ramasser la mitrailleuse sur le cadavre d'un soldat d'élite pour vous occuper plus facilement du deuxième et des autres restants. Suivez la route jusqu'à l'opposé du canal, en continuant de vous frayer un chemin à travers les soldats. Imprégnez votre glaive de feu au niveau des flammes qui émanent du sol pour faire disparaître la masse noire qui cache une échelle. Une fois en haut de celle-ci, rejoignez le bout du canal et franchissez la porte en acier. Continuez ensuite à travers la cour, puis dans l'allée pour combattre bientôt un Nemesis.

Boss : Nemesis

Dès que le combat commence, il va vous charger. Soyez donc prêt à éviter cette attaque dès que vous prenez le contrôle de votre personnage. Ses coups au corps-à-corps sont très puissants et peuvent vous tuer en un coup. Votre bouclier étant malheureusement inefficace contre ceci, vous n'aurez d'autre choix que d'éviter en plongeant sur le côté ou en vous tenant à distance. Rendez-vous invisible pour éviter également d'être touché et pour tenter de passer dans son dos. Après un certain temps, il va libérer des étincelles pour tenter ensuite de vous toucher avec son arme électrifiée. Commencez à éviter dès que vous le voyez créer de l'électricité. Suite à cette attaque, il laissera son arme sur le sol, ou bien parfois dans le mur. Ce sera l'opportunité pour vous d'y envoyer votre glaive afin de l'électrifier à son tour. Lancez-lui alors votre arme pour l'assommer un instant et approchez-vous de lui (une fois qu'il a pris une couleur rougeâtre, après avoir reçu suffisamment de dommages) pour ensuite appuyer sur le bouton déclenchant votre finish. Il vous faudra effectuer ceci cinq fois pour espérer le vaincre. Bon courage, car la tâche s'avérera difficile, d'autant plus que notre héros aura la fâcheuse tendance à se mettre à couvert plutôt qu'à rouler sur les côtés, lorsqu'il sera trop près des deux piliers...

Suite à la séquence, vous allez avoir à nouveau l'opportunité de vous retrouver à l'intérieur d'un Jackal. Servez-vous-en pour détruire les portes en acier qui se trouvent juste devant vous, puis avancez à travers le canyon en vous occupant des soldats, et en priorité de ceux possédant des roquettes, positionnés sur la falaise. Continuez jusqu'au bout du canyon après avoir détruit une autre porte, jusqu'à atteindre une porte gigantesque. Sortez alors du Jackal, avancez vers cette porte, puis sautez plus bas vers le chemin pour mettre un terme au chapitre.

Chapitre 10 - Dark Sector

Une fois la séquence terminée, tenez-vous à couvert derrière les caisses, puis tuez tous les soldats positionnés dans ce secteur avant de continuer dans le tunnel. À l'intérieur, vous allez trouver une échelle à droite de l'entrée. Au sommet de celle-ci se trouvera un panneau de contrôle pour la porte. Continuez ensuite le long du tunnel et vous vous ferez bientôt assaillir par une flopée de zombies. Pensez donc à utiliser l'électricité environnante et votre capacité d'invisibilité pour régler l'affaire plus facilement, étant donné qu'il est peu pratique de se mettre à couvert ici. Rejoignez l'ascenseur, puis une alarme va se déclencher lorsque vous appuierez sur son bouton. Vous allez donc être encore attaqué... Tenez-vous en position pour accueillir vos ennemis comme il se doit. Vous pourrez enfin utiliser l'ascenseur après avoir éliminé tout le monde. Vous allez atteindre une petite pièce, puis devrez bientôt monter une pente qui vous mènera à une autre salle dans laquelle il faudra actionner un panneau de contrôle. Revenez ensuite dans la pièce précédente et vous verrez que la porte au bas des marches est maintenant ouverte. Franchissez-la pour déclencher une séquence. Suite à celle-ci, continuez d'avancer dans la caverne jusqu'à rencontrer Mezner, le boss de fin.

Boss : Mezner

La pièce dans laquelle vous combattrez est petite et ne dispose pas d'endroit pour se mettre à couvert. Sachez que vous trouverez des munitions sur la gauche et la droite de la salle, ainsi qu'un objet électrifié au-dessus du boss. Ce dernier dispose de trois tentacules qui vous enverront des projectiles à éviter en roulant. Évitez également les tentacules lorsqu'il commencera à vous envoyer une sorte de fumée verdâtre. Récupérez de l'électricité au-dessus de sa tête avec votre glaive, puis visez la partie blanche de l'extrémité des tentacules. Pour plus de facilité, n'hésitez pas à utiliser des impulsions d'énergie, pouvant ainsi toucher les trois tentacules d'un coup. Lorsque cela se produit, le tentacule va s'ouvrir et vous aurez à envoyer une fois encore le glaive électrifié au centre de la bouche. Effectuez ceci jusqu'à détruire les trois tentacules, puis vous disposerez ensuite d'un court instant pour tirer sur Mezner avec votre arme à feu ou votre glaive. Ceci est primordial pour arrêter l'attaque que prépare ce dernier et qui vous tuerait sur le coup.

Suite à ceci, les tentacules vont réapparaître et vous aurez à nouveau à les détruire de la même manière, en sachant cette fois que vous serez sans cesse attaqué par des infectés, apparaissant malheureusement à volonté. Tâchez de vous en sortir au mieux en vous concentrant sur les tentacules dès que la place vous le permet, puis vous aurez une fois encore à tirer sur Mezner avant qu'il ne vous lance son attaque dévastatrice.

Durant la dernière partie du combat, les infectés ne viendront plus vous déranger, mais des tentacules supplémentaires apparaîtront à la place. Ainsi, il faudra en détruire un de plus à gauche et un autre sur votre droite, tandis que des petits tentacules apparaîtront du sol pour vous attaquer. N'oubliez pas que vous possédez l'invisibilité pour vous en sortir avec plus de facilité, puis lorsque vous aurez détruit le cinquième tentacule, il vous faudra une dernière fois tirer sur Mezner pour mettre un terme au combat et observer la séquence finale...

DMMM: Elements (Guide en anglais seulement))
Publié le 10.06.2008 ŕ 16:16 par TecKa

Secret Areas = SA
Relics = R
Collection items are in all caps
-You MUST find all Secret Areas and collect all Relics in one run.
-You can add to your collection through multiple runs.
-There is a total of 105 Relics, if you use the code below you can miss three and still get the achievement.
-I have also listed 57 Secret Areas you need to only find 42.
-It is probably best to be an Assassin or Archer since they can lockpick. I was an Assassin as I wrote this guide. Assassin is the way to go because they can see the secret areas and ways to access them with a blue highlighted tint over the object.
-USE THE "EXCLUSIVE" CODE: 5684219998871395. For a secret room in chapter 8. I describe more in the guide.

I wanna give a big shout out to Tower Bridge who compiled the original Relic guide.
MUCH LOVE Goes to SiegfriedX and VIOLENTxK9. SiegfriedX found a Secret Area in chapter 4 I completely missed and reminded me to add the Black Guard's Shield. He also supplied the information needed to find the Arcane Robe while VIOLENTxK9 justified the information with proof. THANK YOU!
Thanks also goes to David Clowney for noticing a typo for me!
PROPS to Keldroc for finding how to access the Elven Bow and SA15 without using a lockpick.
colinisgod found another Arcane Robe, that's two in the whole game!

SA1) From the start, go forward and enter the river. Swim along the left cliff until the end. Now turn left and you'll see an opening. Swim through the tunnel into the secret area

R1) After jumping off the chain, turn right. The Relic is inside a stone structure in front of the shack.

SA2) After punting the guard into the void go left. Follow the cliff behind the waterfall.

R2) Behind the waterfall on the right side of the cave with the skeletons

R3) After destroying the bridge and jumping across. Go to your right, the Relic is inside a shack.

SA3) Facing the Temple of Ashar, go all the way to your left. There is an entrance along the face of the temple. Follow the hall of prison cages to the end.

R4) When you find SA3 the Relic will be on the wall to your right.

SA4) After you have use the lever and cut the rope to drop the huge rock on the guard go to the opposite wall. Follow this wall to your left into the open cell. Now drop down to your right into the water. Swim through the tunnel into the next cell.

R5) Along the back wall of the cell you enter after swimming through the tunnel.

R6) In the flooded room with the Undead. Inside a open room, on a shelf along the back wall.

R7) Facing the area where you find the Spider Key, to the right is a half-open cell. The Relic is on the desk to the left in the cell.

Chapter 1:
WOODEN STAFF & SHORT SWORD - In the room after dropping the Cyclops and opening the portcullis. The WOODEN STAFF is against the right wall, the SHORT SWORD is on a table by the window.

R Go downstairs, the Relic is on a shelf at the foot of the stairs.

BOW & DAGGERS - In the same room as R8. The BOW is on a table beside the stairs. The DAGGERS are in a chest by the windows.

SA5) Once outside, go behind the building to your right. Use the boxes to jump on the roof. From this roof jump across to the next building.

R9) In the area as SA5 on top of a chest.

COMBAT STAFF - Leaning against the railing where you found SA5.

R10) From SA5 drop down, turn right and go forward. Turn right and go up the stairs. Go straight until you can't anymore then turn left and enter the building. Go upstairs and the Relic will be behind the bed.

SA6) From R10 turn around. Press 'A' on the lamp. A rope will drop above you, climb to the top of it

DAGGERS OF FROST - From SA6, jump off into the attic. Follow the attic to a chest. The DAGGERS OF FROST are inside.

SA7) - Facing the front gate, turn to your right and you'll see a ladder. Climb it and follow the rooftops. Open a window on the second rooftop and enter the building.

STONEHELM GUARD'S SHIELD - From SA7, turn right and follow the hall to an anvil. The shield is leaning against it.

Chapter 2:
R11) From the exit of the house under attack. Kill the guards and continue around the huge building. You'll eventually end up in a stone arch area with a ton of supports and boxes. At the area where there are a two supports on the left you can turn right and right again to find the Relic on a bench.

R12) Once you are in the garden, kill the three guards then go look beside a bench around the fish pond.

R13) From R12 go straight back to the wall, now turn left and go straight. At the end of the wall you'll see a chest on the ground to your left. The Relic is inside.

RING OF WEAPONMASTER - Once inside the building, go in the room to your right. Drop down and go behind the huge kegs. Throw the barrels out of the way. On the floor is a chest with the ring inside.

SA In the room with the two guards talking to each other, kill them, then go to the back left corner. There is a stone you can press 'A' on to open the wall to your left. Enter the secret room.

R14) From SA8 turn right; follow the rooms past the spiders. The Relic is in a chest against the wall. Stand to the left or the right of the chest while you open it or you will be burned

R15) In the room where you see the two civilians get murdered. Standing how you enter the room. The Relic is on a shelf, between and oil jar and a vase on the shelf in the back, right corner.

SA9) Once you're in the room with the huge chandelier. Cross the floor into the next room at the foot of the stairs. In this room turn left. Go to the fireplace and you will see a 'strange candelabra' on the left side of the fireplace. Pick it up and place it on the right of the fireplace to drop the wall.

WIZARD'S ROBE - Enter the fireplace and open the chest to your left.

R16) After passing through the gate. Follow the hall to the statue and turn left. The Relic is on the coffin.

R17) In a chest, in the center of the long hall where you cut the rope holding the coffin.

BOW OF WINTER'S BREATH - After you collect the key from the dead main-guard. Open the gate. The BOW is on a shrine in front of the huge statue

R1 After killing the necromancer and climbing the chain. Jump off and the Relic can be found in a hole on the left wall.

SOULREAVER (Remember those games?) STAFF - In the next room after finding R18. Leaning against the left wall, to the left of the dead necromancer.

SA10) This is gonna be a two parter. Once you have unlocked the door you passed through the gate to get the key for turn left. Go all the way up the stairs and collect the Old key from in front of the box. You'll need it to access a place later on.

R19) Go down the stairs from the Old Key and open the next door. Use the lever on the wall to the left to drop a rope. Climb the rope and jump off onto the rafters. The Relic is on a barrel in front of you.

SA11) From R19 follow the rafters straight. At the end drop of to the left behind the tall bookcases. You will need to use a lever to exit.

SA12) From the secret bookcase area. Turn left, then left again. Now turn right and follow the wall to some staircases. Go up two flights of stairs and go straight. Use the hatch on the left wall in front of you. Crouch and follow the beam to a platform with a chest.
RING OF ARCANE BRILLIANCE - In the chest where you found SA12

SA13) Once you're on the roof, use the Old Key to unlock the tower door.

CHAINMAIL ARMOR - From SA13, go up the stairs. The armor is on a chest to the left of the bed.

Chapter 3:
R20) As you are following the ghoul, after your first checkpoint, you'll come to a long room where the ghoul will knock down furniture to try and stop you. The Relic is on a table to the left of the doorway. Can't miss it.

R21) As you are still following the ghoul you will jump to a rooftop with some dead guards. The Relic is lying beside the second dead guard.

ASSASSIN'S GARB - Once the ghoul as lost you you'll be inside a building. Drop out of the window to the ground. Now turn to your left. Using the box against the outer wall in front of you, jump up to the next ledge. Continue up until you are on the wall. Now turn left and enter the room. The GARB is on a shelf against the left wall.

RING OF REGENERATION - Once you have killed all of the Black Guards behind the warehouse. Use the big block to jump onto the small platform. From the platform turn left and jump onto the chain. Climb the chain and jump forward into the barn. Now jump on the big block in front of you, then onto the smaller one. From the small block turn around and look up. You'll see a corpse on ledge, jump up on the ledge and the ring is behind the corpse.

R22) From the Ring of Regeneration drop down and open the door on the right wall. Follow the platform around to the next wall. The Relic is on top of a big block to your right.

R23) Once all the guards are dead. From R22 drop down and go through the door leaving the warehouse Turn left, then left again and go through the gate. Now turn right and enter the building. The Relic is on the table in the back.

R24) After using the trapdoor, follow the bend and turn right at the end. The Relic is on a box.

LONG SWORD - Enter the Forge. Read the book on the table to your right. Then create the sword (Any character can use Forged weapons!)

SA14) In the Forge, on the left wall, you will see some barrels, box and boards. Remove everything, crouch and enter the crawlspace. Go forward until the SA unlocks.

POISON KRISS - GO back into the Forge. Make a right, then right again and go down a level. Go straight across and open the door. The Poison Kriss is holding a corpse to a keg here.

Chapter 4:
R25) As you approach the ship the ballista will fire at you destroying the huge block and part of the dock. Dive in the water and continue deeper in the water to find the Relic on the sea floor.

R26) After using the crane to jump into the boat, kill the guard and drop down a level. Along the paneled wall you will find some boards you can break. Do so then turn left and follow the hall. Now open the door to the right. The Relic is inside, along the right wall on a table.

R27) After passing through the room with Goblin prisoners you'll be in a tall room with a ladder. Instead of using the ladder jump on the box to the left of the ladder, then turn around and jump up to the next level. The Relic is on the ground.

SA15) From the top of the ladder, turn around and lock pick the door to your left then enter.

ELVEN BOW - Once you are inside SA15, you'll see the BOW hanging between poles in the center of the room.

MUCH LOVE goes to Keldroc for the following info regarding the two listed above:
You CAN get this as a Warrior or Mage. Starting with your back to the locked door/trapdoor you climbed up from, leave the room and turn left. Turn left again into the little room with the cot and table, and a Mana Potion on the shelf. Go to the far door, turn around, and you'll see a key hanging on a hook on the left wall. That will open the door to SA15.

SA16) Once you are on top of the boat, kill the guards and continue along the top to the other side. Climb up the ladder and go to the middle of the floor. Here is a trapdoor you can lock pick, do so and climb down.

RING OF MIGHT - Once inside SA16 go to the back wall. The ring is on top of a box.

(Much love goes to SiegfriedX for finding the next Secret Area and for reminded me to put a spot in to pick up the Black Guard's Shield)

SECRET AREA) When the guards invade the ship they come from two places. One is where you came in the start of the level, the other one was locked before I think. Anyway, if you go to that second place, it's a secret area. You can go there after killing all the guards and before meeting with the girl inside the ship.

BLACK GUARD'S SHIELD - As you are defending the ship you will fight a ton of Black Guards who carry a sword and shield. Kill one and take his shield.

Chapter 5:

CLEAVER - After you watch the cutscene of the Orc Brigade follow the left cliff wall, you'll go under a building, now turn right and kill the two Orcs. One will be using the CLEAVER.

ORC SHIELD - You can pick this up after killing an Orc that is using one.

ROPE BOW - Once you kill all of the Orcs and enter the front gate of the temple. Look for a cage in the sand. Stand on it to drop down. Now follow the tunnel, then drop down again. Go straight and then turn right. Jump and enter the tunnel to go into a room with a dead Orc. The bow is at his feet.

SA17) Once you find the ROPE BOW turn around. Follow the green-lit tunnel to a dead-end. Now switch to the bow and shoot a rope to the roof. Jump on the rope and climb up.

POSION BOW - Once you have found SA17, jump off your rope. The BOW is in front of a chest on the ground.

R2 Same area as Poison Bow, the Relic is to the right of the chest.

STAFF OF REFLECTION - Once you meet back up with Leanna a dragon will swoop down and kill Tarragon. He will drop his staff; pick it up to add it to your collection.

ORC BUCKLER - After the Dragon/Orc battle search the ground where you killed the Orcs. One of the Orcs was using the Buckler.

R29) Once you come to a room with 4 Orcs around a campfire. Kill them and go towards the boxes in the back-right corner. The Relic is between some boxes on the ground.

R30) Once you have left Leanna behind, follow the corridor into the next room. The Relic is against the back wall on the left side of where you entered.

SA1 In the room where you first see Goblins. Against the right side wall is a broken area you can jump up into. Do so then break the boards holding the giant pillar up. Once the pillar has fallen, jump on it and follow it into the next area.

R31) Jump off the pillar where you found SA18, the Relic is in a chest along the right wall. *Achievement Unlocked*

SA19) Once you have fallen into the spider area, follow the tunnel into a huge chamber. Now take the first right tunnel until it dead ends at a stream.

R32) Turn right at SA19 the Relic is laying beside the dead orc.

SA20) Return to the main chamber and take your first left path. Follow the path you are on until it dead ends. Look up and shoot a rope at the board above you. Climb the rope and jump into the next area.

R33) In the area where you found SA20. To the right of the statue along the wall in a chest.

SA21) In the tower where you have to use the Rope Bow to shoot yourself up. Continue to do so until you can reach the next opening after the opening you're supposed to use.

R34) Once you're up in SA21, open the chest in front of you.

SA22) Once you're finished climbing up the tower and Xana talks to you about Leanna you'll be at a pond. Swim to the bottom of the pond and open the treasure chest.

SA23) Once you are in the area with the Cyclops and a ton of Goblins go up a level. In the second room on the left you will see a chest. Cross the room and on the right wall is an opening, go through it.

SA23) Cross over the bridge. Behind a sign that says "Upper Temple" is a blue statue on the ground. Pick the statue up with Telekinesis and place the statue on the pedestal at the end of the hall on the left (the only pedestal missing a statue).

R35) Once you have performed the task for SA23 to appear. Look at the ground in front of the statue. The floor will have open revealing the Relic and a Ring of Might.

R36) From R35 turn and face the wall. Now go into the open doorway to the left of the statue in front of you.

SA24) After fighting through the Orcs going up the stairs. Xana will talk to you. Now turn left. Press 'A' on the wooden battering ram on the far wall. Enter the area after destroying the blocks in the way.

LIGHTNING DAGGERS - After finding SA24 you'll be in a flooded room. Go to the coffin in the center of the room and open it. The daggers are lying with a skeleton inside.

SA25) Once you kill the Orc beside the barricade and the Gate turn around. Look above you on the right side cliff. Shoot a rope at the platform above you. Now standing on edge of the stairs shoot another rope at the platform high above you. Using the first rope you shot, climb up then jump onto the second rope. From the second rope jump onto the rope already hanging for you. Continue up into the house.

R37) Once you are in the house for SA25 jump off the rope, the Relic is on the ground.

BOW OF THE DISCIPLE - In the skeleton's hand, on the floor in SA25

SA26) Once you pass through the gate and enter the main area. Go through the very left opening on the wall across from where you enter. Turn left and you'll see a secret lever beside a caged door. Use the lever then enter the room. Against the back wall you can find a piece of steel used for the forge, pick it up.
R3 Use the lever to open the caged door to the right of the caged door for SA26. The Relic is in the shrine.

R39) After using your ropes to cross the broken bridge on the third floor. Enter the next room and turn left. Use the lever on the left wall to open the shrine holding the Relic.

BLADE OF THE LIFE WEAVER - In the room with the Dark Crystal glow with spikes surrounding the crystal. Cut the ropes attached to the pillars on both sides to low the spikes, then collect the Blade.

R40) Once back out of the gate, cross the wooden bridge and enter the flooded tower. The Relic is beneath the stairs.

R41) Once you exit out of the top of the tower you'll be in a house. Exit the house and go left, then left again around the house and climb the ladder. Enter the house and climb the stairs to the top floor. The Relic is on a shelf.

PLATE ARMOR - Once you are through the spider tunnels, break the boards on the house's roof and drop down. Drop down another level and stay still. Shoot two ropes into the roof of this room. One where you are standing. The other right above the PLATE ARMOR. Now jump from one rope to the other, go down slightly and collect the armor. Now jump back across the ropes and out of this shack!

R42) Once you are inside the house that was barricaded shoot a rope through the second floor. Climb up and jump onto the second floor. The Relic is on a table beside the window.

R43) From R42 drop down and follow the tunnels into the stone building. Turn right. The Relic is on the floor in front of you.

SWORD OF RAGE - If you collected the piece of steel from SA26 you can make it in the Forge down the opposite hall from R43.

SA27) From the top of the elevator turn right and enter the next house. Shot a rope up through the second floor and climb up. From the second floor look out of a hole in the left wall for another rope. Jump on it and climb up, at the top, jump across and onto the next house. Walk around the front of it and go through the window.

RING OF THE PHOENIX - Once you're inside SA27 the ring will be on desk across from you.

R44) In SA27, beside the desk holding the Ring of Phoenix.

ARATROK'S CLEAVER - Once you've defeated Aratrok take his weapon.

SA2 Once you're back inside the room with the four statues in the middle and one blue one on the floor. Use Telekinesis to pick up the blue statue and place it on the empty pedestal to your left.

SUPERIOR NAGA SILKSWORD - In the hole revealed for SA28

SA29) From SA28. Instead of making a left and returning to Leanna. Make a right and head back to where you see the Cyclops. You can use the lever now to get back to where you fought a ton of Goblins. Go upstairs and use the Spider Key on the door in the middle of left wall.

RING OF PROTECTION - In the SA29 room. On top of the coffin.

SA30 & 31) Now cross the bridge again and use the Spider Key on the doors along the right wall.

Chapter 6:
R45) In the first room you come to you'll see some knocked over coffin and about five undead. Look up and shoot a rope. Climb the rope and jump onto the left wall.

SA32) After placing the Moonsilk Crystal and going through the door it reveals, turn left and go into the next room, now turn right. Destroying the stone with the face on it and enter the crawlspace.

VAMPIRE KNIGHT'S SHIELD - From where you cut the rope to release the battering ram. Go around the corner and destroy another stone with a face on it. Enter the crawlspace and follow it to the wall. The shield is on the back wall.

R46) In the flooded room with the coffin in the center. Go up the stairs to the left of the coffin, then turn right. The Relic is on the ground.

SOULDRINKER - From R46, follow the floor and turn left, then left again and go straight through another loading screen. In the next room the Souldrinker is in the center of the room stuck in a skeleton.

R47) Facing the 'Maiden's Eye' Gem, turn around and shoot a rope arrow above you so that you can get on top of the boards surrounding the back-right pillar. The Relic is around the side closest to the wall.

ARCANE ROBE - Facing the 'Maiden's Eye' gem, turn around and shoot a rope arrow above you so that you can get on top of the boards surrounding the back-left pillar. The Robe is in a chest on the boards running along the right of the pillar. (THANKS TO SiegfriedX and VIOLENTxK9 for helping me find it!!)

R4 Follow the stairs down from the Souldrinker shrine. Continue down the broken paths until you come to a dead end. Shoot a rope up to the boards and climb up. Once you're at the top jump off into the next area. The Relic is on the left wall, on the ground between some pots.

DRAGONCLAW - Sitting in front of the huge statue in the same room as R48

SA33) Once you're at the King Darius crypt in the flooded catacombs with all the swarming undead you will see a statue on the floor. Use Telekinesis and place the statue to the left, opposite the other statue, on the open pedestal. The wall will slide to the right. Go behind where the wall was.

SHADOWSTEEL DAGGER - From SA33 turn right, jump up on the platform. The daggers are on the shrine.

R49) Beside the shrine holding the Shadowsteel Daggers.

R50) After falling through King Darius' crypt and landing in the flooded catacombs, navigate through them until you come to a board you can take to reach the second level. Once you're on the second level the Relic will be along some planks, in an alcove, surrounded by chests.

R51) Facing the 'Stone of Crone' turn left, go straight and up the stairs. Follow the ledge all the way around until you find a chest. The Relic is inside the chest.

STAFF OF THE DISCIPLE - After you have defeated the Lich, go behind his tomb. The Staff is leaning against the back wall.

R52) Once you have the last gem, turn right and jump on the broken pillar. Now jump up onto the hanging chain to your right. Climb up the chain and jump to another chain, then onto a wooden platform holding the Relic.

Chapter 7:
SA34) When you begin the chapter, go to your left and enter the water. Swim around the bend until you can get out, do so to find the secret area.

EARTHFIRE SHIELD - After you have collected your backpack, use the Rope Bow to get back over the gate you crossed to enter the caged area. Once over the gate, cross the plank and turn left. Follow the cliff around to a chest. Lock pick the chest to find the Earthfire Shield inside.

R53) Return back to the caged area where you found your backpack. Walk over to the other gate and shoot a rope above you. Climb the rope and jump over the gate. The Relic is in front of you, above you on a shelf.

R54) Once you've defeated the Cyclops. Look above you along the cliffs. You will notice wooden platforms. Shoot enough ropes on the platforms so that you can traverse them and land on the wooden ramp with the mine cart. The Relic is inside the cart. Be careful not to land on the Relic or it will go flying and become lost. Also you might want to save after killing the Cyclops.

SA35) From R54, follow the wooden ramp up to the top. Now look to your right and above you will find more planks to shoot ropes on. Do so, save, and then jump onto the rope. Now turn left and jump on top of the rock. Pick up the Flamegold Bar here to make another sword in the forge.

SA36) Make your way back to the ground where you fought the Cyclops and go back to the ropes you shot up. Jump on your lowest rope and climb as high as you need to jump on one of the wooden platforms.

MASTER THEIF'S OUTFIT - From SA36, instead of going the way you did to get to the mine cart ramp, turn around. Jump from platform to platform and you'll find the Outfit next to a mana bottle on the platform.

R55) From the Master Thief’s Outfit jump back to the platform you came up onto first. Shoot another rope onto the bottom of the platform above you right on the edge. Climb up that rope and jump off onto the platform you are under. Make sure to hold y to pull yourself up. The Relic is lying beside a skeleton.

EARTHFIRE SWORD - Return back to the Forge and use the Flamegold Bar to create the sword.

R56) Once you are in the first main room with a ton of Goblins. Go forward and look for some supports that can be broken. Break them to reveal the Relic.

R57) From R56 make a look for some stairs leading up into another room. Follow this tunnel to the end to find the Relic inside a mine cart.

SA37) From the foot of the stairs leading to the tunnel that leads to R57. Face outwards and you’ll see a door with some planks covering it. Break the boards and continue straight until you can't walk anymore. On that wall in front of you is a handle you can access to open a piece of the wall.

SHADOWSTEEL STAFF - You can find this inside of SA37.

R5 Given to you by Rubby after you have defeated the Orc set. It's in the middle of the arena.

R59 & RUBBY'S AX) Given to you after you have defeated Gorok. It's in the middle of the arena.

R60) After the arena, once you have used the crane and lowered the cage. Jump onto the chain. Climb all the way up and jump onto the staircase. Run and jump to the staircase above you and hold Y to pull yourself up. The Relic is on the ground.

SA3 Once you get to the base of the tower, follow the tunnel and make a left. Go past some wooden walls into a Goblin Shrine.

R61) Leave SA38 and continue through the tunnel. You end up in a huge cavern. You can see the Relic on a platform from where you are standing.

R62) Once you hit your first checkpoint while fighting the Worm you'll be outside of a doorway that has boulders fall making it so that you cannot retreat. Run to the edge of the floor and turn right, then right again, go forward until you can turn right again. The Relic is against the right wall.

SA39) From R62 turn around and continue along the wall the way you were going. Jump across from the floor, over the gap, to the wooden platform and make a right into the alcove.

DAGGERS OF DISCIPLE - The daggers are inside SA39 lying on a shrine. Pick them up and book it all the way back to the left to escape the worm and keep your treasures.

R63) After escaping through the window and falling into the water, swim to the bottom. The Relic is on the floor.

SA40) Once you are in the next big room. Look up from where you enter on the opposite wall. You'll see a wooden plank you can shoot your rope bow into. Do so, then climb the rope and jump off into the next area. Make a left and follow the tunnel to a spider's den.

R64) In SA40, lying on the ground.

SA41) When you enter the tall tower where you see a Goblin get swarmed by a ton of spiders look up on the right side wall to find a wooden plank. Shoot your rope into it and climb up. On your way up you will see a hole in the wall. Jump inside the hole.

R65) Inside SA41 on the floor.

R66) Once you have ridden the raft to the top and used the rope bow to get into the Goblin area turn left. Go straight until it dead ends. The Relic is on the floor

SA42) From R66, turn around. Take the ramp to your right up into the tunnel. Jump and hold Y on the left hand wall to climb up. Now follow this tunnel to some boards. *Achievement Unlocked*

BOW OF FIERY RAGE - Break the boards in SA42. In the next room the Bow will be hanging between two burning torches.

R67) After you have ridden the cart to the next area. Kick the Goblins into the void, then check along the left wall of their camp. The Relic is on the floor.

R6 Once you are at the Orc Base take the wooden stairs down into their base. Make a right and follow it until you can make a left. Go straight and the Relic is on the ground to the right of a box.

SA43) From R68, turn left and go straight until you can go up some stairs on the right. Then go left, and left again, cross under the archway then turn right and press A on the stone.

R69) Enter behind the wall revealed for SA43. Drop down and the Relic will be in a chest on the ground against the back wall.

R70) After you pass through the next loading screen, use the rope bow to lower yourself to the ground. Right behind you, on the ground will be the Relic.

R71) Once the cave open up and you see daylight. Use the Rope Bow on the tree branch, climb up, and jump onto the rock to your right. The Relic is lying on the rock.

Chapter 8:
R72) Once Sareth says 'This Place is Huge' make a left. Follow the hallway until it dead-ends. Turn right and go forward some until you can make another right. You'll see the Relic in front of you, on a table overlooking the huge middle area.

R73) From R72, turn around and walk back out the way you came in. Turn right and follow it until it leads to a room. The Relic is against the wall in front of you, to your left, on a table.

SA44) From R73 turn right and walk into the area with Ghoul prisoners. Open the cells on the left by pulling the lever between the cells. Enter the cells and walk to the wall on the right. Look up and you will see a metal ring you can pull. Do so to open a piece of the wall. Enter the crawlspace.

GUTTING KRISS - On the shrine inside of SA44.

R74) In front of the shrine in SA44.

R75) Very bottom of the Library. On a table next to a huge book.

colinisgod proved his gamertag by providing the location of another Arcane Robe:
Just before R75, you're going down a hallway and there's arrow plaques that say ahead library back cells, if you look right theres a room with 2 necros. The Robe is in the chest.

R76) To the left of the stained-glass window in the room with the Black Orb.

R77) Once you enter the Necromancer's Workroom head straight until you can turn left and go up some stairs. Do so, and then enter the next room. The Relic is on the table.

SA45) In the room on the right side of the Work Area will be some cages with zombie humans. Follow the room to the end and turn right. Use the Black Orb key on the door here and enter the next room. In the back of this room is a trapdoor covered in boxes. Throw the boxes out of the way and open the trapdoor. Climb down for the secret area.

LIGHTNING SHIELD - In SA45, along the right wall on a table.

R7 To the left of the hall leading to the pit you will see a metal grate on the floor. Open it, and take the ladder to the ground covered in meat. The Relic is in the skeleton’s hand on the ground. You can also find another Master Thief’s outfit here in case you didn't get it earlier.

SHADOWSTEEL ARMOR - As you are making your way to the prayer room, instead of turning right, continue straight. Kill the
Vampire Knight to get his key, then enter the store room. Along the left wall at the beginning of this room is a chest on the ground. Unlock or Lock pick the chest. The Armor is inside.

R79) From the chest containing the Shadowsteel Armor turn right. The Relic is to the right of a big box on the ground.

R80) Enter the prayer room and go all the way against the back wall with the three stained glass windows. The Relic is on a bench below the middle window.

R81) Inside of Arantir's Chamber all the way back and to the right of the big stained-glass window. The Relic is on the table.

SA46) Pull the handle between the two bookcases on the left side wall to reveal the secret room.


R82) While in Normal World drop down to the ground. ON the right wall are a few gates. The second gate, when you pull the lever the gate will open but as you walk through the hall another, closer, gate will close. Take one of the boxes and place it so that the gate closest to you will close on the box enabling you to enter the chamber. The Relic is in a chest in the middle of the room.

R83) Once you have Inverted the world and are making your way to the Blue Crystal. Look up to see a wooden box hanging. Shoot a rope into it and climb up. You'll see a cage with a skeleton inside it along the wall. Hop off the rope onto the small ledge. Use Telekinesis to take the Relic from the skeleton.

STAFF OF THE FIRELORD - Once you have destroyed all four crystals return to Normal World. Make your way to the top of the center structure. The Staff is against the tree.

R84) Once you have ridden the elevator back to the top with Leanna you'll be in the first place you started the level. Go down the hall to the left, then down the left stairs. Use the Black Orb key on the first door on your left. Enter the room and turn right. The Relic is underneath the first bed on the left.

Chapter 9:
SA47) Once you exited the sewers and finished talking to Duncan. Lockpick the door in front of you. Enter the house.

R85) Follow the stairs up along with Duncan killing off the Ghouls. At the top of the stairs look up. Shoot a rope into the wooden beam and climb up. Jump off into the window and turn left. The Relic is in the corner of the next room.

SA4 After you have crossed the short bridge go to the front of the house on your right. Shoot a rope up so that you can get onto the second floor. From here cross the planks into the next building and drop down.

SA49) Drop to the first floor, then exit out of the door on the back, left hand side and follow it to some health bottles.

R86) Inside Percy's house, on a dresser.

SA49) Once you leave Percy's house, turn right and lockpick the door in front of you. Enter the house and go upstairs. Turn right and go up the stairs, turn left, and lockpick the door on your right. Enter this room. In this room you can find another Staff of the Firelord.

SA50) In the same house as SA49, on the top story, go across the room and enter the next room.

R87) After you have killed the Cyclops, follow the stone road back the way to Percy's house. Half way there you will notice a square hole in the ground. Use the ladder to enter the hole. Follow the tunnel, then turn left at the dead-end. The Relic is on a box.

R8 After you jump across the bridge and leave Percy behind. Continue straight until you come into a small alleyway. The Relic is on the ground against the building to your right, in front of a corpse on the ground.

DRAGONFANG, DRAGONHORN, DRAGONBONE - Cleanse yourself of Xana in the church's Holy Water. *Achievement Unlocked*

SA51) After you help the Mage and Soldiers clear out the ghouls go back to the stone bridge. To the right of the bridge, on the wall, along the ground you'll see a stone you can use to open part of the ground. Do so, then drop into the water and swim to the opening.

R89) Along the left wall in SA51, to the right of a caged door.

R90) Back where you helped the Mage and Soldiers. Continue to your left around d the buildings and you will come to a grassy area. Turn left and follow the patch of grass to a destroyed building on your left. The Relic is on the ground behind the big keg.

SA52) Past the next loading screen you'll be inside a house. Turn to your right then use the ladder against the left wall to enter the attic.

SA53) Leave the house you're in, make a left and go down the steps. Make a left then lockpick the door to your right and enter the next house.

SA54) From SA53, exit the house, make a left, then left again. Go up the steps until you can make another left. Lockpick the house down the steps from you and enter it.

R91) From SA54, go back up the steps and continue straight, through the door, until it comes to some barrels. Make a right and follow the long alley. The Relic is on the ground behind a barrel.

SA55) After you meet back up with Percy. Turn around and look up at the windows of the bridge above you. Shoot a rope into the wooden beam of the left window. Jump on your rope, climb up and enter the window.

R92) Once inside SA55, turn left. The Relic should be right beside you.

SA56) Once Percy talks to you about raising the water level. Cross the short bridge. Lockpick the house to your right and enter it.

R93) Through the gate, on your way to the water wheel, go up the steps. Kill about a hundred ghouls (give or take) then cut the supports holding up the barrels on the left wall of the area. The Relic will fall with the barrels.

R94) After the next cutscene you'll be in the water. This Relic is right in front of you.

R95) Once the PaoKai battle begins, take refuge inside the room along the right wall. The Relic is in a hanging basket in front of two big kegs.

R96) When the Undead rise from the ground look to your right. You'll see a broken staircase. Jump across the gap and follow the path up to the top of the structure. The Relic is at the very top.

R97) Right beside the first chain you release to save Ishtvan.

R9 From the second chain you release to finally free Ishtvan, cross back over the bridge and turn right. Walk to the huge statue and turn left. Follow the hall until it drops off. To your right, behind a piece of metal is the Relic.

R99) As you make you way through the level you will see this Relic in the middle of the floor. Can't miss it.

R100) Enter the crypt. From the entrance if you look at the very far back wall you can see the Relic. In order to get it, drop down, go over to the wall and look up. Stick a rope in the board above you and climb up, near the top you can pick up the Relic.

R101) Before you enter Lamontian the Healer's crypt you will be in a room with four huge statues overlooking an abyss. The Relic is on a platform surrounding the pillar to the far, back left if you turn around from Lamontian's crypt. To grab the Relic you must jump and grab a chain, then jump to another chain, climb up a little and then you can collect it.

R102) When you enter Lamontian's Crypt look straight ahead. The Relic is on the ground in front of the huge statue. *Achievement Unlocked*

SA57) If you look up as you are standing to collect R102 you can see two beams above. Shoot ropes into both of them so that you can use the lower rope to jump onto the higher rope. Continue up, then jump into the alcove.

R103) To the left of the hallway leading to the next sub-level is a room with coffins. The Relic can be found on the right wall, up three holes from the floor. Jump and hold Y to pull yourself up to it.

R104) Whenever you meet back up with Leanna you'll be by a huge statue. The Relic is on the ground right in front of it.

R105) Before you walk up to Arantir as he's standing at his altar. Go to the right and you'll see the last Relic on another altar.

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