DEAD OR ALIVE 4 - SUCCÈS - blog Xbox One

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Publié le 07.03.2006 à 12:29 par Helori

Les succès de Dead or Alive 4 :

50 Wins in DOA Online
- 20 gamerpoints
- Win 50 games accumulatively in DOA Online.

Achieve a Bronze Star.
- 10 Gamerscore Points.
-Beat someone with a 10-14 win streak in DoA4 online.

Achieve a Gold Star.
- 30 Gamerscore Points.
- Beat someone with a 20+ win streak in DoA4 online.

Achieve a Silver Star.
- 20 Gamerscore Points.
- Beat someone with a 15-19 win streak in DoA4 online.

All Items in Survival mode
- 50 gamerpoints
- Collect all items in Survial mode.

Play DOA4 for 10 hours
- 10 Hours Played
- (20 Points)

Play DOA4 for 100 hours
- 100 Hours Played
- (40 Points)

Play DOA4 for 5 hours
- 5 Hours Played
- (10 Points)

Rank B in DOA Online
-(20 gamerpoints)
- Win enough DOA Online games to achieve this rank

Unlock all Costumes
- (50 gamerpoints)
- Unlock all costumes for every character (including secret characters)

Unlock Ein.
- 10 Gamerscore Points.
- Complete story mode with Hitomi.

Unlock Gen Fu.
- 10 Gamerscore Points.
- Complete story mode with Eliot.

Unlock Helena.
- 20 Gamerscore Points.
- Complete story mode with everyone.

Unlock Leon.
- 10 Gamerscore Points.
- Complete story mode with Zack.

Unlock Spartan-458.
- 20 Gamerscore Points.
- Complete story mode with Helena.

Unlock Tengu.
- 20 Gamerscore Points.
- Complete Time-attack mode with everyone. That includes secret characters.

Voilà, bon courage !

Source :

Posté le 09-03-06 @ 20:20

Moi j'ai fait 100 win au survival en "très difficile".

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