Publié le 06.03.2006 à 14:29 par Helori
Voici les succès de FINAL FIGHT 3 :
1. Burger King Achievement
- 100 points -
Win The BK Invitational Fight.
2. Dodge Achievement
- 100 points -
Win the Dodge sponsored fight.
3. EA SPORTS Achievement
- 150 points -
Win any EA SPORTS sponsored fight.
4. ESPN FNF Achievement
- 150 points -
Win any ESPN Friday Night Fight event.
5. ESPN PPV Achievement
- 150 points -
Win any ESPN Pay Per View fight event.
6. ESPN WNF Achievement
- 150 points -
Win any ESPN Wednesday Night Fight event.
7. Everlast Achievement
- 100 points -
Win the Everlast sponsored fight.
8. Under Armour Achievement
- 100 points -
Win the Under Armour sponsored fight.
Bon courage.
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